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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Tom Sawyer?! euch. I'm so horribly sick of that song. It may just be a local thing, but I think the radio station around here is required by law to play it at least once a day. I'm indifferent towards Enter Sandman, but excited at the news of the 'providing not just one song by a player's favorite artist, but a carefully-chosen career-spanning array' thing, both in general, and for Metallica. Come on, One, Dyers Eve and Creeping Death!

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I'm completely excited about the DLC announcement but the pricetag is a big issue. I will end up owning both GHIII and Rock Band but at this rate, I'm just worried about how much money I'm going to have left over to enjoy the DLC.

Looking at the soundtrack announced so far, however, I must admit, there won't be any need for additional songs for a long time. Enter Sandman indeed!

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I might actually get this. Go With The Flow may have just tipped it for me.

I can go...with the flow. Ohhh, oh ohhh, oh ohhh. I would say it doesn't matter...with the flow. Matter aaanyyyymore.

Kick arse.

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Yep... Steel Battalion all over again.

Except... not.

You don't HAVE to pay $200 to play this game. You can simply buy the game and use a GH controller. Or buy the game and a controller, which has worked out just fine for Guitar Hero in the past. The only reason it'll cost you all that is if you WANT to play all the instruments... which I don't. All I want Rock Band for is so I can have another Guitar Hero-esque game. I don't care about the singing in the slightest. Drums are interesting, but will be way too hard.

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Yep... Steel Battalion all over again.

Except... not.

You don't HAVE to pay $200 to play this game. You can simply buy the game and use a GH controller. Or buy the game and a controller, which has worked out just fine for Guitar Hero in the past. The only reason it'll cost you all that is if you WANT to play all the instruments... which I don't. All I want Rock Band for is so I can have another Guitar Hero-esque game. I don't care about the singing in the slightest. Drums are interesting, but will be way too hard.

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Yeah but thats the same with Guitar Hero, in fact probably more so that it doesn't matter much how good you are at actual guitar, it doesn't crossover much at all. But with the drum kit, it looks like if you have a good rhythm from actual playing, then it'll translate a lot better.

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Yeah, I lived with a guy who played bass and guitar, and he was fucking awful at Guitar Hero, to the point that he was so embarrassed he refused to play (his own dumb fault for boasting he'd be better than everyone because he could play the real thing before actually having a go).

It's not about skill with the real instrument, would these games be nearly as popular if it was? I doubt it. The drum controller looks perfectly fine to me, complex enough to pose a challenge, but not so daunting as to consider learning to play a real kit instead.

Edited by Dragsy 7-0
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