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A Guy Thing - 4.5/10 or (*1/2) 2003 was most definitely the year to feel sorry for Jason Lee. Not only was the two major mainstream non-Kevin Smith films he was in tanking at the box office, but they sucked, too. That, of course, was not his fault, but in the case of Dreamcatcher, poor screenwriting, or in the case of A Guy Thing, poor screenwriting. Do you see a trend?

A Guy Thing sucks because of its unrealistic drive (seriously, how many scenarios can you really go through after cheating on a girl?) and lack of good humor because of (you guessed it) poor screenwriting. Even with a talented cast, the poor effort to make a off-the-wall film shows. While I can clearly see why Lee and the rest of the cast took the script (c’mon, you’d take a lame comedy script, too, if you wanted some cash and some success), this clearly had no chance to work from the get-go.


Shattered Glass - 7.5/10 or (***) Now going from one bad comedy to a great drama, Shattered Glass is a good climatic drama that FINALLY shows that Hayden Christensen can truly act. However, that shouldn’t take away from Peter Sarrsgard, who has easily the film’s best performance of all. The tone of the script also works with it not totally condemning the man Stephen Glass, but not glorifying him, either. This is the way a flick like this should be made.

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50 First Dates - 8/10

Very entertaining film if you ask me. Some very funny moments in it with Adam Sandler producing some more great stuff here. Drew Barrymore is hot and cute too :)

While I'm here, does anyone fancy giving me a review on 'The Beach'? I've been wanting to see this film for ages now, mainly because I'm a fan off All Saints and I noticed how they sang like one off the main tracks for the film :P

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Man on Fire - ***1/2 (7/10)

From director Tony Scott, "Man on Fire" is a raw, action packed revenge movie that runs a bit too long, but entertains so well that it's hard to notice. Denzel Washington stars as Creasy, a former Marine who takes on the task of protecting a young girl named Pita, played with such wonderful charm and accuracy by Dakota Fanning. Pita breaks his resolve to solitude and he begins to open up, but when despite his best efforts she is kidnapped, he begins to practise vigilante justice towards anyone who may be involved in the crime. Not only are the two stars superb in their roles, but supporting performances by Christopher Walken, Mark Anthony and Radha Mitchell elevate the film to a whole new level of performance. I also enjoyed the bold directorial style Scott employs, which in this film filled with twists and turns is perfect. As I've said, it's about 10-15 minutes too long, and the plot is bogged down a bit by the overabundance of characters, but the core cast are so talented and Tony Scott is so creative behind the camera, not to mention Brian Helgeland's screenplay, that it's hard to not recommend the movie. This is just a very good film. Thumbs up.

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The Day After Tomorrow - 6.5/10 or (**1/2) The Day After Tomorrow is truly a one-trick pony. However, that pony in the special effects makes the film fun to watch. That said, the film's acting is merely okay and takes a huge back seat to the destruction, but overall, it's good if you like your action movies with loads of special effects and not much else.


Mortal Kombat - 6.5/10 or (**1/2) As a game adaptation, Mortal Kombat is PERFECT. Every character from the first game has a story and follows exactly the style they had in the game. The cast was perfect for the roles in the film also. Overall, MK is a fun martial arts flick preferred to be watched by fans of the game.

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Don't think I posted this:

Airplane 2: The sequel 7.5/10

A very good sequel, packed with lots of 'silly' humour. A very good film, great sequel, if it has a slow start and gets a bit flat at the end. And the first scene with William Shatner is inspired.

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40 Days and 40 Nights - 6/10 or (**1/2)


Van Helsing - 4/10 or (*1/2) To proclaim my idiocy, let me rehash a statement I made when I saw this at the cineplex:

Van Helsing - 7/10 Pretty good if you're expecting an absurd, silly action film. Now, keep count with me, kids, the 7 is:

    * 2 points for Kate Beckinsale.

    * 1 point combined for the Three Brides.

    * 4 points for all the action.

So thank God you have hot girls on your side, Van Helsing or you have a 4/10 on your hands.

Actually, I wasn't an idiot moreso that I kept focusing on Beckinsale...

Anyways, this is a monster mish-mash that shows that Stephen Sommers should NEVER be put in the director's chair of a monster movie again. The performances are weak (Beckinsale with The Count off Sesame Street's accent, NAH), the CGI is overblown and the film is far too long. That ALL said, it wasn't a bad ride in the theatre, it just lost too many points. That all said, I agree with what should've been my final grade: 4/10.

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Mortal Kombat - 6/10

I too caught Mortal Kombat last night. I've always enjoyed it, although the ony thing I wished the movie did was hive Johnny Cage a little more since he was my favorite. Cage shoulda fought Reptile since Liu was gonna get Shang Tsung for the big final battle. But that's just my Cage bias talking. Plus Sonya Blade is hot at the end in that costume Tsung made her wear.

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I, Robot- 6/10 I didn't expect much, but it was better then I expected. Not really anything exciting up until the last 30 minutes though.


Toy Story 2 8/10- Awesome kids movie. This one will never get old for me


Godzilla-4.5/10 Boring movie. if this movie was cut maybe 30 minutes shorter, it would get a 5.5

Edited by reyrey619
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Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 8/10

I saw this back when they were re-relesed in cinemas (1997?), and this the first time I have watched since.

I dont remember being this bored by the opening 30 minutes or so, but after, it builds into something quite awesome. Possibly not as special when your not a youngster watching it for the first tiem either, but still a very very good film, that the first two films of the new trilogy can only dream of being as good as.

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