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Iron Man The Movie

MalaCloudy Black

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Not the worst they could do, I guess. I'm not familiar at all with much of Downey's work though.

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I think that Robert Downey Jr is as good of an Iron Man as you're going to get. He's capable of being suave and debonair, but when the chips are down, he's had his fair share of personal problems, and I think that'll help him portray Tony Stark's own problems.

He'll pull the look off rather well, and I'm very excited now to see what happens with this.

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Wow. One of the last names I would have expected, but... I honestly can't imagine how this can be anything but great. I'm a big Iron Man fan, and I've really enjoyed Downey in everything I've seen him in, so I'm now looking forward to this even more than before.

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Downey is a great choice for Stark. My dream casting would have been Brad Pitt because whenever I read Iron man or The Avengers I always for some reason picture Pitt. But Downey will do fine.

Whenever I read anything I picture Brad Pitt.

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Woo, I like this casting. I'll admit to being unfamiliar to the source material and how well he "fits" with it, but Downey is a great actor so he could do a solid job with the work.

Tony Starks/Iron Man was (is?) an alcoholic.

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Downey is really the perfect pick here, and I feel like an idiot for not thinking of it prior to it being announced. What also excites me is John Favereau in the director's chair... I like that Marvel is really pulling all the stops for there first independantly produced film.

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Woo, I like this casting. I'll admit to being unfamiliar to the source material and how well he "fits" with it, but Downey is a great actor so he could do a solid job with the work.

Tony Starks/Iron Man was (is?) an alcoholic.


Tony Stark hasn't been an alcoholic for almost the past twenties years, if I'm not mistaken.

It's like saying Peter Parker is still a nerdy kid just out of highschool.

But eh well, pretty decent casting. Downey Jr. isn't that bad an actor from what I've seen (which is admittedly little) and if you do stick a goatee on him he could pull the Stark look off very well.

Don't get your panties in a twist bub, I said was. I haven't read Iron Man in years and wasn't sure if he still was or not.

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Goatee? I always remember Stark having a 'tashe.

I'm a fan of Downey Jr. I never wanted to see someone like Cruise in the role, I don't like 'big stars' playing established fictional characters. I much prefer guys like Chris Nolan, who IMO have a chance to make the role their own.

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Woo, I like this casting. I'll admit to being unfamiliar to the source material and how well he "fits" with it, but Downey is a great actor so he could do a solid job with the work.

Tony Starks/Iron Man was (is?) an alcoholic.


Tony Stark hasn't been an alcoholic for almost the past twenties years, if I'm not mistaken.

It's like saying Peter Parker is still a nerdy kid just out of highschool.

But eh well, pretty decent casting. Downey Jr. isn't that bad an actor from what I've seen (which is admittedly little) and if you do stick a goatee on him he could pull the Stark look off very well.

Don't get your panties in a twist bub, I said was. I haven't read Iron Man in years and wasn't sure if he still was or not.

Once and alkie always an alkie. Now he's just a murdering prick.

Gotta love Nu Marvel. :shifty:

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Christian BALE!!!!

Soz, was kinda tired when I wrote that. Though i thought something about it didn't sound right.

Regardless of Stark's current situation, one of the most enduring themes in the comic was his battle against alcoholism, so you can bet it'll turn up in the movie.

And I can't wait to see Downey jr in the role. It's one of those castings that just feels right, y'now?

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  • 2 weeks later...

And now Terrence Howard has been cast as James "Rhodey" Rhodes. This movie is getting some awesome casting thus far. Hopefully they use Pepper Potts and cast some really hot redhead. [/showing my age and my level of geekdom TRS style]

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