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24 Season 6 ***Spoilers *** for episodes that have aired


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This is from the most recent "Ask Ausiello" on TVGuide.com. Interesting peek into what might have been:

Question: Hey, what's the deal with no "long dead" character returning "with a vengeance" in 24's finale, as reported earlier in TV Guide? I was all wound up to have Tony Almeida back, and no such person showed up!— Tom

Ausiello: OK, here's the straight scoop: I know for a fact that producers very briefly considered bringing Tony back from the dead in the finale's closing moments. Ultimately, however, they decided that such a twist would violate the premise of the series. And as cool as it would've been to have Tony back, I believe they made the right decision.

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Ultimately, however, they decided that such a twist would violate the premise of the series.

Augh. That so would have been worth it. It's not like 24 has a whole lot of integrity right now anyway.

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From TV Guide about Season 7...

COEXECUTIVE PRODUCER MANNY COTO SAYS: Jack [Kiefer Sutherland]starts next season in a very different place than any season so far. Let's put it this way: I wouldn't be surprised if there's no CTU next year. CTU has become almost too comfortable, you know? "We need to carry out this operation - Chloe, grab Satellite X and get us a feed!" That's gone. We're pulling the rug out from under our characters. It's a pretty radical shift - a totally different context with a totally different villain. There will not be a ticking clock on a nuclear device. We're hewing much closer to real life: tighter, more personal, more difficult for Jack. There may even be a plot thread that doesn't take place on U.S. soil. In a sense, it's a reboot - in location and personnel. We're going to be introducing a new stable of characters, along with a couple of old ones. Jack's not living under an alias. He's found a place he thinks he belongs and a job he enjoys doing that doesn't involve the government. What's also refreshing is the choice of villain: it's not a Muslim terrorist. In fact, it's not a terrorist at all. And the character is fascinating, someone with a supremely dark past who's done something horrific. And whose ambition is to regain his stature in the world. I just can't say enough how exciting it is, it's going to be pretty damn cool.

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If they want to bring someone back, why not Christopher Henderson? They could do the swerve many were expecting and it turns out Jack didn't kill him, he helped him escape like when he faked his own death. Plus, Peter Weller played a great villain, I'd love to see him in the next season.

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If they want to bring someone back, why not Christopher Henderson? They could do the swerve many were expecting and it turns out Jack didn't kill him, he helped him escape like when he faked his own death. Plus, Peter Weller played a great villain, I'd love to see him in the next season.
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If they want to bring someone back, why not Christopher Henderson? They could do the swerve many were expecting and it turns out Jack didn't kill him, he helped him escape like when he faked his own death. Plus, Peter Weller played a great villain, I'd love to see him in the next season.

But why would Jack have helped Henderson escaped, considering he was responsible for David Palmer's death?

I will say this though, that season 7 description sounds extremely cool.

Henderson said he'd help Jack if he helped him disappear, so it's feasible.

And agreed, all new setting, no more "zOMG NUKEZ!!!!" it could be exactly what the show needs.

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That descrip sounds like a swerve to me.

See season 7 as something like this: Jack comes back, there's a nuke, terrorists kidnap Kim, attack on CTU, Jack goes rogue, Chloe helps Jack, they save day. Nadia, in all her hotness, gets embarassed once again... along with President Daniels.

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