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Match Point: 7/10


Gosford Park:8/10

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The Da Vinci Code 7.5/10

Solid adaptation of the book. Not the best Tom Hanks performance ever, but Ian McKellen is great in this, and Paul Bettany and Alfred Molina also deliver good performances. Even with some fairly key bits of the book cut-out, it does still feel slightly long in places, and doesn't have that much drama or tension.

Still, a good adaptation, and a solid film. Far above average.

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Leon 7.5/10

Good flick. Good performaces from Jean Reno and a young Natalie Portman, but its Gary Oldman who steals the show with a fucking awesome performance, pure brilliance. Funny, with some good action and a good story.

Other than the odd part dragging, there isn't much to be said as to how it could be improved, its a decent to good story well told, with two strong performances (expecially considering Portman was a kid at the time), and good showings everywhere else and one just awesome showing.

Did I menton the Gary Oldman is brilliant?

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Mission Impossible III 7/10*

This SHOULD have been a five/ten or worse. It should have been crap. A lot is ludicrus beyond belief. Whilst the script has the odd good point, its mostly poor, and does contain the worst line in any film EVER, it so bad I can't bring myself to even think about typing it out. Cruise is decent, but not great. Its the third in what has been a poorish trilogy anyway, this SHOULD have sucked ass.

However, depending on your mood, you may find enjoyment in this. One of the best and worst things about MI:III is the fact that a lot of it is so bad, its funny. I laughed more in this than I have in a film for a while, this falls RIGHT into 'Bad so its good'.

Also, whilst the script sucks, whoever wrote for Ving Rhames is good, his character seems to get some pretty good lines, and nearly ALL the funny moments.

What else this has going for it is a story that isn't so bad once it gets going. The twists are expected, but unlike some films, it never tries to be clever, it just gets on with the story. Some of the action is fun, and Philip Seymour Hoffman puts in a good performance as the villain of the piece. Rhames is good too, and Simon Pegg has short, but enjoyable role to play.

All in all, you may well see it and hate it, but I found I could laugh AT it, just don't take it seriously. This is a prime example of a film that should be awful, but god-damn, its entertaining.

An enjoyable trip to the cinema, rather than a GOOD one. If that makes sense.

*I reserve the right to dramatically lower the rating of this film at anytime, because I can't BELIEVE I gave this a seven. I just can't help it.

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The DaVinci Code: 5.5/10

Paul Bettnay and Sir Ian save this film. I liked the book, but the film was poorly paced, and to me dragged in the middle. It's not the disaster that critics say it is, but its a passable thriller that could have been great with such a great cast and director on hand.

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16 Blocks 6.5/10

This was a REALLY hard film to rate, I was toying between 6 and 7, so I went for the 6.5.

Its never boring, but not really grabbing. The basic story itself is good, but some parts (the bus scene) aren't that good and go too far. Its never riviting stuff, but by the end you kinda realise you do care about the two main characters. Performances are fine, but the best is from Bruce Wilis who puts in a very good turn as a downbeat cop, he is very good in this.

Its a very hard film to rate, because there is nothing wrong, and there is really nothing wrong with the film at all, it just lacks a certain spark. Its at least a solid film with good performances - with one very good one - and some attachment to the outcome of the characters. You can sit through and watch it fine. If it was a stick of rock, it would have 'Solid' running through it. Or 'Not bad' or 'Decent' or something......

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