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The Official 360 Smackdown VS Raw EWB League

Gongsun Zan

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Current Rankings: (19/11/06)

1. Gongsun Zan ----- 0 (0/0/0)

1. Kaneanite --------- 0 (0/0/0)

1. Zero -------------- 0 (0/0/0)

1. Pepsi ------------- 0 (0/0/0)

1. oldskool ---------- 0 (0/0/0)

1. Rabid Wolverine --- 0 (0/0/0)

1. Laice --------------0 (0/0/0)


Ok guys, here's the deal. If you have the 360 version of SDvRaw, as well as XBL, all you have to do to sign up is post in this thread. Don't be afraid if you haven't posted much before, everyone is welcome to join, since this is all in the name of fun.

Anyway, as suggested by Zero, I figure we could start things off with a mini-tournament. The winner gets to design the EWB title. From then on, only the person ranked below the current champion can challenge for the title.

Anyway, scoring shall be pretty standard, with a win worth 3 points, a draw 1, and a loss 0. Defending a title doesn't earn you any points, instead, if you lose a match, you get three points knocked off your total.

To keep things fair, and to prevent the same two people from spamming a few hundred matches to boost their ranking, I will book the matches, decided by ranking, or any challenge posted in the thread. Once a whole 'card' has been done, and the results posted in the thread, we move on to the next one, and so on. You are welcome to play amongst yourselves of course, but for the purpose of the league, only officially booked matches count.

Anyway, signups for the tournament will last exactly 24 hours, after which, I'll figure out how to organize the tournament.

So anyway, discuss.

Edited by Gongsun Zan
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I'll join as the league jobber enhancement talent, although my XBL subscription has run out so I won't actually be able to compete till I can buy a new one (which will probably be tomorrow)

Gamertag: Zed619

EDIT: OK, I'm subscribed and ready to go, get me into this thing

Edited by SwantonEdge
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I'm in (apparently I was in anyway...nice?).

That said, I've been reading rumors on the Xbox and the GameFAQs forums that defending a created title offline fucks things up royally (and at least one person's claimed it deletes ALL created titles due to crashing), so once we get a belt, nobody defend it offline.

Gamertag: shigogouhou

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This is going to be fun. Anyway for those who don't know, my gamertag is AMER2006. There could be a problem though because I come back home from school once every 2 weeks, and my 360 is at home, but I'll do the best that I can and tell you if I can't make it to a match well before the match begins. I'm commited though.

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