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Star trek Voyager Questions


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I've been watching Voyager since Spike picked up the reruns. never been wild about Star trek but Voyager got me hooked.

What happened to Kes ? I was beginning to like the character. was she fired or did the character run it's course. The good thing to come from ke's departure is Seven of Nine she's the sex.

In one episode( can't remember if it was before or after "Demon" episode) Tuvok gets sick and it's said he has some type of disease that will only get worse. I'm wondering was that the real Tuvok or was it the cloned Tuvok?

In the episode "Demon" the crew gives their dna and plans of the ship( i beleive) to the liquid metal like aliens. After several epsiodes , a epi is aired showing the cloned crew and ship exploding. I'm wondering were the episodes from "Demon" up to that episode focused on the clones or what ?

Do any of the Voyager characters appear in any of the star trek movies ?

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What happened to Kes ? I was beginning to like the character. was she fired or did the character run it's course. The good thing to come from ke's departure is Seven of Nine she's the sex.
Probably wanted to go and do different jobs, like when Jadiz Dax got murderized. I don't much care since I thought Kes was boring.

In one episode( can't remember if it was before or after "Demon" episode) Tuvok gets sick and it's said he has some type of disease that will only get worse. I'm wondering was that the real Tuvok or was it the cloned Tuvok?

It's the real Tuvok, as evidenced by the finale where the disease has rendered him unable to function.

In the episode "Demon" the crew gives their dna and plans of the ship( i beleive) to the liquid metal like aliens. After several epsiodes , a epi is aired showing the cloned crew and ship exploding. I'm wondering were the episodes from "Demon" up to that episode focused on the clones or what ?

Do any of the Voyager characters appear in any of the star trek movies ?

Janeway became an admiral and appeared for two seconds in Nemesis, IIRC. THEY KILLED SISKO AND YET CAPTAIN GET ME A SANDWHICH BITCH GETS A PROMOTION.

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I seem to recall that Kes left to develop her psychic powers that were manifesting, but I don't remember if she went back to her home planet or what. I do know she turned up again in an episode much later in the series and was nuts more or less, but I think she was `fixed' by the end of the episode and left again. But I do agree with SDM that Kes was boring.

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Re: What Sean Said.

Sisko was the only captain not mentioned in Nemesis. It was insulting. Even fucking Archer got his name on a ship, or colony or something. Bloody thing.


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I was watching an episode from DS9 series 1 the other day which highlights just one of many ways in which Sisko > Janeway.

Now at various points Janeway would have "the talk" with members of her crew - most notably Paris and Torres - about "tsk tsk, if you're going to 'fraternise' keep it to yourself, no interfering with the ship's work yada yada".

This is compared to what happens when Odo complains to Sisko that Lwuxana Troi (like I can spell her first name) is "interested" in him, a paraphrased version essentially being:

Odo: "I'm not comfortable with that sort of thing. And besides, I have too much work to waste time on romantic escapades."

Sisko: "Dude, seriously. You're clearly in there. Sex > work. Trust me, it'll be fun! Dooooo iiit..."

The entire DS9 cast has been shafted in the movie realm. The closest we get is to see the Borg beat the shit out of the Defiant in First Contact. <_<

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I think the only thing that will sate the masses is an "Our Man Bashir" spin off movie.

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Not only that, but just imagine going and sitting down for an hour and a half worth of movie, and in the end, the hero, defeated, says "Fuck it" and destroys the world!

Also, further evidence as to how much Sisko kicked Janeway's ass:

1) "I lied, I cheated, I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all... I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again, I would."

Sisko killed a man, and he doesn't even care. THAT NIGGAS COLD.

2) He launched biogenic weapons, ruining a planet and surely causing hundreds of thousands of people to die, just because he hated one man. And that man wasn't even on the planet! He just wanted him to know: I hate you. When I find you, I'm going to ruin your world, and HARD.

3) He punched Q. Picard yelled at him. Janeway kicked him out of bed. But Sisko punched him in the face. I daresay no other StarFleet captain would do the same! (though the thought of Archer sicking his dog on him is mildly amusing)

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2) He launched biogenic weapons, ruining a planet and surely causing hundreds of thousands of people to die, just because he hated one man. And that man wasn't even on the planet! He just wanted him to know: I hate you. When I find you, I'm going to ruin your world, and HARD.

That episode rocked so hard.

Sisko: "If you don't surrender, I'm going to poison this planet's biosphere for the next 50 years."

Eddington: "Oh please. You're a Starfleet captain FFS."

Sisko: "Mr. Worf, launch the torpedos."

*poison starts spreading through atmosphere*

Eddington: "But...there are hundreds of Marquis on that planet! Humans like you and me!"

Sisko: "Well they'd better get off the planet sharpish then, hadn't they? Going to surrender yet?"

Eddington: "You're insane!"

Sisko: "Mr. Worf, ready torpedos 3 and 4. Off to the second planet we go."

Eddington: "Alright, fine! I give up."

Sisko: "Beg for it, bitch."

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I think Kirk probably would have decked Q, but probably would have put up with him a bit longer than Sisko did before decking him.

Sisko probably doesn't have a ship named after him because of the Bajorans; they'd probably object to a ship being named after one of their `gods'.....

Janeway was THE thing I didn't like about Voyager; nothing against Kate Mulgrew, because I've seen her in a lot of other stuff she was good in (the Mrs. Columbo\Kate Loves A Mystery shows), but the way the character was written was godawful horrible.

She's a damn female Kirk (ie, a walking deus ex machina) with maternal instincts, and that doesn't work!

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A female Kirk? I always saw her as a failed Picard-wannabe, like she wants to be all sensible and diplomatic but is just shit at it, thus spending a lot of her time in a huff (and on a caffeine habit) instead.

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I watched Voyager up until near the end, the series started good but it ended up turning into shit. DS9 was probably the most badass yet it's ignored in the movies. I just mark Rene Auberjonois in general.

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I watched Voyager up until near the end, the series started good but it ended up turning into shit. DS9 was probably the most badass yet it's ignored in the movies. I just mark Rene Auberjonois in general.

Best part of watching The Cat Returns (Ghibli anime movie) in dub - the mark out moment when I realised "OMG that cat is Odo!", in reference to the Cat King's advisor. >_>

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A female Kirk? I always saw her as a failed Picard-wannabe, like she wants to be all sensible and diplomatic but is just shit at it, thus spending a lot of her time in a huff (and on a caffeine habit) instead.
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The Defiant was blown to pieces a couple of episodes before the end of the final series, but for the final battle they got given a new Defiant-class ship with permission to rename it 'Defiant'. So technically it still exists. >_>

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