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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I wouldn't say flawless but its actually one of the Tarrentino films that deserves its praise.




Personally I'd never heard of the guy before, but it was a decent enough movie, in fairness not much happens but its interesting, shame there wasn't a real peak to it either, but I suppose you can hardly change a true story to the point in which he's set free whilst in real life he still rots away in jail.

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Guest John Kerry's Evil Twin

Animal House: 9/10

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels: 8.5/10

National Lampoon's Vacation: 8.5/10

The Full Metal Jacket: 9.5/10

Chasing Amy: 7/10

Road Trip: 8.5/10

Private Parts: 5.5/10

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Guest John Kerry's Evil Twin

Dracula: Dead and Loving It: 8/10.

While not as good as other Mel Brooks films such as Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein, this still is a very funny movie. Leslie Nielsen rules as Dracula.

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SIN CITY: 8.5/10

From the opening credits to the last Bruce Willis scene, I was totally entralled.

Being a fan of 100 Bullets comics (similar in noir-style) and of the actors involved, for me it just worked.

Things made sense but weren't overly pushed at you.

The shooting was fantastic, Owen, Rourke and Willis fulfilled their main roles superbly and were well supported.

Each of the stories drew me in and had me cheering on the "Less evil" killers.

Nick Stahl and Elijah Wood were truly disturbing, action fast and frenetic and it FELT like watching a comic.


Oh, but I wish Josh Hartnett would get rid of his monobrow...I find it distracting.

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White Noise: 7/10

Funny movie. Laughed my way through it, as I do in most horror/thriller movies. Still good, though.

EDIT: Today I saw Battle Royale: 8.5/10

OK, I admit it, I liked the movie, it was way better than I expected. Now, can anyone tell me if Battle Royale II is any good? Better, worse, same as this one? If it's good, I'll buy it.

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40 Days and 40 Nights - 6/10

Once all the awkward teen comedy bits got out of the way, I was pleasantly surprised by how much charming chemistry exists between Hartnett and Sossamon. It shows that if Hollywood takes more of a chance on a less-depressing Sossamon role, they might reap solid results.


Showgirls - 0/10

There's a laundry list of glaring problems in the most notoriously bad film of the 90s, Showgirls. But I won't mention those, because I'm sure you already know that...

I'll just mention that it still is one of the funniest movies of the last decade.

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One of the few twists on Shakespearian tragedy that didn't make me laugh, but rather made me appreciate the gravity of.

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Team America: World Police


Great, I loved the movie. I was laughin throughout most of it due to the fact that they walked like they had something stuck up their ass. The dicks and pussy parts had me crackin up and the f.a.g. This is a great movie other than the ending which I though wasn't all that great.

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Here's a collection of movies I've seen over the past couple of days -

12 Monkeys - 7/10

Quite possibly Brad Pitt's greatest performance yet. Above average movie which somehow made the now redundant "time-travel" plot slightly original.

American Beauty - 8/10

I'd heard so much about it, so decided to check it out. Great performance by Kevin Spacey, as well as Birch and Bentley, but all were just barely outshined by Annette Bening, in my opinion.

Star Wars: Episode 3 - 6/10

Great popcorn flick. Too many flaws to be anything more than that, though.

American History X - 9/10

One of those few rare gems that I can watch over and over and not get bored with. Great movie, good performances, decent message.

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Can’t Hardly Wait - 5/10

Anybody who had a pulse in the late 90s probably know that the PG-13 sex comedy came in very high quantities during that era. One of the bigger ones was this smash hit comedy starring future stars Jennifer Love Hewitt, Seth Green, and...erm...Sean Patrick Thomas counts, right? While hardly not innovative in the least bit, it does have a reasonable amount of charm and funny moments, which mostly come from the developing romance of wannabe rapper Green and outsider Lauren Ambrose (the redhead on Six Feet Under, for those who don't have HBO). Oh yeah, and JLH is, you know, hot. It also feels like it’s trying to be a satire of the teen genre by some of the 80s-style sequences (including Peter Facinelli’s apparant homage to Tom Cruise in Risky Business). What’s wrong with this is that it doesn’t really attack the stereotypes of these movies, if it ever intended to be satirical. But if you’re a Green or Ambrose fan, you’ll probably be more receptive to the feature. For the others, there’s much better endearing teen stuff in all those John Hughes movies or even American Pie 1-3.

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The Way of the Gun - 6.5/10

From the writer of The Usual Suspects (Christopher McQuarrie) comes this 'new-age western'-like movie. McQuarrie makes his directing debut with an all star casts, which includes Benicio Del Toro and Ryan Phillipe, who's been trying to break the mold of the 'pretty boy' as of late, as two crooks who attempt to kidnap a pregnant woman named Robin (Juliette Lewis) for ransom, but get in more trouble than they bargained for when her two bodyguards (Taye Diggs and Nicky Katt), as well as a shady businessman (Geoffrey Lewis. I think), the father of the kid she's carrying, make it clear that they'll stop at nothing to get her (but more importantly, the kid) back. Also in this movie is the ever great James Caan, who plays a 'bagman', who is also rumoured to be Robin's father. (It's never said, but there is enough information given to support that claim) The movie had a great feel and look, but I couldn't help but just wonder WHEN it was all going to end during the middle of the film, which is never a good sign. But the final 10-20 minutes produced one of the best, and my second favorite shoot-out ever, right behind the infamous shootout from Heat, and that was more than enough to redeem to the film. I may go back and watch it sometime later this week and try to get a better understanding of the film, and all the little subplots and hidden meanings, of which there are truckloads.

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