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War of the Worlds - 6/10

I loved the movie, up until the WTF 20 minutes. They could've explained it much better in SOOOO many ways, but the confusion as to what the hell is going on just lost me. Still, I enjoyed it in a Day After Tomorrow way. The special effects are fantastic, even with the fact that there's no real jump out of your seat moments. Go see it for the special effects, oh and if you haven't read the book, leave before the final 20 minutes. It'll spare you from being confused for the next week.

PS, despite this, it kicked much more ass than Sahara ever thought of. And I marked out a little inside during the tunnel digging sequence with Tim Robbins.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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Airplane!: 9/10

A classic comedy that doesn't lose its charm and wit no matter how old its age.

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Donnie Brasco - 6.5/10

Underappreciated and overrated at the same time, if that makes any sense. Great performances by the trio of Depp, Pacino and Madsen.

The Way of the Gun - 8.5/10

I saw it a second time last night, and there's no doubt in my mind that this is one of the greatest movies of the new millenium. If you haven't seen this yet (which is more than likely the truth), you should definately go out of your way to get. The movie has a rather unique plot, combined with superb acting (Benicio Del Toro, James Caan, Nicky Katt, Juliette Lewis.. shit, even Ryan Phillipe was pretty good in it), and extremely realistic gunplay. Some of the best ever, in fact. There's also a bunch of underlying storylinse that, at least in my case, I didn't fully understand until the second viewing.

O' Brother, Where Art Thou? - 7/10

I'm a fan of the Odyssey. I'm a fan of the Coens. And I'm a fan of Clooney.

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Garden State - 8/10

Slowly catching up on TV with all the movies I wanted to catch on video or in theatres but never did. Shaun of the Dead is also on tap for me sometime in the coming weeks.

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