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Worst adverts?


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This is going to be quite long, probably harder and harder to understand as I descend into a pit of rage.

Any insurance advert is obviously annoying, but nowhere near as the ones for "Picture". With the smug bastard on the phone carrying a football around, while his wife walks around rolling her eyes behind him. Roll harder bitch, they might fall out, then at least you being blind will give me some small compensation for having to listen to your fucking drivel. Then he collapses down on the couch, and says "You know, it's really easy to talk to those people at Picture!" and his wife guffaws from the deepest pit of her jowls and mumbles "What? About football?" The world would be a better place if they were dead. And I'm not exaggerating.

As it's on now, those Appletiser ads that are inbetween Friends advert breaks. "Bum-da-bum-bum-bum". Who in God's name sat around a table and said "We got the lucrative Friends sponsorship! How best shall we advertise it?" and some collossal prick sticks his hand in the air and vomits "How about with an incredibly annoying tune that reminds people of a bunch of frogs being sick?" Idiots.

The Chanel No.5 ad. In fact, any stink-juice ad. You're selling a smell in a bottle. How in God's name does black and white models rolling around on a beach, then whispering the name of your product make me want to buy it? It just makes me think you're a pretentious twat. Obviously I know you've got to have some sort of style, a fat woman standing on the screen holding the bottle then screaming "It NIIIIIIICE!" wouldn't sell much, but at least it's not up it's own arse.

Three words. Coco Fucking Monkey. I hate him. I hate him so much. So much. Why is he wearing clothes? And a hat. Why is he blatantly lying to me about where his chocolate-flavoured rice puffs come from? Why is he friends with ALL of the animals, and gives them as many Coco Pops as they can eat, and yet the Crocodile and the Gorillas have to try and steal it? And WHY does his fucking voice ECHO?!?!?!?! That's just the icing on the cake, isn't it you fucking monkey. Not only are you trying to flog me your chocolately puffs, which for some reason don't taste as good as they did when I was a kid, but you're ECHOING?! Just fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off and DIE! You bastard monkey.

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This is going to be quite long, probably harder and harder to understand as I descend into a pit of rage.

Any insurance advert is obviously annoying, but nowhere near as the ones for "Picture". With the smug bastard on the phone carrying a football around, while his wife walks around rolling her eyes behind him. Roll harder bitch, they might fall out, then at least you being blind will give me some small compensation for having to listen to your fucking drivel. Then he collapses down on the couch, and says "You know, it's really easy to talk to those people at Picture!" and his wife guffaws from the deepest pit of her jowls and mumbles "What? About football?" The world would be a better place if they were dead. And I'm not exaggerating.

As it's on now, those Appletiser ads that are inbetween Friends advert breaks. "Bum-da-bum-bum-bum". Who in God's name sat around a table and said "We got the lucrative Friends sponsorship! How best shall we advertise it?" and some collossal prick sticks his hand in the air and vomits "How about with an incredibly annoying tune that reminds people of a bunch of frogs being sick?" Idiots.

The Chanel No.5 ad. In fact, any stink-juice ad. You're selling a smell in a bottle. How in God's name does black and white models rolling around on a beach, then whispering the name of your product make me want to buy it? It just makes me think you're a pretentious twat. Obviously I know you've got to have some sort of style, a fat woman standing on the screen holding the bottle then screaming "It NIIIIIIICE!" wouldn't sell much, but at least it's not up it's own arse.

Three words. Coco Fucking Monkey. I hate him. I hate him so much. So much. Why is he wearing clothes? And a hat. Why is he blatantly lying to me about where his chocolate-flavoured rice puffs come from? Why is he friends with ALL of the animals, and gives them as many Coco Pops as they can eat, and yet the Crocodile and the Gorillas have to try and steal it? And WHY does his fucking voice ECHO?!?!?!?! That's just the icing on the cake, isn't it you fucking monkey. Not only are you trying to flog me your chocolately puffs, which for some reason don't taste as good as they did when I was a kid, but you're ECHOING?! Just fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off and DIE! You bastard monkey.

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I liked the first PSP one mostly because of the 'it's like carpet you can watch outside' tag line because it was sorta 'What the fuck is that about?' funny. The rest have been shit on wheels.

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Three words. Coco Fucking Monkey. I hate him. I hate him so much. So much. Why is he wearing clothes? And a hat. Why is he blatantly lying to me about where his chocolate-flavoured rice puffs come from? Why is he friends with ALL of the animals, and gives them as many Coco Pops as they can eat, and yet the Crocodile and the Gorillas have to try and steal it? And WHY does his fucking voice ECHO?!?!?!?! That's just the icing on the cake, isn't it you fucking monkey. Not only are you trying to flog me your chocolately puffs, which for some reason don't taste as good as they did when I was a kid, but you're ECHOING?! Just fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off and DIE! You bastard monkey.

Ahaha. One for the Quote Machine I think.

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The one for the PSP with the two balls of pubes is annoying as hell.

I like them all

I liked the first PSP one mostly because of the 'it's like carpet you can watch outside' tag line because it was sorta 'What the fuck is that about?' funny. The rest have been shit on wheels.

See above

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That rolling one is annoying as piss. And hardly sells the game very well. "All we do is roll." YAY! I WANT THAT GAME MUMMY, I WANT TO ROLL! :rolleyes:

(excuse the pun)

I also hate adverts for British products, on British TV screens, with inexplicably American voiceovers. It's more prominent in local radio ads, but there are some TV ads too.

I also hate every advert that has a lame immitation of the Little Britain voiceover at the end. I'm looking at you, McDonalds.

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Three words. Coco Fucking Monkey. I hate him. I hate him so much. So much. Why is he wearing clothes? And a hat. Why is he blatantly lying to me about where his chocolate-flavoured rice puffs come from? Why is he friends with ALL of the animals, and gives them as many Coco Pops as they can eat, and yet the Crocodile and the Gorillas have to try and steal it? And WHY does his fucking voice ECHO?!?!?!?! That's just the icing on the cake, isn't it you fucking monkey. Not only are you trying to flog me your chocolately puffs, which for some reason don't taste as good as they did when I was a kid, but you're ECHOING?! Just fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off and DIE! You bastard monkey.

Ahaha. One for the Quote Machine I think.

We have a quote machine?

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If anyone has ever watched Trouble in the morning you'll of seen it, that stupid exfoliating crap with jessica simpson on it talking about how fantastic it is, and yet you see random people use it instead of her! it just does my head in

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