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Hot Fuzz.


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Marlene from Spaced owns the pub in Hot Fuzz.

One of the other neighbourhood watch women was the "cockacidal maniac" from Shaun.

They're all a big happy group and Wright/Park/Pegg/Frost tend to keep the same groups of extras and randoms on board a lot of the time which is excellence.

However best of all, my love for Adam Cornish was satisfied by his role as the newspaper reporter :wub:

Was it Jessica Stevenson as Pegg's ex-gf at the start? I'm pretty certain they were her eyes.

Also, did anyone else's screening have the trailer for the Mitchell and Webb magicians movie? Can't wait to watch it...Between that and the annoying PC/Mac adverts they dominated screen time up until the start of the film.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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On another unrelated note, do not watch Epic Movie. Not only was it shite, but the fucking cinema didn't even turn out the lights properly. Worst two hours ever.

Well what was you expecting? Surely one of the previous "Movie" films would've shed light on how seriously bad this one would be.

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I'll confess to not liking Shaun of the Dead at all, so I wasn't expecting to like this, but I enjoyed it. It was a bit long for what it is, and ocassionally was a bit weak, but had some very funny moments and plenty of little giggles. Glad I went.

As for Epic Movie, after seeing Hot Fuzz, one of my mates suggested we go and see Epic Movie. I've never had to be so blunt with the guy before, but I had to get across just how little I want to see that.

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I just didn't find it funny at all, it was over-rated. In my more cyynical moments I'd even go as far as to say it only got so much mainstream praise because it was British and because it was an example of British cinema doing something unique that appealed to youth audiences, and the bandwagon has gone on from there. Of course, thats only in more more cynical moments, and I don't doubt that a core audience genuinely loved it.

And now I'm running! Just remember I liked Hot Fuzz, and if you kill me you'll never get the antidote.

Edited by Mushiking timmayy
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Fucking brilliant movie :P

One of the main characters wearing a Rovers shirt (which is a bit weird since Sandford is south of the Avon, but we can't fault their enthusiasm ¬_¬), and two Bill Bailey's, what more can you ask for? :P It was brilliant.

So many hilarious bits...

Vaulting the fence to boot the old biddy in the face as she reloads her shotgun... That made me laugh so hard


and "I've got a license for THIS one..."

Also, the Rovers fan's mum was called Irene. I thought that was clever, although possibly unintentionally so.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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