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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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It would have been nice for the Giants, they could have taken solace in the fact that they beat the Patriots after they get bounced out of the playoffs in the first round.

But no, more misery for the Giant Disappointments.

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hurray, 16-0. Was a much tougher game than I thought it would be, with the Giants actually keeping their starters in. I wonder if it'll affect their performance next week. Hopefully they didn't fuck themselves over, they are the one NY team that I don't automatically hate.

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Rooting for two arch rivals is moronic. Don't call yourself a team if that description fits you. I don't care if you're a casual fan of the sport....but if you claim to be a fan of one team you CAN NOT under any circumstance root for their main rivals.

16-0 is good....but it means nothing if you don't get 19-0.

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Well let's try to say this...

My "A" team is the Jets and has been my whole life...

My "B" team is the Pats since I have been a fan of theirs SINCE BEFORE the rivalry was this intense.

>Which doesnt make me moronic, just a fan that really dreads certain games each year, thats all.

It IS just a game for me....

My "C" team is the Steelers since I now live in Pittsburgh and work at a place where I have been able to meet and chat with several of them on a regular basis.... but I shouldnt be able to root for them either cause of their rivalry with the Pats... right?

Edited by darkrayne
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There you are, I was wondering when you'd come in and start whining. If you can watch that again and believe that they didn't get any help from the referees, you're a far stupider person than I (although that's not really saying much, we already know that). I don't see much on the sporting websites titled "Wilfork disciplined for unsportsmanlike conduct", and I'm still looking for that elusive "Play clock scrapped for being "so, like, totally pointless"" headline. Ah well, guess you can enjoy your asterisked undefeated season.

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My dad loves the Bears, but he also will root for the Packers anytime the two teams aren't playing each other. The reason? When he was younger, the only games that were on TV where Bears games and Packer games with the occasional Lion/Viking game, so he learned to like/respect the Packers. While I hated the Packers when I was younger, they are the team I'll be rooting for to win the NFC and if they aren't facing a team I like in the AFC, they are the team I'll be rooting for in the SuperBowl.

As for the Patriots, if you're talking sports with someone out of the New England/Bristol area (yes, I'm looking at you ESPN) anytime that the perfect season comes up for the Patriots, Spygate was always right there in the discussion. Obviously for NFL fans it would've been much sweeter if they hadn't been caught cheating, but that's how it happened.

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Talk to any sports fan in New England and the Patriots are victims and we should all marvel at how they overcame all that adversity...that they brought on themselves.

And LET IT FUCKING GO. Its a game to some people and nothing more. You can't understand that because it means soooooooooo much to you. Stop telling people how to be fans, stop saying who can and can't be fans. Let it fucking go, how they choose to support teams doesn't concern you.

Edited by ISawMaxxyKissinSantaClaus
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Well let's try to say this...

My "A" team is the Jets and has been my whole life...

My "B" team is the Pats since I have been a fan of theirs SINCE BEFORE the rivalry was this intense.

>Which doesnt make me moronic, just a fan that really dreads certain games each year, thats all.

It IS just a game for me....

My "C" team is the Steelers since I now live in Pittsburgh and work at a place where I have been able to meet and chat with several of them on a regular basis.... but I shouldnt be able to root for them either cause of their rivalry with the Pats... right?

Fair enough.

Better than the usual explanation I hear, of... well, my father's a Jets fan, so I guess I'm a Jets fan. But Tom Brady is hot, so I also like the Pats... Now that shit gets annoying.

Edited by Lowerdeck
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Talk to any sports fan in New England and the Patriots are victims and we should all marvel at how they overcame all that adversity...that they brought on themselves.

And LET IT FUCKING GO. Its a game to some people and nothing more. You can't understand that because it means soooooooooo much to you. Stop telling people how to be fans, stop saying who can and can't be fans. Let it fucking go, how they choose to support teams doesn't concern you.

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My dad loves the Bears, but he also will root for the Packers anytime the two teams aren't playing each other. The reason? When he was younger, the only games that were on TV where Bears games and Packer games with the occasional Lion/Viking game, so he learned to like/respect the Packers. While I hated the Packers when I was younger, they are the team I'll be rooting for to win the NFC and if they aren't facing a team I like in the AFC, they are the team I'll be rooting for in the SuperBowl.
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Talk to any sports fan in New England and the Patriots are victims and we should all marvel at how they overcame all that adversity...that they brought on themselves.

And LET IT FUCKING GO. Its a game to some people and nothing more. You can't understand that because it means soooooooooo much to you. Stop telling people how to be fans, stop saying who can and can't be fans. Let it fucking go, how they choose to support teams doesn't concern you.

I'm sorry Maxx. I forgot that we can't all be fans who wish crippling, cheapshot induced injuries on other players just because they bitchslapped our team in the 2nd half. How you of all people have the gonads to talk to anyone about letting things go I'll never know.

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Talk to any sports fan in New England and the Patriots are victims and we should all marvel at how they overcame all that adversity...that they brought on themselves.

And LET IT FUCKING GO. Its a game to some people and nothing more. You can't understand that because it means soooooooooo much to you. Stop telling people how to be fans, stop saying who can and can't be fans. Let it fucking go, how they choose to support teams doesn't concern you.

I'm sorry Maxx. I forgot that we can't all be fans who wish crippling, cheapshot induced injuries on other players just because they bitchslapped our team in the 2nd half. How you of all people have the gonads to talk to anyone about letting things go I'll never know.

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As a Raiders' fan, I think I have the knowledge on this to say that you can't be a fan of your team and a rival team at the same time. If you are, you aren't a real fan of your team. Live with it.

Oh, and 16-0 means fuck all if the Patriots can't beat San Diego, Jacksonville, or Indy in the playoffs. I'm not saying they can't, they obviously can, but I've been saying the Patriots would lose in the playoffs for the last few weeks, and stand by that statement.

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Sorry, I disagree with the "it doesn't mean shit" going around if the Pats don't win the Super Bowl. 16-0 does mean something. If it didn't, then there'd be more than just them in the 'have gone 16-0 in the regular season' category. Yes, the ultimate goal is to win the Super Bowl and I'm not saying anything against that. I just don't feel that not winning it after being 16-0 negates what the Patriots acheived in going 16-0.

They compiled the record by beating three of the other four teams in the NFL that can make an argument as being 'elite' this year. They set numerous team/individual records while doing so. I can't see any kind of anything that diminishes that on any level. If they don't win the Super Bowl, they will have the greatest regular season ever. If they win it, they'll have the greatest season ever. That's it. In no way, shape, or form will them not winning the Super Bowl make their multiple record setting undefeated regular season meaningless, unimportant, or any less noteworthy.

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