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Final Fantasy XII

Riceman 4K

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I don't believe this. FFXII had been annoying me for a little while - mainly because the battle style, which I was okay with at first, increasingly bugged me withhow readily it would just descend into hacky-slashy mayhem, and also because the process of levelling up was getting on nerves. Coupled with my pre-existing gripes such as the gambit system (which I can't stand) and to a lesser extent the license system (which is okay, but half the time you don't feel like you're achieving anything)...yeah, I ejected the game from my PS2 and stuck in Final Fantasy VII...disc 1.

I feel like I'm a failure or something. <_<

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I have to agree with stokeriño, the leveling thing is horrible...takes for-fucking-ever to level up! Main reason I'm not playing it right now....I'm tempted to start playing FF 8 again, but the second I get .hack G.U//Vol. 2 I'm dropping all other games.

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That bomb king is the most annoying FF boss of all time. Fact.

I did kill him first time, but it annoyed fuck out of me. First spending twenty minutes chasing the bastard while he summoned regular bombs, all the while having to wipe oil off me with hankies or risk getting burnt to death. Then after that, the scumbag started using renew and filling his life right back up. Repeat three times. Then the guy went on a Fira magic spree that would have killed me save for a high dosage of Cura/Curaga. I finally dropped him though.

Funny thing was, I didn't even need to kill him yet. Was supposed to be going east in Salikawood and went west by mistake.

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As do I, but really the existance of the Gambit system in the first place is just an attempt to cover the shoddy hacky-slashy randomness of the new battle system anyway.

I mean Christ, I know random battles annoy everyone at times, but playing FF7 and actually having structured and paced control over what all my party members did gave SUCH a feeling of weight off my shoulders.

Edited by stokeriño
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Fuck this game. I struggle and struggle to defeat Tiamat, eventually do.....and I then wander into the forest and get attacked by an even HARDER monster, who destroys me with ease.

I'm always skeptical when there is a save point in a seemingly random place, and I was right this time >_>

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Fuck this game. I struggle and struggle to defeat Tiamat, eventually do.....and I then wander into the forest and get attacked by an even HARDER monster, who destroys me with ease.

I'm always skeptical when there is a save point in a seemingly random place, and I was right this time >_>

Mwahaha, I just defeated that myself but forgot to save before I got to the wyrm. However, the best part is... I have no idea how anyone can die with decent levels ANYTIME Larsa is in the party, as I had a build up of 43 phoenix downs by the time he left.

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My problem with Larsa is I got him at Level 15, because I am shit at levelling up. Finally, I realised I needed to go back and do some, yet Larsa doesn't level up. So I have my team all up in the 20's practically, and him sitting on 15 still.

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