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Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip - Season One

Guest Ringmaster

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Showtime are going to have a huge drop off in viewers. Except for Brotherhood, which is too awesome to ignore. >_>

A little late for that. The debut had like 400,000 people or something like that and the second and following episodes had like 100,000 or less I believe.

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I don't think so. Actually, it was even more of a big drop than 400,000.

Showtime’s drama premiered July 9 to 694,000 total viewers. Then, exploiting corporate synergy, CBS aired the episode to 3.4 million viewers. Despite the cross-promotion, the second episode’s premiere on Showtime got only 158,000 total viewers.
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I don't think so. Actually, it was even more of a big drop than 400,000.

Showtime's drama premiered July 9 to 694,000 total viewers. Then, exploiting corporate synergy, CBS aired the episode to 3.4 million viewers. Despite the cross-promotion, the second episode's premiere on Showtime got only 158,000 total viewers.

That is not good at all.

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Edit: And what's even worse to note is that, at the same time on HBO, Lucky Louie was getting 1.1 million viewers while this was doing bad. Now, I watched Lucky Louie and thought it was alright at times (thanks to Jim Norton), but this is sad that a show like that can do so much better than a show like Brotherhood.

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First, lets address the Studio 60 vs. 30 Rock comparison:

To me atleast, these shows appear to be very different. 30 Rock is done by Lorne Michaels and Tina Fey. It's probably going to be a lot of the crappy humor you see on SNL each and every week. Studio 60 from what I saw tonight will be about the struggles of making the show and the people. I'm surprised NBC picked up both shows when one is going to be mocking the other one and is mocking NBC's most succesful show.

Just finished watching it on the DVR. I was a HUGE SportsNight fan and it crushed me when ABC cancelled it to the point where I now hate Geena Davis as a person. (The Geena Davis Show took SportsNight's timeslot.) The way the show was shot and the dialouge reminded me of SportsNight, which is a very good thing. I never got into the West Wing but Sorkin's talent is obvious. Matthew Perry was great. He was the reason I ever tolerated Friends. Bradley Whitford was good. Didn't get to see too much too of others like DL Hughley but they needed to get a lot in. I'm not sold on Amanda Peet of being president of a major network but will see. Overall, a major thumbs up.

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