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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Ok. Can someone explain how Mafia's work to me? I feel like I've been here for years, have seen references to various Mafias that have been done, and never taken part. I feel like I should, but not knowing how they work, I don't want to just jump right in and get started without knowing what I'm doing

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Ok. Can someone explain how Mafia's work to me? I feel like I've been here for years, have seen references to various Mafias that have been done, and never taken part. I feel like I should, but not knowing how they work, I don't want to just jump right in and get started without knowing what I'm doing

Basically players are divided into groups, Town or Mafia (maybe a third group can be a play, but it varies per game). Town needs to find mafia and lynch them, while mafia need to survive and get the town lynched. Each player may or may not have a set of abilities in their quest to succeed in their mission, from Investigative roles to Killers.

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While it sounds relatively simple, the main issue lies in the interaction between everyone. Maybe you found a key piece of information about a player, and said player just lied about it, reinforcing your findings, do you reveal your role and your information now, or withhold it, with the possibility of being killed in the process? So on and so forth...

Also, there's going to be a newbie mafia game that you should consider joining to learn. Start by reading this and it should get you on your way.

Edited by Kuji
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  • 4 weeks later...

Pizza may be on the right track. My game is up next but there are already two sign ups listed which aren't filled.

As a first time game runner I don't think I have the necessary stroke to get people excited about my game.

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Pizza may be on the right track. My game is up next but there are already two sign ups listed which aren't filled.

As a first time game runner I don't think I have the necessary stroke to get people excited about my game.

I was a first time game runner, during a period when mafia was still pretty damn hot and people would sign up for anything regardless of theme. It was also a time, where even if you got it wrong, people would forgive you(Nick Adams got people coming back even after Mel Brooks mafia) I'd also made a decent start to my mafia career so I had some credibility and goodwill.

Despite all that, I got a 3rd of the players I wanted,

Now that I've finished that tale, I'm not sure that it is all that encouraging, :shifty: I think maybe I meant to say that not all runners start off on the high that they envisioned when they were planning that first game but you just keep at it and you'll win the respect of Pizza. :w00t: Love you Pizza. :wub:

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It varies. I've run two games so far and had 20+ people for both, albeit I've chosen fairly popular themes for them.

That's pretty much what it is. It's all about the theme for me. I don't want to play a vanilla game as I find them to be boring. I like stuff based on a theme.

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