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Breakin’ All The Rules - 6/10

I must say that in hearing about the rather bland opinion and low grades for Jamie Foxx’s feature Breakin’ All The Rules, I was expecting a bad rom-com. But I must say I’m pleasantly surprised by the feature because of a decently intelligent screenplay and a good vibe presented by Foxx, Gabrielle Union (who really needs more roles in better projects), Morris Chestnut (same there, except I wouldn’t care either way), and Jennifer Esposito. It’s kinda like Hitch, another rom-com that’s cliche was fortunately outshown by its charm. If you like Mr. Foxx, I have a feeling you’ll enjoy this surprisingly underrated 2004 film.

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A Clockwork Orange


Certainly....interessting, to say the least. I've never seen it before....

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Napolean Dynamite 7.5/10 sp?

A good film, but nearly all the jokes involve people throwing things at over people..... Or pysical humour, or the reactions of Napolean to events. There is around....um..... ONE (fine, TWO at the most) 'normal' verbal joke in the entire film. This isn't for people who want a laugh a minute, verbal one-liners, and on the spot put-downs. Its mostly sight based gags, and really is 4/5 big laughs and nothing else.

Also, whats both good and bad about the film is that a number of scenes go nowhere, leading to a number of 'What was the point in that?' questions being thrown at it, and a lot of bits seem pointless. It also means, that whilst the film is an hour and a half, there are so many short scenes that ad nothing to an alread almost invisible plot, the film seems to be about 6 hours long. Oh, yeah the plot. It is very flimsy, and isn't really hammered on about. In fact, it takes a good 50 mins until ANY PLOT AT ALL is put forward, and then the main plot, is treated like most films treat a sub, sub, sub, sub-plot.

After reading that, you'd think I hate it, but I don't. Whilst I didn't find it HUGELY funny, there were 5/6 big laughs, and believe me I mean BIG. It wasn't funny a lot, but when it was, it was damn funny.

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"Suicide Club"


A Japanese film made in 2002, it is an incredible horror/psycho-suspense thriller. One day, out of the blue, 54 teenage schoolgirls, jump at the same exact time into the path of an oncoming train at Tokyo's Shinjoku Station. Splat. This leads to a group of detectives investagating the latest fad to grab the city: Random Mass Suicides.

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Robin And the 7 Hoods - *** (6/10)

This 1964 film from director Gordon Douglas loosely transposes the classic story of Robin Hood with the 1920's prohibition era. As was often the case in early 60's Sinatra films, Dean, Sammy, Bing Crosby and of course Barbara Hershey star in Robin And the 7 Hoods, a story of crime, revenge and charity. As per usual, Frank Sinatra takes the lead role as Robbo, a degenerate racketeer who resists falling into line with Guy Gisborne's (Peter Falk) attempt to monopolize the organized crime business in Chicago after his friend Big Jim is killed and Gisborne stands out as a likely perpetrator. Outmanned and outgunned, Robbo takes to building an "unhittable" casino. An accidental act of charity soon earns Robbo the nickname "Robin Hood", and, with the help of Little John (Dean Martin), Will (Sammy Davis) and the orphanage raised Allen A Dale (Bing Crosby), sets out to put his stamp on the city. I like this movie despite it's flaws based almost entirely on its cast. There's nothing really new to this glossy crime comedy, but musical performances by the 4 male leads are real gems. There is much more music here than in "Ocean's Eleven", and although it doesn't stand out as one of Frank Sinatra's greatest films, it is certainly a worthy rental. Thumbs up.

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Marci X - 3/10

I never knew creating a rap satire just requires you to piggy back on the actual events of famous rap vs. government battles while changing only the names of the people involved. I also never knew creating a bunch of caricatures out of Lisa Kudrow, Damon Wayans, Jane Krakowski, and Christine Baranski was involved with it. But that, kids, is what the 2000 2001 2002 2003 release Marci X teaches us. It's a hearty fall for screenwriter Paul Rudnick, whose last effort was the much better In & Out. It all serves to be a sad brew, one that came a few months before another long delayed turd, Envy.

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Battle Royale came today off some guy from E-Bay (£4, not a bad deal IMO). Fucking amazing shit, gets better everytime I watch it (I already had it on tape but my VHS player ate it). 9/10. Would be 10 if not for the fact that in one of the last scenes when they're leaving on the boat. You can blatantly see a bulge in Kawada's pants that could only be caused by him having a 'semi'. It completely destroyed the entire film for me :shifty:

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You can blatantly see a bulge in Kawada's pants that could only be caused by him having a 'semi'.

He'd seen Chiaki Kuriyama in the classroom at the beginning....



A fine evening's viewing of films on TV. Seen both before but decided that About A Boy is Hugh Grant's best performance by a long way and there are some real laughs and cringeworthy moments in the film that is also full of a lot of intelligent insight into the male world (but then again it WAS written by Nick Hornby)

A Time To Kill, although it descends into schmaltzy cheese right near the end, makes the most of a fantastic cast (McConoughy, L. Jackson, Donald & Keifer Sutherland, Bullock, Platt, Spacey) and plays well with the issue of civil rights and the Klan....And the last scene with the two daughters meeting eachother always leaves me sniffling a little...

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Predator 7/10... Probably one of the best pure action movies ever (pure action being a film that carries no underlying message or dogma.)

Platoon 9/10... My favorite Vietnam movie.

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