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K-Fed Fails

Mr Evil Guy

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Well this will be interesting (although this has only been confirmed by a tabloid yet, and quite a few people are questioning its legitimacy)

SUPERSTAR Britney Spears is facing a mega divorce payout because she did it again and again and again...on a HONEYMOON sex video.

Dumped husband Kevin Federline has been touting the four-hour tape for sale and has already been offered £26 MILLION.

A film company wants to make it available online to fans around the world.

One close pal said: "This vid is dynamite and Kev knows it."

And the News of the World can also reveal that Britney slapped divorce papers on Federline—who had already been linked with hookers—after she caught him in a bedroom with another woman. .......

SEE FULL ARTICLE AT: http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/story_page.../showbiz1.shtml

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From Family Guy - "The King is Dead"

Stewie: You know, it is so fashionable to take a shot at Jay Leno. Look, the fact is the man is out there every bloody night with fresh material and he's charming.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Los Angeles, CA (AHN) - Britney Spears is not ready to play nice and will do anything to send the lame "Popozao" rapper - who probably doesn't even understand the lyrics to his song - right into the dog house.

It seems like Britney Spears wants to make her soon-to-be ex's life a living hell before he tries to turn the tables around on her. Reports say that she's so desperate to ruin Fed Ex's image that she is strongly considering just "giving away" a copy of her alleged sex tape.

The raunchy sex tape - or perhaps boring sex tape a la Paris Hilton - is said to have been made during the couple's honeymoon two years ago, in the middle of nowhere.

DigitalJournal.com notes that BritBrit is "seriously thinking about" giving away the tape, which is sure to be the most watched sex tape in the nation. Sad but true. Sources also say the tape is four hours long.

During a recent trip to Lousiana, the pop princess stopped by her favorite eatery - Burger Basket. The owner of Burger Basket, Nyla Price says BritBrit wants to give away the tape to prevent K-Fed from making any mula off the sales.

According to Gossip.commongate.com, Nyla said, "Brit figures she'll beat that sucker to the punch, just like she did by giving away pictures of Jayden James.

She added, "Half of nuthin' is nuthin', and that's what her lying skunk of a husband will get if she gives that video away before he can find some sleazeball to buy it."

Nyla also says the tape is actually forty-five minutes long and not four hours.

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If she does have a copy I think she will release it just so K-Fed can't get any money for it after all if K-Fed is going to release it anyway she will have nothing to lose by doing so herself.

If she hasn't got a copy I guess K-Fed will sell it as the distributors will only wait so long for her free copy of course she could wait to see if he sells it then release it afterwards for free to some website ect.

After all who's going to pay X amount for a copy/download when another site will be giving it away hell even Britney herself could set a free download site up

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