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Lost Season Three Discussion Thread


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Really long shot, but remember Juliet's episode, when she was shown her sister over the TV in Mikhail's home? The guy reporting... was his name John? Not sure how that'd tie in, but for some reason I seem to remember him being called John.

Could it be Sawyer under a con-name? There were 3 years between that flashforward and the Island, perhaps they'd become good friends or something? Then again, it wouldn't fit the "not family or friend" thing.

Hell, maybe we're reading too much into it, maybe it's just someone he tried to fix whilst drunk and now they're dead.

Edited by wozzi
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Forgot about that part. Maybe John Locke isn't actually his father's son and is someone elses (i.e someone Lantham), thus realising he is John Lantham. But then he'd be a friend and wouldn't fit the casket. Also, he doesn't have a son.

And in answer to my own question, Charlie's 5'7, so it's not him (I'm determined to find a way for Charlie to still be in future episodes <_<)

EDIT: So, we're looking for a guy named John, who's 5 feet or less tall, who's an adult (because they have a fully grown teenager), has a kid, that knows both Kate and Jack, but isn't a friend/relative of Jack's.

To be honest, I'm thinking the crew just fucked up with the obituary.

EDIT 2: Anyone tried rearranging the letters of John Lantham or John Latham? We know the Lost crew have pulled anagrams before, as recently as last night.

Edited by - Matt -
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Forgot about that part. Maybe John Locke isn't actually his father's son and is someone elses (i.e someone Lantham), thus realising he is John Lantham. But then he'd be a friend and wouldn't fit the casket. Also, he doesn't have a son.

And in answer to my own question, Charlie's 5'7, so it's not him (I'm determined to find a way for Charlie to still be in future episodes <_<)

EDIT: So, we're looking for a guy named John, who's 5 feet or less tall, who's an adult (because they have a fully grown teenager), has a kid, that knows both Kate and Jack, but isn't a friend/relative of Jack's.

To be honest, I'm thinking the crew just fucked up with the obituary.

EDIT 2: Anyone tried rearranging the letters of John Lantham or John Latham? We know the Lost crew have pulled anagrams before, as recently as last night.

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Out of all of the small, minute details that these writers put into the show, you think that they'd screw up something as important as that? You've got to be out of your mind. Everything that they do have a purpose, and they're smart enough to know that if they show an obituary, it's got to make sense. It might not make sense right now, but I'm sure that it eventually will. That's what they've made the show on.
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Forgot about that part. Maybe John Locke isn't actually his father's son and is someone elses (i.e someone Lantham), thus realising he is John Lantham. But then he'd be a friend and wouldn't fit the casket. Also, he doesn't have a son.

And in answer to my own question, Charlie's 5'7, so it's not him (I'm determined to find a way for Charlie to still be in future episodes <_<)

EDIT: So, we're looking for a guy named John, who's 5 feet or less tall, who's an adult (because they have a fully grown teenager), has a kid, that knows both Kate and Jack, but isn't a friend/relative of Jack's.

To be honest, I'm thinking the crew just fucked up with the obituary.

EDIT 2: Anyone tried rearranging the letters of John Lantham or John Latham? We know the Lost crew have pulled anagrams before, as recently as last night.

Out of all of the small, minute details that these writers put into the show, you think that they'd screw up something as important as that? You've got to be out of your mind. Everything that they do have a purpose, and they're smart enough to know that if they show an obituary, it's got to make sense. It might not make sense right now, but I'm sure that it eventually will. That's what they've made the show on.

Like when they put the Dharma logo on the shark ;) Maybe they just took a legit obituary for John Lantham's death as a tribute, for their own pleasure (for want of a better word), like when they put the logo on the shark. What are the chances of us meeting a midget character somewhere down the line? Much less one they choose to name with the same name as one of the top 3 characters (Locke, Jack and Kate). Also, the philosopher died in February of this year, the episode was set on April 5th (13th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death, hence Scentless Apprentice playing), why would his obituary be 2 months after his death?

Edit: Not thinking, they're not the same person, just named after him.

Edited by - Matt -
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Does anyone know what the song Sky used for the previews of the last episode was? It was sort of a synthesised voice going "what the hell is going on."

Edit: NM, it was Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap.

Edited by Daydream Anonymous
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Guest Mike Sargent


On wikipedia it says that the name of the funeral parlour on the pic above is an anagram for "flash forward"

Also the phone Jack was using in his "flash forward" was not released until October 2006 so it couldn't have been a flashback (thats also from wikipedia).

Did anyone who knows phones spot this?

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I still think Michael is the one in the coffin. It was in the middle of a black neighborhood. That is just my feeling.

I thought John Lantham was the guy who played Jacob. Take it I am wrong?

I want to find out who Jacob is, and why Ben is keeping him locked in that cabin and what he needs help from.

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