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Lost Season Three Discussion Thread


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Rumoured Spoilers for the end of the series:

Kate, Ben and Sayid all die. Jack ends up becoming leader of the Others, and Sawyer is the leader of the Losties' group. No news on Naomi. Oh, and...


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Next week's episode should be fantastic.

Ep 20 spoiler:

And according to an interview, Francois Chau has stated that Dr. Marvin Candle (the guy from the orientation films) is on the island and should be appearing in episode 20

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I really liked The Brig. It answered a few minor questions - stuff we already knew but weren't 100% on - and set up a few more questions; what will happen to Locke when he finds the Others again, what is the "higher purpose" that Richard Alpert mentioned, what did Juliet want to tell Kate...good stuff.

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Episodes like this one are why I watch Lost. There may be 3908498093498830940394039049302490 filler episodes that make me wanna hurt someone, but then you get something awesome like that and it pleases me.

We'll get answers next week, right? RIGHT!?

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I'm interested to see where this goes now that they've released an ending is coming for the series in 2010. With each season for the next three years only having 16 episodes. :(

I really enjoy this season compared to last, this year they seem to be back on track with the I don't realize it's over until it's over...where last season it was more droning on and on.

Episodes like last weeks and a few others this season truly make you love the show. So much so that my grandparents are now watching it.

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Don't read until you've seen The Man Behind The Curtain, spoilers that but nothing else:

So you know how they had that Lost tie-in novel "Bad Twin" while anyway I went frame by frame through the Locke/Ben/Jacob scene and I remarked to my mom that Jacob looked like Locke with one of those bad 1700s hair pieces. Then I remembered the book and thats my theory on it thus far.

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Wow, that was a great episode. Ben killed his dad (and it turns out he is the guy Hurley and company found earlier) and the others he was with killed the remainder of the Dharma people. Greatness. And that scene with Ben, Locke, and Jacobs was cool. But wow, Ben shooting Locke into the grave of the Dharma people was awesome.

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Holy fucking shit. I'm finally up to date. And holy. fucking. shit. Things are crazy, and I'm right back into being addicted. Jacob is, fuck knows, an enigma. He did crazy shit. Locke, laying shot? Don't die. Locke can't die, there's too much linking him to the island. But there are more deaths coming, and I'm scared because; [dont click if you didnt look at Katsuya's spoilers!!!]

SAYID BETTER NOT DIE!! He's immense, easily one of the top four Losties - along with Sawyer, Desmond & Jin. Also, KATE? That ruins all the love triangle thing too early. Ben dying I believe, it seems the logical thing to happen. Jack taking over though, that doesn't make sense yet. Also, as for Naomi, she said she wasn't alone, or whatever, that could be interesting.

So people are set to die, on tha note;

I heard ages ago Rose was set to be killed off, maybe she's one of the deaths? Also, Charlie seems very likely to die, it's a shame, but it'd add a great arc.

Anyway, Lost has sucked me right back in, and I'm as excited about the show as I've ever been.

Looking at the still of Jacob, it could very easily be Locke, look at the facial structure, though I imagine that was done on purpose.

Edited by sumSUM
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Not a spoiler, but no way is Locke dead. We didn't see him die, and it's already been established that he heals quickly as a result of his special rapport with the island. Besides, he's probably the most integral person in the entire show right now -- he's definitely going to pull through.

As for the deaths, Ben and Charlie are a lock to be killed off. People are claiming that Sayid and Kate are due to be killed off...I dunno. Sayid has an unresolved storyline with Nadia and an interesting backstory that has yet to be fully fleshed out -- plus he's a useful deus ex machina for the writers in his technological expertise. He's one of the best actors on the show, as well, which you hope would count for something. However, if they're looking for a shock death, he's got the least ties to other people in the current cast, so he'd be a likely candidate. However, recent spoilers seem to suggest that Sawyer's going to become leader of the 815ers, while Jack becomes leader of the Others, and I can only see Sawyer as leader with Sayid dead.

Kate, to me, seems more likely. They've gone about as far as they can with her character, and I don't see a long-term romance blossoming on Lost given the disdain shown for their relationship-centric first six episodes. Despite her popularity as one of the "faces" of Lost, she might be more useful as a story device to ultimately set Jack and Sawyer against each other, Lord of the Flies style, with Sawyer blaming Jack for her death. It'll be a shame if she dies, though -- she's been more tolerable this season than any other, acting as one of the few clear-headed, normal people on the island.

Regardless, it'll be a shame to kill off either character, as both contribute heavily to my enjoyment of the show. Plus, it'll leave the main cast fairly thin, with only Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Desmond, Claire, Jin, Sun, Juliet, and Locke as established characters. They can certainly flesh things out by bringing lesser characters like Naomi, Rousseau, Alex, Richard, Mikhail (aka Locke's punching bag), Rose, Bernard, and Tom to the forefront, but I don't feel that any of them are as compelling as the previously established characters. In addition, Lost doesn't have the best track record in introducing new characters -- Ana Lucia, Paolo, and Nikki all tanked miserably, and Juliet has received a tepid reaction at best. The only two successes have been Eko and Desmond, and one of them is dead.

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