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Megadeth v. Metallica


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Slayer's alright. Nothing great. Haven't heard enough of Anthrax.

When it comes to Metallica vs Megadeth. I consider them close. For vocals, Megadeth is better. For lyrics, Metallica is better. For more iconic music, Metallica is better. For a "harder" sound, Megadeth is better. Not sure if I prefer one over the other. Both are great bands.

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I don't really like Mechanix that much. So to answer the question in the first post - I'd have to go with the Four Horsemen. Not a huge fan of either band, I'm a casual thrash metal fan, but I do own some of their more popular CDs - Rust in Peace, Youthanasia, the first five Metallica discs... but there's plenty thrash metal bands that I like better than these two. Annihilator is probably my #1 thrash favourite at the moment (love Alice in Hell and Never, Neverland, but the two Joe Comeau albums are REALLY something). Big fan of Testament, too, especially the technical thrash of the Skolnick era (first four albums). Then there's Slayer who have a couple real fun albums (Reign in Blood, South of Heaven, Seasons in the Abyss), a lot of mediocre ones, but I'd still put them in my top three. If I was to make a personal top 50 bands list, those three would probably be the only thrash metal bands making an appearance.

Megadeth and Metallica are probably in my top ten thrash bands though - coming in with the likes of Anthrax, Overkill, Exodus and a few others. Of the two though... I think I'd pick Metallica first. Though Rust in Peace is better than any Metallica album.

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For Jouzy, my personal favourite Megadeth tracks are:


Symphony of Destruction

Peace Sells

A Tout Le Monde

Angry Again

Holy Wars

In My Darkest Hour

Kill The King


Skin O' My Teeth

and Sweating Bullets

Most of which "we" will be playing whenever you get down here for band practice.

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For Jouzy, my personal favourite Megadeth tracks are:


Symphony of Destruction

Peace Sells

A Tout Le Monde

Angry Again

Holy Wars

In My Darkest Hour

Kill The King


Skin O' My Teeth

and Sweating Bullets

Most of which "we" will be playing whenever you get down here for band practice.

Sweating Bullets is absolutely ace.

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We have a winner.

I've always found Metallica and Megadeth horribly, horribly overrated. Slayer, although they always get the 'lolz, same riff for 20 yrs' jab, just have the edge for the sheer brutality of some of their tracks. Plus the awesomness that is a King spazzing solo :shifty:.

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For Jouzy, my personal favourite Megadeth tracks are:


Symphony of Destruction

Peace Sells

A Tout Le Monde

Angry Again

Holy Wars

In My Darkest Hour

Kill The King


Skin O' My Teeth

and Sweating Bullets

Most of which "we" will be playing whenever you get down here for band practice.

Sweating Bullets is absolutely ace.

One of the few songs where Mustaine's vocals are just perfect. He half-gurgles the lyrics out at some points, and it just works for that particular song. Tornado of Souls, though, is an example of a song where Mustaine's vocals are off. The song itself is awesome, but the vocals are very collar-tug-worthy. In My Darkest Hour also has one of my favourite solos. God that's amazing.

Metallica has done some awesome stuff too. Master of Puppets is probably the quintessential thrash metal song, S&M was absolutely mind-blowing, and I absolutely love the trio of ballads they did (Fade to Black, The Unforgiven and Nothing Else Matters), although it seems I'm kinda in the minority there.

I'm a big fan of both bands, and it's really hard for me to pick a favourite, but if I absolutely had to, then Metallica edges ahead just barely.

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I'm behind Zero when he says that Mustaine's vocals can't allow me to get into Megadeth as much as I possibly could. Just terrible, Hetfield is incomparably better than him.

Add the widdly guitar solos for the sake of them (which I know quite a few bands do, but Megadeth's, though technically good, just do nothing for me), and yeah, Megadeth don't even come into it for me against all the other bands listed so far.

I prefer Metallica to Slayer, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden, with Priest coming in lower than the other 3. The other 3 get the same kinda love from me, but the pure fact I have more albums from Metallica and more songs I dig means they come in first.

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