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Seven Pounds - 9/10

I was going to say best film of the year thus far, but forget that. For me, this is one of the greatest films I've ever had the chance to watch. A sheer fantastic story and anybody who doesn't come close to tears when watching this simply isn't human. This film once again confirms why Will Smith is one of the most gifted people to ever grace the entertainment business, there's simply not a role that he cant play. He plays the role to sheer perfection and knows how to truly drag you into the entire story. I doubt many people would agree, but I'll always view this as one of the best films in years upon years.

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I've watched a couple of things recently:

Word Wars - 7/10

A pretty good documentary focusing on the 2002 national Scrabble championship in San Diego. Much like Spellbound you meet a cast of characters riddled with odd personalities and quirks. From the pot head black man who hates "The Man" to a nerdly guy with intestinal problems.

JCVD - 8.5/10

Really good film here that proves that Jean Claud Van Damme can act. It'd be killer to see him do some more roles like this as well as another great action movie. It moves pretty damn slow during parts but it's good enough as a whole to keep you entertained throughout it.

I also attempted to watch a documentary on the Harry Potter fanaticism but it got pretty boring halfway through so I gave up on it. It was a bunch of people playing Harry Potter themed music that was god awful. I thought I was going to see some wackos that line up a day early to grab the books at midnight or something like that.

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Seven Pounds - 9/10

I was going to say best film of the year thus far, but forget that. For me, this is one of the greatest films I've ever had the chance to watch. A sheer fantastic story and anybody who doesn't come close to tears when watching this simply isn't human. This film once again confirms why Will Smith is one of the most gifted people to ever grace the entertainment business, there's simply not a role that he cant play. He plays the role to sheer perfection and knows how to truly drag you into the entire story. I doubt many people would agree, but I'll always view this as one of the best films in years upon years.

I guess I'm not human then cause I found the movie to be complete pretentious garbage. It doesn't help that Will Smith is completely overrated. I found it really hard to take the movie seriously by any means.

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District 9 - 9.5/10

Similar to my experience at Star Trek, I went into this film with an open mind - unsure what to expect; and I had a fantastic cinema experience. I was in good mood, and on top of all of this, the movie was fantastic. It was totally unique and had some great moments in the film. Easily one of my favourite films of the year. Really, go watch this.

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Seven Pounds - 9/10

I was going to say best film of the year thus far, but forget that. For me, this is one of the greatest films I've ever had the chance to watch. A sheer fantastic story and anybody who doesn't come close to tears when watching this simply isn't human. This film once again confirms why Will Smith is one of the most gifted people to ever grace the entertainment business, there's simply not a role that he cant play. He plays the role to sheer perfection and knows how to truly drag you into the entire story. I doubt many people would agree, but I'll always view this as one of the best films in years upon years.

I guess I'm not human then cause I found the movie to be complete pretentious garbage. It doesn't help that Will Smith is completely overrated. I found it really hard to take the movie seriously by any means.

I can sum up the film easily...

Will Smith: "Oh, go on, give me an Oscar."

Academy Award Committee: "No!"

Will Smith: " :( "

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Seven Pounds - 9/10

I was going to say best film of the year thus far, but forget that. For me, this is one of the greatest films I've ever had the chance to watch. A sheer fantastic story and anybody who doesn't come close to tears when watching this simply isn't human. This film once again confirms why Will Smith is one of the most gifted people to ever grace the entertainment business, there's simply not a role that he cant play. He plays the role to sheer perfection and knows how to truly drag you into the entire story. I doubt many people would agree, but I'll always view this as one of the best films in years upon years.

I guess I'm not human then cause I found the movie to be complete pretentious garbage. It doesn't help that Will Smith is completely overrated. I found it really hard to take the movie seriously by any means.

I can sum up the film easily...

Will Smith: "Oh, go on, give me an Oscar."

Academy Award Committee: "No!"

Will Smith: " :( "

You say that is if it is possible for Smith to emote sadness.

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Seven Pounds - 9/10

I was going to say best film of the year thus far, but forget that. For me, this is one of the greatest films I've ever had the chance to watch. A sheer fantastic story and anybody who doesn't come close to tears when watching this simply isn't human. This film once again confirms why Will Smith is one of the most gifted people to ever grace the entertainment business, there's simply not a role that he cant play. He plays the role to sheer perfection and knows how to truly drag you into the entire story. I doubt many people would agree, but I'll always view this as one of the best films in years upon years.

I guess I'm not human then cause I found the movie to be complete pretentious garbage. It doesn't help that Will Smith is completely overrated. I found it really hard to take the movie seriously by any means.

I can sum up the film easily...

Will Smith: "Oh, go on, give me an Oscar."

Academy Award Committee: "No!"

Will Smith: " :( "

You say that is if it is possible for Smith to emote sadness.

True... He shows sadness by not supplying one-liners to everything.

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Seven Pounds was seven kinds of terrible. Predicta...well, just overall bad. But I tend to like Will Smith and think he should have be nominated (not won) for Best Actor for I Am Legend. He was excellent in that and the scene with the dog was just gripping.

But I do like that Will takes on various roles and doesn't just stay in one continually. He deserves some credit (except for Hancock).

Seven Pounds - 4/10

I Am Legend - 8/10

Hancock - 2/10

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From the past two weeks:

Little Man - Couldn’t even make it to the end. One of the worst films ever. (Rating: *)

Night of the Museum - Unremarkable family friendly moneymaker. Has more sentimentalism than ten Tom Hanks films put together. (***)

National Lampoon’s Animal House - TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! (****)

The Dark Knight - More intense on second viewing for some reason. I still think the BBFC are money grabbing bastards for making this a 12, when it would’ve been close to an 18 about ten years ago. (*****)

Slumdog Millionaire - Beautiful storytelling. You nearly cheer yourself when Jamal reaches 10 million rupees. You practically yell ‘come on’ at the screen when Latika runs for the phone. It’s simply amazing. (*****)

The Wrestler - Quite possibly the best film of the decade, quite possibly because I’m a massive professional wrestling fan who has been waiting for a film that respects the sport for years. Even without the wrestling parts, this is a fantastic story. Strongest recommendation. (*****)

This is Spinal Tap - Does this ratings system go up to eleven? No, just five. Sorry, but I have got to stick to the rules. (*****)

Saw - Torture porn masquerading as psychological suspense. About as entertaining as going through most of the acts in this film yourself. (**)

Fahrenheit 451 - Badly adapted from Ray Bradbury’s novel. There was no reason to keep Clarisse alive, all novel readers come across as smug bastards, and Oskar Werner is as humourless in his role as the film itself. I’ve seen more emotion in a plank of wood. (***)

Ghost - Very good film, and watching Whoopi Goldberg was a pleasure. (****)

Burn After Reading - After three times, I’m starting to see problems with the film. The beginning is too slow and unfunny, and the ending is too manic. Former five star film is now (****)

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I really have no idea what people saw in Burn After Reading, neither myself nor most of the audience at the cinema seemed to find it funny at all.

I've recently gone through watching Angel Season Five again after buying it on DVD, and damn, it's still freakin' awesome even if midway through the season it really starts "Jump the shark", as much as I LOATHE that phrase. (Seriously, some people use it far too much in cases that barely apply, it's also total opinion and people act like it's fact.) Alright, some of the episodes are a bit silly (Hulked out Lorne, Smile Time, Ninja Cyborgs, Mexican Wrestler Superheroes, that fucking dire episode which was basically just a cocktease of a Buffy cameo), but even when the stories go shitty, the humour is still awesome and the cast usually saves it. (Plus Smile Time was pure awesome, regardless of how bad it sounds on paper. "You're a bloody puppet!")

My other problem with the show is that it uses 3 different major storylines and doesn't stick to any of them really. We start out with Angel/Lindsey as Angel tries to decide if he's doing good or not, Illyria which lasts all of 3 episodes as a main storyline and then suddenly Angel and Co. are taking on The Circle Of The Black Thorn who are apparently the top dogs of evil and we only learn of this like 5 episodes before the end? >_> To be fair, If I recall they weren't sure if the show was coming back, so I can understand they included the Illyria story with the intent to have this be the long running story of S05 with The Circle of the Black Thorn for S06, so I suppose it's all excusable. Plus more Lindsey is nothing but good.

Spikes return to Angel is probably the best part of the show and seriously is a breath of fresh air for the show. After how badly Connor bombed in S03 and S04 (And seriously, I hated the little cunt.), Spike made for the perfect solution. Plus his and Angel's interaction was never anything short of epic. The Caveman/Astronaught argument lives on today as my favourite argument in the history of arguments.

Overall I'd say Angel S05 get's 8/10 for me, but then I'm such a Whedon fan that 7/10 is generally as low a score as I'll give something Buffy/Angel/Firefly related. (Though, Dollhouse got a great big 6/10) So, yeah, it was good, maybe a slight let down for how to end the show, but still good. Definitely made up for S04. Also, any Bones fans who are going to watch Angel S05 again one day, watch out for some Hodgins cameos as he shows up in a small role in two seperate episodes as a worker of Wolfram & Hart.

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Finally watched District 9 today. Didn't see what the fuss was all about. The fight with the walker was pretty mental and reminded me of something out of MGS4, but other than that it was all just a bit meh in my opinion. Also the main character was a complete wanker for most of the film.

I'd give it a 6/10. It wasn't bad by any means, I just don't think it lived up to the hype, something I also feel Avatar will be a victim off.

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Considering every magazine is plugging Avatar to be this cinema changing, big time money grosser - it has so much up against it. The majority of my school haven't even heard of it, or don't think it looks like much. Maybe things will change in the coming months, but Avatar's got hype against it, I'd say.

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Finally watched District 9 today. Didn't see what the fuss was all about. The fight with the walker was pretty mental and reminded me of something out of MGS4, but other than that it was all just a bit meh in my opinion. Also the main character was a complete wanker for most of the film.

I'd give it a 6/10. It wasn't bad by any means, I just don't think it lived up to the hype, something I also feel Avatar will be a victim off.

That was the point. He was a pretty normal guy, not a particular bully or meat-head in his normal life yet he was still able to seemingly treat the aliens like something he trod on as soon as they didn't totally comply. That is often how racism works, yes you get the extremists and the obvious people who start things but then you get the larger contingent who don't seem to be the type but will follow a crowd or movement willingly enough, doing things in the flow of it all that they would never do one to one.

It's a pretty realistic telling of what happens in many refugee situations and something I've seen here in the UK even with immigrant communities. I actually thought it captured this really well.

Finally saw the trailer for Avatar at the screening as well, it looks rather underwhelming if you ask me.

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Finally watched District 9 today. Didn't see what the fuss was all about. The fight with the walker was pretty mental and reminded me of something out of MGS4, but other than that it was all just a bit meh in my opinion. Also the main character was a complete wanker for most of the film.

I'd give it a 6/10. It wasn't bad by any means, I just don't think it lived up to the hype, something I also feel Avatar will be a victim off.

That was the point. He was a pretty normal guy, not a particular bully or meat-head in his normal life yet he was still able to seemingly treat the aliens like something he trod on as soon as they didn't totally comply. That is often how racism works, yes you get the extremists and the obvious people who start things but then you get the larger contingent who don't seem to be the type but will follow a crowd or movement willingly enough, doing things in the flow of it all that they would never do one to one.

It's a pretty realistic telling of what happens in many refugee situations and something I've seen here in the UK even with immigrant communities. I actually thought it captured this really well.

Finally saw the trailer for Avatar at the screening as well, it looks rather underwhelming if you ask me.

I wouldn't say the main character was my problem with the film, but the first half of a film should always be what draws you in and makes you attatched to the characters, which District 9 didn't do for me. I get the whole message thing and maybe I shouldn't be complaining about general storytelling when this film is more documentry/sci-fi, but by the second half the film had gone completely from being a documentry to a sci-fi action/drama film and it felt like "Oh look, he's got an Alien arm! How sad for him, don't you feel bad for him now?" When honestly it felt a little justified more than anything else. Like the sort of thing that would usually happen to one of the bad guys and you'd be like "Serves you right!". Where the first part of the film was documentary, it didn't really do much to make me care about the main character.

I guess my main problem was that, in my opinion, as a documentry it was alright/bordering on cool, but then it suddenly became an actual film which for me, didn't live up to the amount of hype surrounding it (Apart from the Walker fight, which, again, was awesome.) I understand all of the meanings and "OH THIS IS ACTUALLY THIS, ITS ABOUT RACISM DON'T YA KNOW?", but for me, while it was an alright film, it didn't live up to the hype that surrounded it, so I was left feeling a bit "Oh. Is that it?". I guess I felt it should've stuck to one of the two genre's, either go all out and be a Sci-Fi film or be a mockumentry.

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