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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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Wow, no. Jacksonville is built to be a running team, therefore their QB must be built to run said offense. Garrard is built to run said offense, that's why he's in and Leftwich was thrown out. Lefty was much more of a throwing QB, or "passing" offense QB. He didn't work because that's not how the Jags were built. Garrard utilitzes the short field and smaller, precision passes. He's not a "slinger" or "thrower" like Lefty was. His game is built to run the Jags offense. They've drafted people to build a running team, not a passing team. Hell, outside of R J Soward/Reggie Williams they've haven't ever gone after a WR in the first three rounds. Clearly not focusing on that passing attack. Don't even say Matt Jones, the kid is an athlete that played QB that they stuck at WR and should be a flexed TE.

Go back and look at their drafts and they've gone after D and RB's. They've NEVER been geared towards the pass, and outside of Leftwich they've never really tried to change that.

Yeah, Garrard is built to manage a running offense. Why is that so fucking hard to figure out for you ?

That's not the case here, the Jags' defense isn't at that level, so Jacksonville either needs a quarterback or some receivers, and when the choice comes down to that, only the most blinkered, anti-Garrard arguer is going to say he's the problem.

Um yeah, I said that already about their D. Thanks for the echo. Garrard just happens to be the guy under center here. His game is a product of the team he's on. If you'd have actually read the first post I made, I mentioned that I came to the conclusion after watching him in the playoffs. You know, meaning I watched him play. The passing game won't move too far forward, if at all with Garrard. If they'd have been serious passing they'd have stuck with Lefty and Williams/Wilford which they drafted for him. They didn't. Sure, he got hurt but the experiment was a bust. The team simply isn't made to throw, period. That starts at QB. Why is it that successful passing teams start with the QB but shitty one's start with a lack of WR's ? Yeah, whatever.

Edited by HailtotheKing
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If they'd have been serious passing they'd have stuck with Lefty and Williams/Wilford which they drafted for him. They didn't. Sure, he got hurt but the experiment was a bust. The team simply isn't made to throw, period. That starts at QB. Why is it that successful passing teams start with the QB but shitty one's start with a lack of WR's ? Yeah, whatever.
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I don't want to hear any more hype about Tony Romo-for-2 in the playoffs.

Patrick Clayton, you too can shut the fuck up.

And T.O. "get ya popcorn ready" for next week when you can watch the Giants play on TV.

Who would have thought Eli would be the surviving Manning today?

I don't have a beef with any of the remaining teams in the postseason so I'm looking forward to the last 3 games.

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Wow, what a pansy move, can't win an arguement so you ignore the person, nice job. Doesn't matter everyone is just going to poke holes in his 'arguement' Anyone who clicks on his name can learn he just had a kid, its right there in the last topic he made.

So De, my advice is don't waste your time arguing with him, he doesn't know what he's talking about, contradicts himself in every other post and will keep saying the same thing over and over and over. I mean seriously, he's currently arguing you need the right QB to run a running offense. What?

Anyways, thank you Mark Colombo for your tireless efforts to get a false start every other fucking play. And thanks to the entire offensive line for taking several plays off and letting the entire fucking Giants defense into the backfield. Ugh.

So, Pats/Packers...get ready for the storylines

I'd also like to say I'm all for Billy Volek starting next week against the Pats, at least then it'll be interesting

Edited by Maxx
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Goddammit, I hate being a Dallas sports fan. Nothing but heartbreak year after year.

Wha? WHAT? Are you like... 12? Man. Dallas has suffered heartbreak year after year? Really? I mean, its like the Triplets didn't happen in my lifetime. Must have been Roger Staubach or someone.

Call me when you live in Cleveland. Then you can talk. Thats like me bitching about LA never winning, despite having lived through the 80s, and then the Lakers three-peat.

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Goddammit, I hate being a Dallas sports fan. Nothing but heartbreak year after year.

Wha? WHAT? Are you like... 12? Man. Dallas has suffered heartbreak year after year? Really? I mean, its like the Triplets didn't happen in my lifetime. Must have been Roger Staubach or someone.

Call me when you live in Cleveland. Then you can talk. Thats like me bitching about LA never winning, despite having lived through the 80s, and then the Lakers three-peat.

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To the Garrard haters: Did you see the pass that Northcutt dropped in traffic to tie the game at 21? Beautiful pass as he was getting hit and placed it right in the dudes hands between to close defenders at the 1 yard line. Did you see Matt Jones drop that lob pass in the back of the end zone on their next drive? Again beautifully placed ball right in the dudes hands completely covered. Both plays would have been touchdowns and the game would have been tied 28-28 at that point instead of 28-20. Would they still have won? Who knows, but I would rather be tied than losing and throwing a desperation pick at the end of the game on 4th down. Looks to me like the WR's were to blame for the reason they weren't tied or only down by 3 instead of 11 points. Is he great? no, but he is better than some are giving him credit for.

Dallas have lost 6 strait playoff games and look at all the years they have not even made it. What was it 1996 since they last won a playoff game? It's been awhile. Green Bay hasn't been in a championship game since 1997, but at least they won some play off games in between then and the analysts are making a deal about how it's been forever since they been there. Hell I remember when they were talking about how it was 30+ years since they did anything near .500. Only about half way there Dallas! Man they even making more dumb records for Favre. The QB with the longest stint in between Super Bowls if he makes it. What kind of record is that? On the bright side he would be taking it away from John "The Horse" Elway.

Edited by Sacrafice540
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Ehh, blame it on Wade. Great regular season guy, shit playoff coach.

And eh, whatever for Romo. He still gets to fuck Jessica Simpson, and frankly, as much as I'm sure he likes the Super Bowl and all, I'm sure he likes that sex thing, too.

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Eli winning last night shocked me, because I didn't think he could string good games together, I always expect him to throw interceptions or incompletions when the Giants need him most. The Chargers winning was a very nice surprise, when LT when down I was expecting the worst, then Rivers went out and I figured it was all over but Volek drove them down and won it. I'm glad that the Pats don't have to face Indy and instead have to face a beaten up Chargers team. Just makes the path to the Super Bowl that much easier.

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Wait, Billy Volek drives the Chargers for the winning score over the reigning Super Bowl champions, and yet they have less of a chance against the Patriots than a Jacksonville team that has no idea how to catch a ball? I'm not saying I expect the Chargers to win, but I can't believe they're being written off so easily when Jacksonville were the sexy pick to beat New England, and San Diego has beaten the reigning champions twice this year.

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Wait, Billy Volek drives the Chargers for the winning score over the reigning Super Bowl champions, and yet they have less of a chance against the Patriots than a Jacksonville team that has no idea how to catch a ball? I'm not saying I expect the Chargers to win, but I can't believe they're being written off so easily when Jacksonville were the sexy pick to beat New England, and San Diego has beaten the reigning champions twice this year.
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Gates played and while he certainly didn't have a good game, he did allow for Chambers and Jackson to get open just because he was on the field. I doubt, that after playing last week, he'll miss this week. Not to mention that Phillip Rivers has already said he could've come back in the game if they needed him and I'm sure a week's rest will probably be on the agenda so he can be ready for the game. LT, while he's the best back in the league, the collective talent and effort from Sproles and Turner can produce and make up a majority of what they would miss with LT out and with different RBs. I'm not saying LT being out is meaningless but Sproles and Turner are talented.

That being said, it's going to take a very good game (some would say near perfect) to beat the Patriots and they're going to have to pressure Brady. If they don't get pressure on Brady, he'll pick them apart.

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