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Friday Night Lights - 7/10

While it has all the trappings of other sports stories enshrouded in cliche, Friday Night Lights shines in the art of performances. The one who shines the most in the field of performance, though, is Billy Bob Thornton, who has continued to play great role after great role ever since 1996's Sling Blade. Hell, even Tim McGraw does a good job with his role. There's also a solid underlying message being told throughout the film. The gritty nature of the story plays out the message that football is a fun sport, but it should never reach the realm of obsession. And when anything reaches obsession, trouble can only come from it. All in all, a rather interesting take on the sports movie.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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The Longest Yard - 8.5/10

I haven't laughed in the theaters this much in a while. This movie came at a devine time as I was kinda feeling low the past couple of days and I really enjoyed myself. I know that a lot of people are wondering how the wrestlers did in this movie. Well, Stone Cold did pretty good. He seemed like a natural in his role of the angry redneck (go figure). Goldberg was harmless. He got minimal speaking parts and was solid in the role he was given (although it wasn't that big a role). As for Nash... get this... He was actually FUNNY. The guy impressed me greatly as he showed the charisma that has kept him at the top of the wrestling food chain (we all know it wasn't his skills, and putting politics aside). Overall, this was a really fun movie and had it's serious points at the right spot and the funn points in the right spot. Longest Yard flowed smoothly and only lost that half a point because ****SPOILERS***

of the sudden change of heart by Knauer, I understand what he was going for, but it just seemed kinda forced.
***END SPOILERS*** I'm actually going to buy it when it comes out on DVD (something I don't do often), and am going to try and watch the original now as I'm sure it's terrific as well.
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Guest John Kerry's Evil Twin

Happy Gilmore: 9/10

This movie is a classic. Adam Sandler is hilarious. I can't wait to see The Longest Yard.

Edited by John Kerry's Evil Twin
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Empire Records - 7.5/10 : It's a cult classic, I remember it vaguely from watching it 6 or so years ago. It's a harmless film, really funny in places. Very observational of what work places are like filled with young people (From places I used to work I could put labels to characters in the film of the names of collegues). I liked it (Wish i'd taped it, I might have to go out and find a copy now, it's one of those films you'll just watch every now and then). There was 2 downsides to the movie. Surely the owner would have checked the bag of 'money' before depositing it? And secondly I wish Renee Zelwigger (OR however you spell it) would fuck off from all of my movies.

Edited by Funk Odyssey
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Sorority Boys - 3/10

From the same company that brought you such weak comedies as Corky Romano comes the hideous 2002 teen comedy Sorority Boys. The cast features a mix of WB names and comedians that have done much better (the three main leads are the dull Barry Watson, the person-much-better-as-a-Clark-Kent-villain Michael Rosenbaum, and the "How the hell did he go from great stuff like Half Baked to this?" Harland Williams). Let's also not forget the nameless forgettable actresses in the feature. But what makes this film truly awful is the mix of gross-out humor that goes too far, cliche characters and situations done much better in other movies (the women's studies angle seems ripped up and raped out of 100 Girls, straight up), and endings that transcend any bit of logic that should be present in even broad comedy. That said, I'm not shocked whatsoever that I'm giving this film a bad grade. I mean, it's a movie called Sorority Boys for Christ's sake. Good riddance.

And just to show you I don't watch just mindless teen comedies that knowingly suck...


The Quick and the Dead - 7/10

Director Sam Raimi knows what he's doing with this feature. Part subtle satire and homage-filled western, The Quick and the Dead also finds good ground thanks to its performances, with solid work from Gene Hackman, Gary Sinise, Russell Crowe, and even Sharon Stone. Overall, another good post-Evil Dead feature from Mr. Raimi. This goes right before A Simple Plan and the first Spider-Man in terms of its quality.

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50 First Dates - 7/10


Year of the Bull - 7/10

While the style may be a bit too plain, this documentary feature is just as insightful about the subject of high school football as say Friday Night Lights. It also doesn't have to be the slow-mo gloss that Hollywood embraces with their football tales. This film takes a look at the Senior year of Florida athlete Taurean Charles, an unbelievable linebacker who is also quite flawed in behavior, and his efforts to get into college and get out of the dark inner-city. The story features all the high school culprits: over-worship, over-pressuring coaches, underwhelming academic focus, and the like. The film may be a little boring at times, but it does provide great insightment. Watch it on Showtime in America, when they show it again.

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Sin City 8/10

Very good flick, I particularly enjoyed Clive Owen's (Dwight's) story. Its visually excellent too, a very unique style. It is a bit of a slow starter, but that's it. Very good film.

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