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Ronald Reagan

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He was an okay actor, but he wasn't a Cary Grant or a James Stewart. In fact his most famous movies were with a monkey, so that being his claim to fame in Hollywood says a lot.

Of course some of our greatest actors of all time aren't very good actors really. Humphrey Bogart and John Wayne spring to mind as being very one note actors who seem to play the exact same character in every movie they ever made, same as Jack Nicholson.

And finally, some would say his best acting came when he got into the White House, putting some Oscar calibre performances.

Edited by TGC_Fan10101HAHA
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Guest The Bleeding Heart Show of Ringy

To add to what TGC said, acting in the 30s, 40s and 50s was mostly about having a nice voice. It wasn't until James Dean came along that acting became acting, as opposed to repeating lines as nicely as possible. If you look at the main actors of the time like Gable, Bogart, Grant, those types of guys, they all had those really nice sounding voices that echoed and that's pretty much why they were popular.

Reagan had one of those voices, but he was standard fare for the time. Those movies with him and the monkey > * though >_>

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Reagan was a decent actor, but nothing special. Like TSCM said, he was pretty much b-list, talentwise.

Interestingly enough, his last movie role was as a crime boss, but he usually played good guys. I think there was another movie where he played a bad guy, but I can't remember for sure.

If you've ever heard of the Dead End Kids, he did a movie or two with them.

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To add to what TGC said, acting in the 30s, 40s and 50s was mostly about having a nice voice. It wasn't until James Dean came along that acting became acting, as opposed to repeating lines as nicely as possible. If you look at the main actors of the time like Gable, Bogart, Grant, those types of guys, they all had those really nice sounding voices that echoed and that's pretty much why they were popular.

Reagan had one of those voices, but he was standard fare for the time. Those movies with him and the monkey > * though >_>

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How could you guys say he was a shit politician? In my opinion, he's one of the Top 5 Presidents America has had. When you really look back at it, he did a lot over his 8 years in the White House. I just think that it's assinine to say thigns like that, it's basically talking out of your ass. If you're not familiar with Reagan's term in the White House, don't discredit him as a politician just because he was a B movie actor.

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How could you guys say he was a shit politician? In my opinion, he's one of the Top 5 Presidents America has had. When you really look back at it, he did a lot over his 8 years in the White House. I just think that it's assinine to say thigns like that, it's basically talking out of your ass. If you're not familiar with Reagan's term in the White House, don't discredit him as a politician just because he was a B movie actor.

I actually agree that Reagan was a great President, unless you have liberal views, then you might not think that way. Reagan did a lot of bad things for this country, there is no doubt about it.

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Guest The Bleeding Heart Show of Ringy

To add to what TGC said, acting in the 30s, 40s and 50s was mostly about having a nice voice. It wasn't until James Dean came along that acting became acting, as opposed to repeating lines as nicely as possible. If you look at the main actors of the time like Gable, Bogart, Grant, those types of guys, they all had those really nice sounding voices that echoed and that's pretty much why they were popular.

Reagan had one of those voices, but he was standard fare for the time. Those movies with him and the monkey > * though >_>

It's A Wonderful Life clearly proves Jimmy Stewart was more than just a voice. And say what you will about Bogart, but how many people from today can deliver dialogue that well? The fact that he didn't chew the scenery didn't mean he wasn't awesome.

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Yeah, Jack Nicholson is a great actor. Jack Niclaus is a great golfer. And Ronald Reagen was a bad president.

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