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Ronald Reagan

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How could you guys say he was a shit politician? In my opinion, he's one of the Top 5 Presidents America has had. When you really look back at it, he did a lot over his 8 years in the White House. I just think that it's assinine to say thigns like that, it's basically talking out of your ass. If you're not familiar with Reagan's term in the White House, don't discredit him as a politician just because he was a B movie actor.

Well, yeah. Reagan is one of the best five Presidents of all time. He unlike any others got away with so much crime and with so little attention put onto it. Partial genocide of the poor urban blacks and the homosexual populations (crack and/or AIDS). Tons of business crimes, bribery problems. Wasn't his attorney general investigated for criminal violations several times too? I could keep going...

Edited by Lowerdeck
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Hey, if you can commit genocide and hate crimes and not be thrown in front of the World Court ... he did one hell of a job.

That and his Reaganomics plan favored the super-rich business cronies shoving strap-ons into his ass at the expense of fucking over the poor ... cause you know poor people don't matter.

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Humphrey Bogart and John Wayne spring to mind as being very one note actors who seem to play the exact same character in every movie they ever made, same as Jack Nicholson.

Take that back.

Why should he take back something that is true? Nicholson is great, so is guys like Michael Madsen, but it's hard not to argue that they are doing the same character in all of their movies.

I don't view Jack as playing the same character again and again.

I love Jack, he's great, but what killed The Shining for example is that he wasn't playing Jack Torrance, the writer who loves his family and is only doing this winter caretaker thing because he has to, he was playing crazy Jack like he plays in almost all of his movies from Wolf to Cukoos Nest to Batman to Anger Management to Witches of Eastwick. It's a great character and it's made him millions of dollars so kudos to him, but it's not exactly like he stretches the acting ability by taking roles he's never played before and acting in ways he's never acted.

Except for maybe The Crossing Guard, but even then we see crazy Jack quite a bit.

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I'd put Reagan just above Nixon in the list of "great presidents". Both men did some great things, but that's completely (and quite rightly) overshadowed by the negative aspects of their presidency.

He was anti-abortion, anti-homosexuality, anti-almost all civil rights legislation, pro-death penalty, his administration sold arms to Iran, did absolutely nothing about the AIDS epidemic, and allegedly his administration were at least partly behind the spreading of crack in black ghettos to subdue working class blacks.

That's one hell of a presidency right there.

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Ronald Reagen doesn't care about black people.

But if you're a well to do white American, he's your best friend.

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I'd put Reagan just above Nixon in the list of "great presidents". Both men did some great things, but that's completely (and quite rightly) overshadowed by the negative aspects of their presidency.

He was anti-abortion, anti-homosexuality, anti-almost all civil rights legislation, pro-death penalty, his administration sold arms to Iran, did absolutely nothing about the AIDS epidemic, and allegedly his administration were at least partly behind the spreading of crack in black ghettos to subdue working class blacks.

That's one hell of a presidency right there.

Iraq actually.

Isn't it funny how this country works? A enemy of our enemy is a friend, even if their government is led by a genocidal maniac who uses our weapons to kill his own and then later us.

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I'm fairly sure it was Iran that Reagan sold arms to, although he may well have done the same to Iraq. He sold arms to Iran and used the proceeds to fund the Contras in Nicaragua.

Again, what a President!

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I'd put Reagan just above Nixon in the list of "great presidents". Both men did some great things, but that's completely (and quite rightly) overshadowed by the negative aspects of their presidency.

He was anti-abortion, anti-homosexuality, anti-almost all civil rights legislation, pro-death penalty, his administration sold arms to Iran, did absolutely nothing about the AIDS epidemic, and allegedly his administration were at least partly behind the spreading of crack in black ghettos to subdue working class blacks.

That's one hell of a presidency right there.

Iraq actually.

Isn't it funny how this country works? A enemy of our enemy is a friend, even if their government is led by a genocidal maniac who uses our weapons to kill his own and then later us.

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He was anti-abortion, anti-homosexuality,

You act as if this completelty bad. Call them fanatics or call them evangelical christians but a clear majority of this country support those practices and that is why Reagan won two of the biggest landslides in electoral history. Sure he had scandals but name me a president that hasn't?

I act as if it's completely bad because it IS. While abortion is debatable, I would say that it should be legalised, because ultimately it's down to the personal choice and beliefs of the individual. I don't want to get into a Pro-Choice/Pro-Life (I fucking hate that term) argument, but essentially, the life of a woman should never be held to be less important than the cluster of cells growing inside her.

And I don't care how many people support anti-homosexuality, it's a fascist viewpoint, and one entirely undesirable in someone who's running the world's most powerful country. While Reagan did make a number of token gestures supporting equal rights for homosexuals, and actually opposed a bill put forward to prevent homosexuals from working in schools, as President he was against civil rights legislation relating to sexual orientation and against efforts to repeal sodomy laws. That's not desirable behaviour for someone running *any* country, let alone the most powerful country in the world, and one that's allegedly a democracy.

Just because a lot of people believe something, it doesn't make it right.

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But he got the most votes, so what he does America decided was right.

No. Voting against Reagan meant you're a crypto-fascist communist who rapes and murders virgin children and eats babies. You're also the anti-Christ and are personally responsible for the moral and criminal decay of America.

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