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Superman Returns: 8/10

First off let me say that I thought the acting was well done; Kevin Spacey pulled off a pretty good Lex Luthor and Brandon Routh did an excellent job as Superman, which reminded me so much of the way Christopher Reeves pulled off his character. I was even amazed at how much screen time James Marsden got in this, I mean I think he got more to do in this movie than in all three X-Men movies. Anyways the CGI, especially the airplane sequence and the climax were just and the music score was also incredible, nothing made me happier to hear John Williams original work once again. Even though there wasn't as much action as I was expecting, the story was more than entertaining(although a bit too campy for some people)enough to hold my attention. Overall my hand goes out to Bryan Singer for making a Superman movie on par with the originals in my eyes.

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Nacho Libre - 4/10

Jack Black and the director of "Napoleon Dynamite"; that's a combination that can't miss right? Apparently, they can. This is a movie that is a perfect example of style over substance. It's that same quirky manner of storytelling director Jared Hess used on "Napoleon", but whereas the titular character from that film was one for the ages, "Nacho" is just the PG-13 version of something out of a Robert Rodriguez film. I wanted to like this film, I really did. But by the hour mark I was just annoyed at how miserably they failed at what was so promising a concept, especially for Jack Black.

Edited by Beattey Todd
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Ice Age: The Meltdown - 6.5/10

Any film that manages to keep Dennis Leary cool despite him voicing an animal character is okay in my books. This is really cute, smart kids comedy that delivers as much if not more than 2004's "Shrek" sequel. There are bits that do move slowly, but once it gets going it's the kind of movie that's hard not to like. And in 2006 (at least my 2006 of 14 movies so far), that's not something to ignore.

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The Pink Panther - 6/10

I am not a Steve Martin fan by any means. I hadn't seen him do anything worthy of mention in the 21st century yet, and although he was great in the nineties, it's hard not to get the feeling that his schtick is just about dead. Neither am I any kind of loyalist to the original "Pink Panther" films, which I thought were brainless and formulaic, only mildly assisted by the spirited performance of Peter Sellers, which was far from enough to justify the ridiculous hype time has given it. Truthfully, that may help me in enjoying this remake, which is definitely a North American mainstream update of the originals. We're not going to look back in 5 years and have a lot to say about this version of "The Pink Panther", but I can't think of a great deal of serious negatives. The humour is nothing groundbreaking, but it's passable, and with a cast including Jean Reno and Kevin Kline, it's not entirely reliant on the lead. Steve Martin actually gives his best comedic performance in years; you could even make the argument that his is the more likeable Jacques Clouseau. Don't expect a classic, but don't believe the hype; "The Pink Panther" is a worthy rental.

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The Program - 7/10

Director Davis S. Ward addresses many of the issues of the collegiate lifestyle (while making sure, of course, that Kristy Swanson gets her mediocre screen time) in his film The Program. The Program has solid work from James Caan as the lead coach. The film is intriguing and while the circumstances seem too ridiculous to occur at one mere school, it does address issues that do occur in NCAA football. Oh and solid points to the guy who played Lattimer. He came off as a psychotic badass through the whole movie.

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The Village - 5/10

Is it me or is the plot twist REALLY predictable? All I knew was what I read from a few plot synposises and I knew there was a swerve. A couple minutes in I already figured it out. :S

M. Night Shamallas;falksjdf;lasdjfdan's swerves tend to always suck though.. :ohwell:

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Glad it's not just me.

Crash - 8/10

Holy shit, I fucking loved that film. Defo worth a second watch, may pick up the DVD. The bit with the guy firing on the little girl.. and the father & mother's reaction.. and the guy's reaction.. holy shit. It actually had me biting my nails (at least, as close as I get to biting my nails, I suppose) and for a minute I thought she had taken the bullet.

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