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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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The whole process of creating profiles/characters is confusing and frustrating. After initially making my character on a separate profile from my girlfriend's(who was the leader), it took me 15 minutes to sign-in again a few hours later. I dislike the stratocaster, especially the strum bar, I can't seem to effectively do long strings of single notes as well as I can with the les paul, and fuck those frets by the neck.

Anyways, I really like the game, significantly more fun than Guitar Hero when played with 2 other people. I'm surprised and ashamed at how much I suck at drums, though.

Edit: Almost forgot, the microphone seems to be broken. We tried plugging it in and... nothing happened. I couldn't find any instructions for it, though they may have been lost during the multi-person unboxing.

Edited by Fanku Kaibutsu
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Dear Rock Band,

"In Bloom" followed by "Missisippi Queen" isn't really a mystery setlist when that's what you always, always have us play.



P.S. Please keep doing it, it's driving my sister more and more insane each and every time she has to play it.

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In regards to your letter, how many songs have you unlocked? I know when I use my 360 Hard Drive and my profile which has all the songs unlocked, there is a little more mystery to the random setlists. When we used my friends Hard drive, it was almost the same situation.

Then again, I swear their was one time where it was "Train Kept a Rollin" followed by "Dead or Alive" every fooking time...

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Just wait till you buy some songs and they start throwing ball busters like Metallica and Wolfmother at you and you want to cry because you'll lose 90% of your fans trying to get through the fucking thing.

But I'm not bitter.

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So I played for a couple of hours using the drums on easy and yeah it is quite hard to hit those right. The best I've gotten was four stars on In Bloom but that's probably because I had to play it like five times by that point. But it is still quite fun to play.

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