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OK Computer is overated wank.


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So I bought Q this month; 20th Anniversary issue, has some pretty interesting interviews, and as is expected from an anniversary issue, it lists the top 20 songs/albums/films etc. that have come out in the history of the mag.

Album #1: Radiohead - OK Computer.

Fuck right off. I mean, I've seen that album place so high on every fucking list about all the best albums ever, and it's bullshit. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Radiohead; think they're a brilliant band; but discarding the shittiness that was Pablo Honey, I'd rate it as the worst Radiohead album. Ever.

Kid A > The Bends > Hail to the Thief > OK Computer.

I've still not got Amnesiac, so I'll leave it out.

But seriously, why does everyone like OK Computer so much? I count like 4 good songs on it. The rest is just wank.

Ugh. Zines get it all wrong.

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Guest The Ringy Complex

The Bends > OK Computer > Hail to the Thief > Kid A > Pablo Honey (the saving grace is Creep) > Amnesiac.

I guess people love OK Computer because it's trendsetting and shit >_>

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The Bends > OK Computer > Hail to the Thief > Kid A > Pablo Honey (the saving grace is Creep) > Amnesiac.

I guess people love OK Computer because it's trendsetting and shit >_>

Yeah, I understand that completely, and the good songs on it are great, but the rest of the album is just dull. Other than the obvious Paranoid Android and No Surprises, as well as Electioneering, Airbag and Karma Police, I think it's a trite album. To me the slower songs don't have the same fear that songs off The Bends do, and the faster, more trancey songs don't have the angst that Kid A or HTTF has.

It's not a bad album by any means, but it is so overated. I suppose it was just the hype I got for the album. I grew up with my sister blasting out The Bends at every possible minute, and that just clicked for me. Couple that with the non-stop barrage of 5 star reviews list topping success and I guess I set myself up for a fall.

And Kid A is so not one of their lower tier albums. 'Everything In It's Right Place', the title track, 'Idoteque', 'National Anthem' and 'Motion Picture Soundtrack' are some of the greatest pieces of music every put onto record. It's like listening to a chillout album whilst being raped! Terrifying record.

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I actually would go as far as saying that The Bends is my favourite album of all time. Out of everything I've ever heard. I love each and every song on that album. It left a unique feeling. The actual track 'The Bends' is one of those tracks that you wished would have been a minute longer.

Yeh, instead of making a new topic, what is your favourite Radiohead song?

I have a shortlist, and surprisingly it consists of:

Planet Telex

High And Dry

The Bends

Black Star


Edited by Lost Soul
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Idioteque remains my favourite ever song by Radiohead, and would definitely be in my top ten list of all time too. It's one of the first Radiohead songs I heard (it was on a best of Q compilation one year), and I listened to it over and over again!

Other than that; Just, Sit Down Stand Up, Myxamotisis, Electioneering and The Bends. All great songs, and they all leave me too scared to turn off the lights afterwards. Radiohead are just too creepy!

Edit: And throw in 'How To Disappear Completely' too, because it's the only song I can think of that actually almost brings a tear to my eye!

Edited by Ollie Beak
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Well if we're talking about favourite Radiohead songs I would say (in no order):

+ Let Down (well ok, this IS their best track)

+ Ideoteque

+ No Surprises (amazing video considering it's pretty much just Thom Yorke's face and him holding his breath)

+ Fake Plastic Trees (1990s emo alert)

+ National Anthem

+ Everything In It's Right Place

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In no particular order:

Everything In It's Right Place

Kid A

The National Anthem

How To Disappear Completely



In Limbo


Morning Bell

Motion Picture Soundtrack


Oh, and throw in Exit Music (For A Film).

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