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Alias: Season 2 - 10/10 - This show just keeps getting better and better. Really interesting missions, great storylines and development. And Sark continues to be one of the best things this show has going for it. Can't wait to watch Season 3 when I get my hands on it because the ending was really...wow.

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I liked a lot about the film. Robert Downey Jr. is great. The interaction between Holmes and Watson is fantastic. BUT... *Spoilers*

The main storyline stinks. It really does. The whole time I sat watching the film, I was unimpressed by the "black magic" element to the villain. They hadn't established that magic actually worked, so weird things were happening without foundation. To my shock ( <_< ), the villain turns out now to be magical at all. That should've fixed my issue, but it opened up a whole 'nother host of problems.

There is no way the audience could've figured out this movie before Sherlock Holmes explains it. Lie to me and tell me I'm wrong, but chances are you don't know what every object he looks at in the movie truly is. And it's okay if you didn't figure it out, because Holmes explains literally everything about the movie with a cavalcade of flashbacks (20 would be my guess) showing him touching the most meaningless things in the film and explaining their significance. If you need to handhold like that, the movie has problems.

The action scenes feel like they were wedged in with a crowbar. The only "action" I enjoyed was Holmes and Watson saving McAdams from being sliced like a dead pig. There was a sense of need as they rushed to get her free. Once they were free, explosions happened, WATSON DIED, shit got interesting. But don't worry about that. Watson is in the next scene. :lmao:

It's easy to blame the three screenwriters who obviously didn't write this together or Guy Ritchie, who's direction is jarring and takes you out of the experience. So I will. All of the actors were good, as was most of the dialogue exchanges...but that alone doesn't make a good movie.

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A Serious Man - 9/10

Another Coen Brothers success. I don't wonder anymore how these two became my favorite directors going right now. Roger Deakins is brilliant.

Powder Blue - Sigh/10


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It's not even worth it. The fact is it was our 4th film picked for FilmFail-CineCrap night. I had already seen the jugs, but not even their might can cause the movie to be watchable in any sense.

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The Lovely Bones - * out of *****

What a terrible misfire that was...

Really? I quite liked the book and had hoped the movie would be decent.

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The Invention of Lying - begrudging (Y)

I don't know if I really enjoyed this so much. I liked the cameos, the premise is amazing, but it really loses steam once the

Anvilicious religion subplot enters into the fold. There were clever uses, namely when Gervais' character is going through all the laws with increasing exacerbation, but other than that, it screamed "religion and logic don't mix and it's a clever lie! See?"

Also, come on, not enough Louis CK and Tina Fey for my liking. And yet, it was an enjoyable watch, which I can't really hate because of its charm.

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