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Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend"


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So I caught this video today, and I've got to say, I'm reeeeally dissapointed. Not by by her look or even by the song, but one simple aspect. I do think the song is pretty generic in the pop sense, but it's also kinda fun and catchy, which I think has a place in the music world, as not EVERY song has to be some ground-breaking feat. My sole problem with this video is the CHOREOGRAPHED DANCE SEQUENCE. Are you serious? When Avril first came out, I saw her as a popette just for the record company to snake in the little rocker kids that weren't buying into the Britney/Christina train, and figured she was pretty much the same, only done up to look different. A few singles later, I was starting to think there might be something to her, and when her second album came out, she changed my point of view on her completely. I thought she had written some smart music, most of it with a message, and gained some credibility.

Now with this, I don't care if the music isn't the same idea, as I said before it's not like every artist should be limited to one specific type of music. But when the dancing hit in the video, I almost puked in my mouth. For someone who had been trying so hard to be viewed as different from the other pop-girls, she's sure done a shit job here of maintaining any footing she had. Of course, I'll wait to see what the next few singles are like before lumping her in that category, but considering I'm not even an Avril fan and I lost more respect for her as a credible artist with that one bit, I'm not hoping for much right now. Am I just reading too much into this? She seems much more produced, and I think that it's almost a 180 from what she had accomplished.

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Not one of her better songs, it's not terrible though. I still prefer it to most mainstream music today.

I like that she's going for a 'fun' direction, but this doesn't seem like Avril at all. I'll buy her album when it comes out, and I hope there's at least a few quality songs.

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I too long for the old days of the deeper, more profound Avril Lavinge. The Avril Lavinge who wrote (had someone else write?) "He was a boy/She was a girl/Could it be any more obvious?"

Man, she totally sold out.

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Not one of her better songs, it's not terrible though. I still prefer it to most mainstream music today.

I like that she's going for a 'fun' direction, but this doesn't seem like Avril at all. I'll buy her album when it comes out, and I hope there's at least a few quality songs.

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Not one of her better songs, it's not terrible though. I still prefer it to most mainstream music today.

I like that she's going for a 'fun' direction, but this doesn't seem like Avril at all. I'll buy her album when it comes out, and I hope there's at least a few quality songs.

I'm not sure if she's going for the "fun" direction, but she has said that she wanted her new album to be much less serious then her previous offerings.

That would generally imply a gravitation towards "fun," yes.

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What pisses me off is the "Hey, Hey, You, You, I could be your girlfriend." Its too stereotypical of a North American pop star, which is really annoying when she spent the last 4/5 years trying to show everyone that she's different. Also that part where she almost raps... Odd.

This song seems like a girly version of a RHCP song, actually. Though much worse.

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And this post from 25 days ago still sums up how I feel;

Man, how fucking catchy is "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne? Not quite at "Complicated" level of awesome (Which is the only Avril song I like)...but it's cheesy as fuck and channels the spirit of "Hey Micky You're So Fine"...it's a winning combination. Plus she's scrubbed up rather nicely on the video. ^_^
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Avril's always been hot, even when it was slightly perverted.

It always makes me laugh whenever any singer (I refuse to call them "artists") does something different (in this case, not even THAT different) people immediately jump on them, saying they've sold out.

If I was even a LITTLE bit famous, I'd sell out so fast, I'd be a new media sensation over night, and then back to not being famous at all two days later. I just like money.

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