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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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Talk to any sports fan in New England and the Patriots are victims and we should all marvel at how they overcame all that adversity...that they brought on themselves.

And LET IT FUCKING GO. Its a game to some people and nothing more. You can't understand that because it means soooooooooo much to you. Stop telling people how to be fans, stop saying who can and can't be fans. Let it fucking go, how they choose to support teams doesn't concern you.

I'm sorry Maxx. I forgot that we can't all be fans who wish crippling, cheapshot induced injuries on other players just because they bitchslapped our team in the 2nd half. How you of all people have the gonads to talk to anyone about letting things go I'll never know.

When you figure that out, let me know. It should act as an answer to how you can even see us lowly folk from on that high horse of yours. And before you turn your nerd rage onto me, I've been wishing for other players to get injured for years, it's part and parcel of real football.

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There you are, I was wondering when you'd come in and start whining. If you can watch that again and believe that they didn't get any help from the referees, you're a far stupider person than I (although that's not really saying much, we already know that). I don't see much on the sporting websites titled "Wilfork disciplined for unsportsmanlike conduct", and I'm still looking for that elusive "Play clock scrapped for being "so, like, totally pointless"" headline. Ah well, guess you can enjoy your asterisked undefeated season.
Edited by Pepsi
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It means they've had the best regular season of all time. Its an accomplishment, but if they lose in the playoffs, they'll be remembered more for that I'd think, but its still an accomplishment.

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It dosen't mean as much as a SuperBowl title, and anyone that tries to tell you otherwise is either stupid, or a liar.

If the Patriots lose in the playoffs, they're no longer undefeated, and it simply becomes a win streak. The Patriots wouldn't even have the longest win streak in NFL history unless they win the AFCCG.

Edited by DMN
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Talk to any sports fan in New England and the Patriots are victims and we should all marvel at how they overcame all that adversity...that they brought on themselves.

And LET IT FUCKING GO. Its a game to some people and nothing more. You can't understand that because it means soooooooooo much to you. Stop telling people how to be fans, stop saying who can and can't be fans. Let it fucking go, how they choose to support teams doesn't concern you.

I'm sorry Maxx. I forgot that we can't all be fans who wish crippling, cheapshot induced injuries on other players just because they bitchslapped our team in the 2nd half. How you of all people have the gonads to talk to anyone about letting things go I'll never know.

When you figure that out, let me know. It should act as an answer to how you can even see us lowly folk from on that high horse of yours. And before you turn your nerd rage onto me, I've been wishing for other players to get injured for years, it's part and parcel of real football.

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No, really, 16-0 becomes meaningless without winning the SuperBowl, because if they don't win the title, they can't even claim to be the best team that season.

Come on now, that's merely a statement on a technicality. As sports fans we ALL KNOW that the "BEST" team does not always win. Having beaten the Cowboys, Colts, Steelers and ........ everybody else on their schedule they have a pretty good argument about being the best this season. I mean hell, no one can even win more games than them this season. If the Cowboys, Packers, or Colts end up with the title they still won't surpas the Pats win total. That, and the Pats can only wind up with one loss at the most this year. Hell, they beat 6 of the 11 teams that could possibly give them their one loss for the season which certainly doesn't make any of those 6 teams "better" than the Pats.

I'm not doing this just for the sake of argument, I'm merely bringing up a point that we all know inside to be true. The Pats ARE the best team in the NFL this season. They can also lay claim to being one of, if not THE best team ever. They don't have to win this year's super bowl to do that because of their dynasty since '01 that includes THREE super bowls (and a fourth AFC title game) ... this 16-0 is just the icing on the cake run they've had since pulling one of the biggest upsets in Super Bowl history.

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They're the best regular season team this year, yes. However, the playoffs may, and in my estimation, will, prove differently. If they don't win the title, they go from being a contender for best team of all time to being a contender for biggest chokejob of all time.

And yes, they have a 'dynasty'. Congratulations, it all started with a fumble ;)

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They're the best regular season team this year, yes. However, the playoffs may, and in my estimation, will, prove differently. If they don't win the title, they go from being a contender for best team of all time to being a contender for biggest chokejob of all time.

And yes, they have a 'dynasty'. Congratulations, it all started with a fumble ;)

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They're the best regular season team this year, yes. However, the playoffs may, and in my estimation, will, prove differently. If they don't win the title, they go from being a contender for best team of all time to being a contender for biggest chokejob of all time.

And yes, they have a 'dynasty'. Congratulations, it all started with a fumble ;)

Correct interpetation of the rule.

Bullshit. It was a fumble. Even Tom Brady knew it was a fucking fumble.

A fumble indeed, but we all also know it is better to be lucky than good ..... but it's even better to be both (Y)

Meh. That Raiders team was better than that Patriots team. Still, I have to admit, the Ravens destroyed the Raiders best chance to win a SuperBowl when Tony 'Fatass' Sirigousa(sp?) sat on Rich Gannon.

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They're the best regular season team this year, yes. However, the playoffs may, and in my estimation, will, prove differently. If they don't win the title, they go from being a contender for best team of all time to being a contender for biggest chokejob of all time.

And yes, they have a 'dynasty'. Congratulations, it all started with a fumble ;)

Correct interpetation of the rule.

Bullshit. It was a fumble. Even Tom Brady knew it was a fucking fumble.

How so?

Edited by Lowerdeck
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