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Marvel Ultimate Alliance

Timmoru Suzuki

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You must not've defeated all the comic missions, then, that's all I can think of. He's supposed to be unlocked after defeating all comic missions.

Or you could just use a cheatcode.

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Confirmation of a sequel, pookiebears.

I debated making a new topic for it but I figured I'd just bump this one and put it here, maybe get some discussion going - what do you hope the sequel brings in terms of story, playable characters etcetera? Personally I'm hoping to see a larger roster of heroes. More X-Men, and more relatively obscure characters - how awesome would Iron Fist be? Very. That's the correct answer.

I also hope it comes out on the PS2 ( >_> ) because I've yet to scrounge the money together for a next-gen console and I'm unsure if I will have done so if the game comes out before, say, Christmas this year.

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More heroes... and possibly villains. Just more characters to mess around with, especially She-Hulk. Punisher too. More characters is always good. Hell, if for storyline purposes it doesn't make sense for characters to be playable at first, just add them in as extra unlockables for a second run through.

I'd adjust the gameplay and camera a bit too. Less button mashy and a camera better suited to showing what the hell is going on. The last game especially had a very cluster-fuckish nature at times. More varied enemies would be grand also. Differently sized guys or differently coloured guys, or both, get dull after a time.

As for the story. I'd have no clue really, aside from wanting Thanos as the main villain. Do an altered take on the Infinity Gauntlet/War. After the story in the last game, there's really only so many ways to equal and/or top that.

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I'd imagine it will involve Galactus and Black Widow if the end of the last game is any indication. Also perhaps use Nightcrawler or Jean Grey who 'died' in that game?

As for characters, there are some obvious choices (Punisher) and hopefully it will feature the Kingpin in some way. As was said, playing as some villain is nice, but adding the Hulk should be a main priority.
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I imagine they'll include the characters from the character add on packs that were downloadable, so IIRC that would mean Cyclops Nightcrawler, Hawkeye, Hulk, Dr. Doom, Magneto, Venom and Sabertooth. Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Hawkeye, Venom, Magneto and Sabertooth SHOULD be in there, it'd be criminal to leave them out. Hopefully Colossus and Moon Knight will return as 360 characters, and I'd personally like to see Gambit and Iron Fist the most. And ideally Rogue.

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Definetely make it to the art style of XML 2.

Just add Vision, Hawkeye and She-Hulk and it will be great.

I hope they don't use any villains from the last game. Although would limit the choice of the main boss.

Perhaps Baron Zemo and The Masters Of Evil/Thunderbolts? With end of act bosses being Dark Phoenix, Red Skull, Venom and Carnage (Venom and Carnage being one fight) Thanos and Hulk.

Of course make Hulk so you unlock him later, like Silver Surfer, Black Widow and a few others in the 1st one.

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I'd imagine it will involve Galactus and Black Widow if the end of the last game is any indication. Also perhaps use Nightcrawler or Jean Grey who 'died' in that game?

As for characters, there are some obvious choices (Punisher) and hopefully it will feature the Kingpin in some way. As was said, playing as some villain is nice, but adding the Hulk should be a main priority.

What about Black Widow? >_> It's been a bit since I've played through - just recently restarted and am up to Mephisto's Realm, but I can't remember if it was ever revealed that Widow was a traitor or not.

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I'd imagine it will involve Galactus and Black Widow if the end of the last game is any indication. Also perhaps use Nightcrawler or Jean Grey who 'died' in that game?

As for characters, there are some obvious choices (Punisher) and hopefully it will feature the Kingpin in some way. As was said, playing as some villain is nice, but adding the Hulk should be a main priority.

What about Black Widow? >_> It's been a bit since I've played through - just recently restarted and am up to Mephisto's Realm, but I can't remember if it was ever revealed that Widow was a traitor or not.

Naw, Fury sent her as a spy or something, I think. I love how it's revealed to. You spend all that time and finally Fury is just like. "Dudes, this is how it is." and it's done.
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I preferred the one you unlocked costumes and the way the powers were in XML2 and like someone else said how you unlocked characters in XML1, how you gradually unlock characters throughout the game and not just handed all of them at the start. Hulk and Hawkeye should of been in from the start but I'm glad I got the Gold Edition. I also missed those little mission briefings from X-Men Legends where some of the characters talked about the current mission, yes there was some in MUA but they were nowhere near as good.

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I want the briefings from XML 2 back. They just had 4 characters talking about the mission (+ Prof X and Magneto) I'd then use that team too beat the mission on replays.

I'm thinking of trading in my Wii copy for a PS3 copy of MUA. But then it would be my 3rd copy (PS2 initially) which is just sad.

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I'd imagine it will involve Galactus and Black Widow if the end of the last game is any indication. Also perhaps use Nightcrawler or Jean Grey who 'died' in that game?

As for characters, there are some obvious choices (Punisher) and hopefully it will feature the Kingpin in some way. As was said, playing as some villain is nice, but adding the Hulk should be a main priority.

What about Black Widow? >_> It's been a bit since I've played through - just recently restarted and am up to Mephisto's Realm, but I can't remember if it was ever revealed that Widow was a traitor or not.

Naw, Fury sent her as a spy or something, I think. I love how it's revealed to. You spend all that time and finally Fury is just like. "Dudes, this is how it is." and it's done.

Wasn't it revealed in the end game sequence, when the screen goes black at the very end, that she was actually a traitor?
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Kerr's right.


It's down the page in the "Subplot" section.

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