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I think its just easier and cleaner to say 'no talking at night' tbh. 

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I think it is clear that the talking in the Night phase in Werewolves isn't actually to do with the game, it's out of character/game chat.

On the whole, though, talking in the night phases shouldn't become a habit as a result of the Civilization game. Talking about the game at night was clearly a one off for that game. 

With that said, if other game runners wanted to enable talking in night phases, then that's fair enough. 



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I have to agree with DFF and nihilist. As scum in the Civ game, I wasn't keen on night talking as I felt it was giving players (Jericode most notably) additional information on who to target that night. The night phase is a natural and important aspect of the game, which also makes sense in within context as well; would the mafia/werewolves really be conducting their dodgy business while people are active 24/7?

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3 hours ago, Naitch said:

The role cards everyone playing Werewolves received were literally taken on my home office desk a few days before the game started.

Oh yeah i was going to say I hoped you took those pictures yourself rather than got them from somewhere.


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I'm going to start using the Waiting List thread to post who's games are up. Will also be easier to track who is requesting to be added to the list.

I will re-post there today and tag anybody who I think has signed up. Let me know if I've missed you.

On 09/10/2020 at 10:04, JMarushin said:

For some of the peeps that ran their own mafia games lately, would any of you be willing to share with me your setup so I can get an idea of how to balance things?

Send me a PM and I can share my Google docs with you!

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20 minutes ago, Mx. Canadian Destroyer said:

I am going to sign up with Among Us Mafia. Hopefully it's still popular when my turn comes up.

I can't wait to randomly accuse someone with absolutely no proof and just shout out their color and call them sus. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My two cents is that EWB has always accepted role-claiming and meta-gaming (especially as we've skewed more towards thematic ability-heavy games than more "purist" mafia like you would see elsewhere). I know some players personally dislike roleclaiming, but ultimately it is for the game runners to decide the sort of game to run, and to decide how they want to balance things. There are ways around it - giving scum fake claims, decoupling roles from alignments, or running a game where there are abundance of roles for scum to fake claim. I know I've fucked around with the wording of role PMs and alignments just to discourage playing like that. 

I'm not calling you out as a gamerunner, and I FWIW I have been enjoying your game so far, but its something you may want to take into conaideration if you run another game. 

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I most certainly will be. I don't think I've ever seen so much roleclaiming nor with so many players left, and it's clearly something that needs to be addressed within a game's setup rather than in reaction to the way the game is going.

That said, I certainly didn't predict the sheer level of meta-gaming we've seen so far.

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Well there seems to have been a lot of walking back generally, with even people who have been around for a long time showing a lack of familiarity with well-established rules like no talking at night. I think it's a side effect of the drop in the regularity of games being run on here.

That said, I might as well make clear to everyone now that I lay all the issues with how Werewolves has gone at Neil's feet and if you're running a game and he signs up, do not bother inviting me because I will not play.

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Things seemed to start off fairly well when my Democratic Primaries game effectively brought mafia back from the dead here. Every game since seems to have run fairly smoothly, until now obviously.

Ultimately both of my games have had roleclaiming issues (although not until right at the end for the first one), so I'll 100% be accounting for that in any future games I try to run. It took ~5 months to come back round to me this time, so I imagine it'll be next summer before I get a chance to again. I already have a theme in mind, so it should only take a few tweaks to get it there!

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Welp, can't wait for the next one!

Yeah next time I'd avoid setting up a game with no twists or turns from an actual game unless you're okay or set up precautions for meta gaming, unless you specifically place the rule outright. I'd also avoid game changing rules in the middle of your games unless it's built in to your game scenario already.

Also, I'd highly recommend not taking things personal in Mafia games, or hell even life, especially when you don't know the person / their win condition. Sounds like you have a lot more problems in real life going on @NaiTEOL de la reversión and whatever those are, I hope they work out for you! This will be the only time I address your personal vendetta, as it's not worth continuing past this point to me. 💪

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1 minute ago, Neil_1113 said:

Also, I'd highly recommend not taking things personal in Mafia games, or hell even life, especially when you don't know the person / their win condition. Sounds like you have a lot more problems in real life going on @NaiTEOL de la reversión and whatever those are, I hope they work out for you! This will be the only time I address your personal vendetta, as it's not worth continuing past this point to me. 💪

I don't have any kind of personal vendetta against you. I'm just not going to invest time and energy into a game if you're going to just wreck it, and you haven't shown any indication that you wouldn't act in the exact same way in another game or even that you understand what you did wrong, so why would I play with you?

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Aside from the meta-gaming issue, @Neil_1113, you did insult some other players, especially @NaiTEOL de la reversión, which in any game scenario is not acceptable. 

More generally, if boundaries are laid down at the beginning of the game, then we all know where we stand and how to play. 

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6 minutes ago, nihilist said:

Aside from the meta-gaming issue, @Neil_1113, you did insult some other players, especially @NaiTEOL de la reversión, which in any game scenario is not acceptable. 

More generally, if boundaries are laid down at the beginning of the game, then we all know where we stand and how to play. 

I am messaging him, but as far as the insults, I know I posted to MCD and one other person in which it was taken the wrong way and I apologized for, that was actually intended to be a compliment with a back handed "come on!" type of encouragement, that I obviously failed greatly at lol. The TEOL stuff as I explained to him, was me calling his play lazy not him, as I don't know him well enough to do so. In fact multiple people said as much, I'm just the only one to use the word lazy. I apologized for it being taken personal as that wasn't my intention and quickly explained it was in reference to his play. 10/10 times if somebody is playing lazy however, I'll call a spade a spade. At no point did I have any personal feelings toward anyone in the game, nor did I respond personally.

Were there more? If I didn't address that, then I'd like to!

Edited by Neil_1113
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