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Lost Season Three Discussion Thread


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What did everyone think of last night's episode? Personally, I thought it wasn't that great and was a bit boring actually. It was definitely lacking. Maybe it's that I don't really care about the backstory of Jin/Sun or that we're still not seeing all our main characters. I liked the last 15 minutes or so and the part where Sawyer tried to take on the Others.

Although, I am looking forward to next week.

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Sawyer is such a badass, it's incredible. "You taste like strawberries." "You taste like fish-biscuits.." Yeah, the two episodes so far have been all right, I liked this one more than the season premiere though. I could've sworn that Sun got shot when she got off the boat though, but whatever, it sure looked like it. Next week should be awesome. And I'm way intrigued by The Others. He's been there his whole life? Holy crap.

Edit: Goddamn, I totally forgot about the whole Red Sox ending! That was hilarious! The look on Ben's face when Jack didn't believe him was priceless. "No, they were down 3-0 and came back!"

Edited by crazedfan
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It was rather boring due to the fact it revolved mostly around Sun and she is like the worst character ever. BUt yeah, I did like the ending with the Red Sox world series win playing. That was cool. Sawyer was still the best part of the show as usual.

Edited by Fitzy
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I like this week's show a lot and really disagree with people complaining about not seeing the other survivors for a little bit. With the split stories right now if you try to show everyone in the same episode you will only get like a couple minutes of each person and who really cares about that?

Besides most of their stuff wont really get going until Hurley gets back and it has got to take that slob quite a while to walk across the island :P

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I thought that episode was pretty meh. The Sun/Jin flashbacks just don't really interest me, even if I think Jin is awesome. Although, it was pretty interesting that Sun could have killed Jae. I did like the Red Sox reference they used. I thought the way Jack just laughed it off was pretty hilarious.

Edited by reyrey619
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The small link to Jacks dad and Red sox("Thats why the Red Sox will never win the World Series") made that pretty cool. I really liked this episode. I thought Sayid, Sawyer, Benjamin and Flashback Jin were all really good in this episode.

I was actually hoping Sayid would turn more ruthless but after apoligising to Sun/Jin I don't think he'll stay in his "Rescue Jack/Get the Others"£ frame of mind.

With Sayid and co being one or two days behind Hurley, with more knowledge of the island and a faster pace, I wouldnt be surprised if Sayid/Hurley met up before he got back to camp.

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I liked the episode, as well as the flashback.

I thought Sun had gotten pregnant from Jae but, there was obviously more time than I expected between that and the island. So, it's obvious now that they just had sex on the island, after the island solved Jin's... umm... man problems.

Sawyer was the best part of the episode though. I was hoping Sayid kicking some "Other" ass would be the best part but, that obviously didn't happen.

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I thought that episode was pretty meh. The Sun/Jin flashbacks just don't really interest me, even if I think Jin is awesome. Although, it was pretty interesting that Sun could have killed Jae. I did like the Red Sox reference they used. I thought the way Jack just laughed it off was pretty hilarious.

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I don't think anything in Lost is 'obvious' - especially since it didn't happen on camera. Personally, I think the fact that he landed on Jin's car is a little too random to be true - or at least, it implies there's more to the suicide than 'I can't have Sun so I'm going to kill myself.'

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I actually thought this was an amazing episode, we learned alot. That's crazy that Ben's been there his whole life and is able to get off the island if he wanted to. I've actually liked both of the flashbacks this season, which is weird because the flashbacks during season 2 started getting really old. I can't wait for the next episode though, it looks great.

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I thought that episode was pretty meh. The Sun/Jin flashbacks just don't really interest me, even if I think Jin is awesome. Although, it was pretty interesting that Sun could have killed Jae. I did like the Red Sox reference they used. I thought the way Jack just laughed it off was pretty hilarious.

I thought it was fairly obvious he suicided?

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I thought that episode was pretty meh. The Sun/Jin flashbacks just don't really interest me, even if I think Jin is awesome. Although, it was pretty interesting that Sun could have killed Jae. I did like the Red Sox reference they used. I thought the way Jack just laughed it off was pretty hilarious.

I thought it was fairly obvious he suicided?

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And you can twirl in mid air >_>

The guy just got the shit beaten out of him, was scared to death and couldn't take it anymore. If Sun found him in the room like that (Jin would have seen her go up anyway, so I seriously doubt that), she would have consoled him, not pushed him off the balcony. Plus, she ain't strong enough The likely reason he landed up like that was so we could see his face.

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I hate the whole 'Jack and his wife blahblah' thing. I just don't care any more Jack, go away.

I'm looking forward to episode three which will reveal what happened to the Hatch peoples. :)

All my favourite characters bar Sun, Jin, Charlie and Hurley are in the hatch...

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