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The Incredibles 6/10

Over-rated and overhyped. Have no intention of seeing it again, but it was ok to sit through in the cinema. Wasn't bad at all, just not good. Samuel L. Jackson's bit part was good.

I'd have much preferred to have seen the Manchurican Candidate, which I actually went to see in the first place, but that screening was full :(

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The Wizard of Oz - 8.5/10 or (***1/2) In terms of classics in the world of film, many names come to mind. Casablanca, The Godfather, Psycho, and usually this. This film entered in the perfect time for MGM, who soon began a massive heyday of musicals in the 40s and 50s.

In terms of the film itself, there is much to state why it is being classic. Judy Garland turns in a great performance, showing why she was the darling of the age. The musical numbers are also well done and, of course, legendary. That said, I thought the pacing of the film is pretty off-kilter at times, probably why I don't consider it top 10 worthy. Nonetheless, though, The Wizard of Oz is a classic for the ages. Of course, you don't need me to tell you that.


Rollerball - 2/10 or (1/2*) Wow, what a piece of crap. You also didn't need me to tell you that, though. But where do I start, hmmm? One, the film was SEVERELY mis-cast. Chris Klein as the hero? The French actor Jean Reno and American model/actress Rebecca Romijn playing Russian? I don't see it. Two, the film went over the top with well...everything. The sport is way too overelaborate and complicated for anybody to really follow, much less embrace. The action is so over the top, it's frickin' campy (and that's a HUGE surprise coming from the man who directed Die Hard). Three, the acting is crap with Chris klein's character being a frickin' moron...and nothing from Klein persuades you against him being a moron (I'll say it again that his acting is far worse than Keanu, even in British accent mode). Even Paul Heyman can't save this crap. Avoid this like the plague...or any other Chris Klein film.

Now go to the bottom 10, my pretty.

*begins evil witch laugh* :lol:

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The Incredibles - ****1/2 (or 8.5/10)

35 days, and over 300 million dollars worth of box office revenue after its release, The Incredibles is still the much discussed and praised film it originally was. I personally missed out on it for this amount of time, but in that period of time the only film I believe I caught was Finding Neverland, and I certainly don't regret that. However, this sophomore effort from writer and director Brad Bird (The Iron Giant) both lives up to the reputation of it's much beloved predecessor and surpasses it. Once again utilizing a host of talented actors for voices such as Holly Hunter, Craig T Nelson, Samuel L Jackson and Jason Lee, The Incredibles has that same familiarity which made Shrek so watchable. What Shek didn't have, however, were plausible action scenes that are not made any less astounding by the fact that they happen to be animated. This is a smart, funny action/comedy that entertains throughout. I almost gave it the ***** (or 9), but I felt as if while it is wholly fulfilling and entertaining, it doesn't seem like the movie that will leave a lasting impact. About as well written, directed and performed popcorn gets. Thumbs up.

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Dodgeball: A TRUE underdog Story - 8/10

Picked up the DVD last night and watched it for the third time (twice in theatres) and it's still awesome. This just continues to prove my theory that anything with Vince Vaughn in it is awesome.

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Before Sunset - **** (8/10)

Before Sunset, directed by Richard Linklater, is the conclusion to a story left open by the director 9 years ago with Before Sunrise, the story of 2 people who meet on a train in Vienna. In the same style he utilized last time around, Linklater this time tells a much more concise, quick moving story that ultimately drags less. Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke are comfortable in their roles, and they should be; this is the third film in which they've reprised these roles. The camera work once again effectively showcases the lesser shown qualities of its setting; I really love some of the work done in the alleys and gardens. What makes this film slightly better than its predecessor is how effectively it comes together at the end, and how quick the ending turns the plot in a completely different direction. Thumbs way up.

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Wimbledon - **1/2 (5.5/10)

From Richard Loncraine, Wimbledon is a romantic comedy set in the world of tennis; more specifically within the sport's biggest tournament. Some sports romantic comedies (this one included) are hard not to like. They often combine female savvy romance storylines with guy pleasing sports elements effectively enough that they're able to attract a large date audience (a la The Replacements, Bull Durham). They also seem to emphasize sports slightly more than romance, so this movie represents a different perspective of the genre. Indeed, there are a lot of things that work about this movie. I like the performances; Paul Bettany is always good and Kirsten Dunst has always had a lot of charm. The directorial work is interesting too; some of the in-game shots are fantastic, and the "My So Called Life"-esque freeze-frame technique works beautifully. This is, however, a case of style over substance, and where you could pull that off with a big budget and a science fiction theme, it's still just a tennis movie. There were more than a few a-typical romance one liners, and plenty of expected and tired plot twists. Unfortunately for Bettany and Dunst, charm just isn't enough. Thumbs down.

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The Bourne Identity - 7.5/10 or (***) I'll try to keep this short, so here goes. This is a well done suspense yarn by talented director Doug Liman. His film style from his past indy efforts including Swingers and Go, is utilized to the max, with tension being built upinevery scene. The cast also is great with a solid job by lead Damon and a good job from the support cast. So, it's safe to say its intricate plot twists and solid action are well worth your time.

Tonight is Pulp Fiction's night so expect a review of that tomorrow.

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First Daughter - *1/2 (3.5/10)

It's like deja vu all over again. It's either that, or I already watched this movie in January, when it was called "Chasing Liberty". Seriously, let's go over the specifics. "Chasing Liberty": The daughter of the President feels trapped within the confines of the White House, and goes on a journey of self discovery which is comprimised when she finds out that who she thinks her boyfriend was actually detailed to her as a bodyguard. In the end her father realises the error of his ways, and everyone lives happily ever after. Okay now, "First Daughter": The daughter of the President feels trapped within the confines of the White House, and goes on a journey of self discovery which is comprimised when she finds out that who she thinks her boyfriend was actually detailed to her as a bodyguard. In the end her father realises the error of his ways, and everyone lives happily ever after. BUT WAIT! There's a twist! Whereas the First Daughter goes to University in "First Daughter", that same First Daughter played by a different actress goes to Europe in "Chasing Liberty". Oh and there's one other difference: "Chasing Liberty" didn't suck. At least the male lead had a personality in that movie; the lead this time around could be substituted with any other young male actor in the business without impacting the plot at all. Katie Holmes may have been charming in this film, as well as in "Go" and "Pieces of April", but good is not an adjective I'd attribute to her. Michael Keaton at this point is laughable in any role other than perhaps a Gary Sinise look-a-like competition. The only highlight to this travesty is Matt Dusk's newly recorded material used in one of the scenes. Thumbs down.

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Equilibrium - 8/10

Great movie, great action sequences, it's a shame it's not as well known as others. This movie started my obsession with Christian Bale. (And Hollywood Mogul ran with it. <_<)

Ocean's Twelve - 7/10

I prefer the first one, but this was by no means bad. Great action, great comedy, great.. just about everything, but I felt that some of the robberies were a little bland, so it doesn't get any more than seven, sadly.

Blade: Trinity - 2.5/10

As a fan of the first two I can say, avoid this movie at all costs. You'd be better off never watching this film, and just pretending that there were only two Blade movies made. Seriously, it's THAT bad. Ryan Reynolds had great moments, and Snipes had some as well, but.. it was just.. ugh. Such an awful way to end a trilogy.

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