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I was just going to rip you for giving the first one a *** until I read the second part of your post. :P

Stay - 5/10

Holy crap did that ending suck.

I picked up Stay yesterday and I'm finally gonna watch it now, so I'll edit in my rating after watching it.

Edited by Don't Fire Eric Young
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2 and 3 are alright for summer entertainment. 1 just has it's action to lift it above sucktitude. The pod-race is semi-thrilling, and having a battle the Maul vs Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon fight is never bad thing for any movie. The music alone makes that battle great.

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It's hard to make a bad movie on $200 million. Don't get me wrong, Hollywood does it, plenty, but it was a story people loved and even with Jar Jar Binks, I'd say they were all at the very least good movies.

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2 movies I saw in the last few days:


The Exorcist 3: 6.8/10

A fairly decent movie, that had it's moments.


The Ring: 6.1/10

A lot better than the The Ring Two (around 4.4/10), but just not a good movie. It was boring, and didn't make perfect sense. I'm also annoyed because both movies fail as to explain the origin of the actual VHS tape, and how it made it's way to where it went.

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1 - ***

2 - ***

3 - ****

4 - *****

5 - *****

6 - ****

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Yeah, I read a fair amount of the books when I was growing up. Anyway...

The Shaggy Dog - * out of *****

I thank Tim Allen for ruining my day. This movie could have been so much more if it wasn't watered down. Every joke in it could go further. Tim Allen has a drug-sniffing dog give him a nose enema in an elevator....because he's part dog. The guy with the dog made a joke about him hiding something up there. Next step is the guy with his hand up Tim Allen's ass, right? Nope.

100% Disney piece of shit.

The jokes try hard to be smart, but they are too smart for young kids. They also are too stupid for older kids. This, of course, means that any adult who isn't mormon will roll their eyes and check their watch every five minutes until the credits roll.

All I'm asking for is that filmmakers try to make it funny to somebody. Obviously, these filmmakers didn't listen....or are retarded.

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Thumbsucker is a cute little vehicle that just worked on all cylinders for me. It's quirky and fun and touching and makes you think as well.

I'm on quite a roll when it comes to movies, as I just watched Pirates of the Caribbean 2 yesterday and Superman Returns two days before that. Pirates is all-around fun (even if Knightly is over-exposed) and Superman was also enjoyable, even if because of my lower standards.

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Not technically today, but the other night:

Festival - 7/10

I'd heard good things, and was slightly disappointed that it wasn't as funny as I'd been expecting, but it was good in a different way. Still had some right laugh-out-loud moments though. Richard Ayoade could have been used SO much more. But still, Chris O'Dowd and Stephen Mangan, so how can it not be funny?

OK this one was tonight:

Garden State - 8/10

Again, I'd heard good things, and I wasn't disappointed. I didn't really know what to expect going into it, but it sure as hell kept me interested the whole way through. Some people say it's changed their lives. I say, it was good, and those people had some sad sad lives before this film.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)

Just got back from seeing it. I was definitly not let down. I felt that Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley did just as good in this one as they did in the original. I really got into the characters of Jack Sparrow and Will Turner, but personally I was having mixed reactions with Elizabeth. I felt that Curse of the Black Pearl had more comedy, but this movie had more action. I also really liked the ending, and it's making me looking forward to Part 3. Overall, Dead Man's Chest was slightly better than Black Pearl.

My rating: 8.5/10

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Superman Returns - 6/10

I wasn't so game on the first hour of it. I liked that it got cool towards the end, though. I'll explain in better detail later, I don't really care to go farther right now.

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