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EWB's Top 50 Televison Shows


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10. Prison Break

Editors Opinion: A very good new show. Has some good character development, and as predictable as them escaping was, it still manages to throw up some curve balls.


9. House MD

Very awesome show. Hugh Laurie makes this show what it is, but his supporting cast is good too. Just a little over-shadowed is all.


8. Angel

The second Whedon show to make it on here, and very worthy of its spot. For a spin-off, it seemed to avoid the curse and functioned very well on its own, something not many spin-offs manage to do.


7. Futurama

A good show. Funny in all the right places, and drawn by Matt Groening, anyone else hoping for a return?


6. Family Guy

Well, this about shows what EWB loves doesn't it? Humor dominated the top 10, and rightfully so, with shows like Family Guy and Futurama in it. Family Guy is a good show, and if I had a dad like Peter, I'd probably be begging for Welfare. Giggity Giggity.

Coming up next, The end of a trilogy.

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Family Guy ahead of Futurama is terrible.

You have Family Guy, a show that should have been (pernamently) canceled after Season 2.

Then you have Futurama, a show that should have never been canceled. I actually rank this show as an equal to The Simpsons. The only animated primetime shows that compare to them are The Flinstones and The Jetsons.

Don't watch PB or Angel.

And House is a pretty good show.

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5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Giles: Our new Fuehrer, Mr. Snyder--

Willow: I think they call 'em "principals" now.

Giles: He thought it would behove me to have more contact with the students. I did attempt to explain that my vocational choice of librarian was a deliberate attempt to minimize said contact, but he would have none of it.

Buffy: Giles, unto every generation is born one who must run the annual talentless show. You cannot escape your destiny.

Giles: If you had any shred of decency, you would have participated, or at least, um, helped.

Buffy: Nah. I think I'll take on your traditional role, and watch.

Xander: And mock.

Willow: And laugh.

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The last one or two series of Buffy grated on me a little bit. Everything involving Spike was awesome, but it did get to the point where Buffy herself would make the same little motivational speech in every single episode. Other than that, most of it was golden. One of the weekly staples of my viewing back when it was new...and I had Sky 1.

And I swear, if Lost appears in this final four (which I guess is inevitable now), it'll be a farce. I cannot think of a show more overhyped in my 21 years of existence.

Edited by stokeriño
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And I swear, if Lost appears in this final four (which I guess is inevitable now), it'll be a farce. I cannot think of a show more overhyped in my 21 years of existence.

You even watched it? At all?

In my opinion, it's the most exciting show on television at the moment. The writing is brilliant, and the acting is some of the best I've ever seen on TV, particularly Terry O'Quinn and Matthew Fox. If it comes #1, it'll be thoroughly deserved.

Yes. I have. About half of the first series and some random episodes from the next two (though my girlfriend watches it, so watching a random episode inevitably means I get everything I've missed explained to me whether I want to or not). If they didn't just make it up as they went along I could at least watch it with some pretense of caring where it was supposedly going. SO many things are thrown in with a kind of "yeah, that'll get a cool 'OMG' reaction from the fans", regardless of whether they have a proper reason for it or if they'll just think of something later. So I can't help but think "fuck, I can't stand seven-or-however-many series of this bullshit before they finally decide to try (and probably fail, knowing most long-running TV series) to wrap anything up properly". Their character writing is good, I'll give them that, but no more amazing than other top drama shows. It's the plot writing that shows no skill other than that of Bullshitting 101.

And when I say overhyped, I mean how people I know treat it like its the Second Coming of Jesus, in digital form. Even if you think it's good, it's not THAT good. And I also I mean like when Channel 4 dropped it after series 2 because the cost per episode had increased immensely while UK viewership had fallen by half since series 1. That's a sign of it being a victim of its own hype if ever I saw one.

Yeah, I have an unnecessarily harsh opinion of Lost. You're not going to be able to convince me otherwise.

Edited by stokeriño
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And I swear, if Lost appears in this final four (which I guess is inevitable now), it'll be a farce. I cannot think of a show more overhyped in my 21 years of existence.

You even watched it? At all?

In my opinion, it's the most exciting show on television at the moment. The writing is brilliant, and the acting is some of the best I've ever seen on TV, particularly Terry O'Quinn and Matthew Fox. If it comes #1, it'll be thoroughly deserved.

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Futurama may well be the best of the cartoons around these days.

Nothing is better than the episode where Bender is shot into space and a living community starts to grow on him and evolve. It's genius.

While some of the Family Guy jokes and concepts are amusing it drags behind Simpsons and Futurama for me (and maybe even American Dad which makes the most of it's one joke).

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