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WWE Monday Night RAW

25th July 2011

Jack Swagger def. Evan Bourne to advance to the finals of the WWE Undisputed title tournament.

Monday Night RAW picks up exactly where it left off last week, as the semi-finals of Mr. McMahon's acclaimed tournament commence. Although perhaps nobody else on the roster is as fast-paced as Evan Bourne, it is that same high-risk style that would ultimately be his downfall. After completely missing his target with the Shooting Star Press, Bourne finds himself trapped in the All-American American's patented Ankle Lock with no choice but to submit. The result means that the former World Heavyweight Champion is just one step away from challenging Christian for the WWE Undisputed Championship at SummerSlam, but whether he first has to overcome Dolph Ziggler or Rey Mysterio remains to be seen.


Drew McIntyre def. Alex Riley with the Future Shock DDT.

Two of the superstars that failed to grasp their respective opportunities last week are given the spotlight again tonight.


WWE Divas Champion Kelly Kelly and Alicia Fox def. The Bella Twins; Brie and Nikki.


Zack Ryder def. Primo with relative ease following a Rough Ryder.

Alberto Del Rio and R-Truth def. John Morrison and Kofi Kingston in tag team competition.


Rey Mysterio def. Dolph Ziggler to advance to the finals of the WWE Undisputed title tournament.

Overall Rating: 76%

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How long is the tip? How much music do you need? Do they like any old rock, or prefer long/shot songs?

In no particular order:

Meat Loaf - Bat out of Hell (full version)

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird (full version)

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama

Whitesnake - Here I Go Again

Motorhead - Ace of Spades

Metallica - Fuel

Metallica - Master of Puppets

Boston - More Than A Feeling

Led Zeppelin - Rock n Roll

Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love

Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar on Me

Judas Priest - Living After Midnight

Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills

Ozzy Osbourne - Suicide Solution

Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train

Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Crowley

Golden Earing - Radar Love (full version)

Europe - The Final Countdown (it HAS to be done!)

Rainbow - Since You've Been Gone

T.Rex - Children of the Revolution

T.Rex - Get It On

Marillion - Incommunicado

I'll edit more in later.

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Monday Night Raw - 4/4/11 - Atlanta, GA

The first edition of Raw following WrestleMania XXVII starts with a bang, as Triple H makes his way down to the ring to a thunderous ovation after his epic encounter with The Undertaker just twenty-four hours ago. The Game says that last night he hit Taker harder than he's ever hit anyone before, but it wasn't good enough. He thanks The Last Outlaw for giving him the fight of his life and, when he's back, he'll be waiting. The crowd applaud the prospect of a rematch, which distracts Triple H long enough for Sheamus to sneak into the ring and ambush the thirteen-time World Champion. The assault continues to the outside, where the United States Champion sends the King of Kings crashing into the ring steps. The Celtic Warrior stamps an exclamation mark on the attack with his trademark High Cross through the announce table.

Amongst the wreckage, Josh Mathews and Jerry Lawler do their best to formally introduce the show, discussing the attack at length before they are interrupted. 'Can I have your attention please?' asks Michael Cole, who struts onto the stage with a microphone. As he heads towards the ring, Cole introduces his close friend, personal trainer and the man that lead him to victory last night, Jack Swagger. The All-American American showboats to the crowd, performing push-ups on the ramp as he prepares to do battle with Evan 'Air' Bourne.

Jack Swagger def. Evan Bourne via submission to the Ankle Lock. Although perhaps nobody else on the roster is as fast-paced as Evan Bourne, it is that same high-risk style that would ultimately be his downfall. After missing his target with the Shooting Star Press, Bourne finds himself trapped in Swagger's patented Ankle Lock with no choice but to tap out. (**)

Michael Cole rejoins his running buddy for a celebratory victory lap of the ring, before baiting The King once more. Lawler, having heard enough, throws down his headset in exchange for a live microphone. King challenges him to a rematch right now but, sensing danger, Cole makes his excuses. He sees no reason why the two of them can't be friends again; so long as Jerry admits that he was beaten by the better man. Lawler declines the handshake, opting instead to grab Cole by the scruff of his neck, only to be blindsided by Swagger. Cole orchestrates the attack from a safe distance as the All-American American punishes Lawler with the Ankle Lock, breaking the hold only on Cole's demand, despite the intervention of several referees. Unable to continue, Lawler's seat at ringside is filled by Booker T for the remainder of the evening.

Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio def. CM Punk and Cody Rhodes in a tag team match. Last night Orton overcame CM Punk after weeks of physical and mental abuse, but his partner wasn't so lucky. Rey Mysterio finds that retribution tonight as, despite a valiant effort from Punk and Rhodes, their respective WrestleMania opponents prove seamless in their approach. Mysterio nails Rhodes with a 619 that sends him into the waiting arms of The Apex Predator, who levels his former Legacy cohort with an RKO for the win. (**¼)

An already relishable night for Michael Cole resumes after the break, as The Miz makes his way to the ring with Alex Riley, as always, riding shotgun. In keeping with last night's awesome video package, Miz talks about how he started his WWE career by being told to go back to the 'Real World,' but after last night nobody will ever tell him where to go again. Last night The Miz suffered a concussion that would've ended most men's careers but, not only did he continue, he went on to retain the WWE Championship. Eventually the WWE Universe is provided relief from this ego trip, as the debuting Sin Cara makes his spectacular entrance for the very first time. Allowing his actions to speak for him, Cara initially falls victim to the numbers game, but soon overwhelms his attackers with an unparalleled agility. As Miz and Riley flee to safety, Michael Cole receives an email from the anonymous Raw General Manager on his iPad. The message demands that Alex Riley returns to the ring for the impromptu debut match of Sin Cara next.

Sin Cara def. Alex Riley with a springboard moonsault. Sin Cara's WWE career gets off to an impressive start as, despite The Miz' best efforts to assist his Vice President of Corporate Communications, the internationally-renowned luchador earns the approval of the WWE Universe by forcing A-Ry to succumb to his unique acrobatic offense. (*½)

The entire arena is up in arms when we return from a commercial break. The only two words that can evoke such a response are 'EXCUSE ME!' as they herald the arrival of Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler. Vickie blames Lay-Cool for costing them their match last night, insisting that it had nothing to do with her business associate. Ziggler congratulates John Morrison on finally getting his big WrestleMania moment, but wonders how he would fare against him without Snooki, the most talented member of his team, in his corner. The challenge, it seems, is accepted.

John Morrison def. Dolph Ziggler with Starship Pain. Despite the hysterical outcry of the WWE's callous cougar at ringside, the Shaman of Sexy manages to defuse Ziggler for the second night in a row. After falling flat in his bid to beat JoMo in singles competition, Ziggler does indeed laugh last as he unleashes a brutal post-match beating; sending a message to the entire WWE Universe to the delight of Vickie Guerrero. (**¾)

After coming up short against The Miz last night, John Cena saves his appearance until the end of the show, where he promised to call out The Rock. Never one to go back on his word, Cena would indeed go one-on-one with The Great One, but not before addressing The Miz. Cena says it doesn't matter how it happened, Miz walked into WrestleMania as the WWE Champion and walked out still in possession of the belt and, for that, he earned his respect. That brings us to a 'certain someone' with whom Cena has unfinished business, and he wants to settle it right now! The Rock wastes little time in hitting the ring and unloads a verbal Smackdown on his candy ass. The time for talk is over, Cena insists; the people want to see a fight. The Rock proposes that they make history together, and extends a challenge for a match, one year from now, at WrestleMania 28. After much deliberation, John Cena accepts The Rock's hand, only to be pulled into a Rock Bottom to close the show.

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A few that haven't been mentioned yet...

Lonnie Mack - Cincinnati Jail (don't you dare leave this off!)

Golden Earring - Twilight Zone

Aerosmith - Dream on

Shinedown - Tie Your Mother Down (Queen cover)

Seether - Truth (your dad should like this)

Hinder - Lips of an Angel (horrible, horrible band, horrible song, at least in my opinion, may fit your tastes)

Audioslave - Original Fire

Metallica - Ain't My Bitch

Three Days Grace - Animal I've Become

Led Zeppelin - Over the Hills and Far Far Away

Led Zeppelin - Gallows Pole

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Try some MC5, that's classic stuff right there. It's something your old man might even appreciate.

Go with the songs Ramblin' Rose, Rama Lama Fa Fa, Highschool, and Come Together.

The Dictators are another good, sort of the bridge between rock and punk.

Try out Faster and Louder, Science Gone Too Far, California Sun, and Minnesota Strip.

Some X might go well with that mixture, too bad you don't have any. :P (I kid, I'll help you out on that one)

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Just band suggestions, mostly...


Alice Cooper

Bruce Springsteen

The Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today

The Clash

Coney Hatch - Monkey Bars (In the unlikely event you can find it, and even more unlikely event you've ever heard of it if you're not Canadian)

George Thorogood

Grand Funk Railroad - We're An American Band

Guns 'n Roses

Max Webster - Hangover

Max Webster - The Party

Motley Crue

Red Hot Chili Peppers (older stuff)


Sloan (might be too pop-oriented)


Talking Heads - Burning Down The House

Van Halen

The Who

ZZ Top

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Firegarden - The River

Cream - Crossroads

Stratovarius - Eagleheart

Hammerfall - Hero's Return

Dragonforce - Through The Fire and Flames

Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists

Existend - Screaming

The Unforeseen Crisis - Wake The Dead

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