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All those string tribute CDs you keep hearing about? Yeah, The Section Quartet.

Oh, what the hell, let's keep the ball rolling. The John Butler Trio gets no love when they're excellent musicians.

A very talented band from the Chattanooga, TN area be Crank Sinatra. They recently changed vocalists (their current one is now featured on MySpace) and while I'm not huge on the new vocal changes, they are some of the best musicians I've heard.

Crossbreed deserves some recognition for those into the more industrial sound.

(Yes, I know two of these are technically Christian-oriented bands. SFW?)

Instrumental metal? Try Pelican. Now.

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Vedera are the best girl fronted band out there.

Fuck. Yes. I was just about to pimp them since we were talking girl-fronted bands, glad to see someone else has been shown the way. I saw them in Detroit about a year back when they were Veda opening a show and they really blew me away. Kristen May is just outstanding.

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Speaking of girl fronted bands, there is this group out of Japan that is an all girl band called "Bleach". They have an awesome sound, sort of like if you made Primus's singer a Japanese female and made them smoke a bunch of angel dust. They're pretty intense and the bass work is amazing, I'd say fans of Primus or similar music would be well advised to check them out.

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Multi Purpose Chemical - political based band who are top rate for live quality and not so bad on the old recordings. Don't be put off by Hop Skip if that isn't your thing, check their other tunes on myspace.(www.multipurposechemical.com)

A re-pimp for Crotchduster for those who missed these wacky folks, and their dog drummer Cane.

I'm pretty sure i've pimped Nothingface enough, however they aren't well known in the UK, don't know about the US.

The Eagles of Death Metal well because.

I'll find some more later.

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Okay, because I'm bored.

YI Pimps Again;

The T4 Project : http://www.myspace.com/t4project

Basically punk-rock back to basics, with loads of guys from different bands. It's nothing flash, but I'm really liking it. 15 Minutes is horrifically catchy (I love the little walking bass part that comes in around 0:33 and again later). Introduction is new on, and I really like it too.

Strike Anywhere : http://www.myspace.com/strikeanywhere

The new stuff is more 'mainstream', not much though. Still all great stuff. One of my favourite hardcore-punk bands. I love both of the new songs on there, Sunset on 32nd is class too. I'm not overly fond of To The World though.

Ignite : http://www.myspace.com/ignitemusic

Again some pop-punk-rock. Released probably my favourite album of the year in "Our Darkest Days". It's a modern masterpiece. And guess what? You can steam the ENITRE ALBUM, off of their myspace. Great for a great 'low-quality' listen.

Chuck Ragan : http://www.myspace.com/chuckragan

With Hot Water Music unfortunately broken up, Chuck Ragan has got to work on some solo songs. He doesn't sing like an acoustic singer, but to me that just adds to the charm of some of these tracks. I absolutely adore "The Boat".

A Wilhelm Scream : http://www.myspace.com/awilhelmscream

Again, these are a band I hype up so much. But in my eyes they're on of the 'best' bands out there currently. Not just one of my favourites, I'll go on record as proclaiming them as one of the best bands out there at the minute. There's something for everyone. And some really catchy tracks. 5 track on here, as the video for "The Soft Sell" is on the page as well. The King is Dead and The Rip are both fucking classics.

Whippersnapper : http://www.myspace.com/whippersnappermusic

In my eyes one of the most underappreciated punk-rock acts. "The Long Walk" is a fucking immense album. Technically these guys are really solid, really tight. I'd really like to see more people come and appreciate these guys.

Ryan's Hope : http://www.myspace.com/ryanshope

IACEI!!! SEND ME THE MOTHERFUCKING ALBUM!!!! :angry::( I got it for you originally. "By The Sword" is especially sexy.

Edited by Mr. Kurt McKenna
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