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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Yeah, apparently I'm doing better using the Rock Band guitar as I went from 80% to 85%, but that one red yellow blue yellow blue red or whatever it is kills me everytime. Going to try and learn the pattern using practice, as I can hit the notes fast enough, just not the right order.

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Well, I just figured out a way to get Xbox Live to work, though I can't be online on any computers while I'm using it.

Am I seriously going to pay $10 so that I can have 2 and a half new songs for Rock Band though? Isn't that a bit steep?

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Just got done playing all seven of the available songs for Boston's debut album with ragbag. It was really fun playing it in the order of the album. Still have trouble getting that first part of "Foreplay/Long Time" down right. I missed a few on "Smokin'" but did good on the others. ragbag was doing awesome on guitar, though.

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So I downloaded my first few songs... and I've gotta say... maybe it is worth it. Heroes, Buddy Holly and The Kill are what I got to start with... but I'm sure I'll get more (of the stuff I like, anyway).

Do the downloaded songs get used in Band World Tour though? It would really help break the monotony of some of the pre-arranged setlists and random ones.

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Do the downloaded songs get used in Band World Tour though? It would really help break the monotony of some of the pre-arranged setlists and random ones.

They spring up in Random Setlists and you can put them in Make a Setlists. The pre-determined setlists remain the same.

Am I seriously going to pay $10 so that I can have 2 and a half new songs for Rock Band though? Isn't that a bit steep?

Aren't most three song packs like 400 points? That's $5

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Just make sure that if you download the Metallica tracks that you turn the difficulty down a notch when choosing random, or picking the highest difficulty you can complete them for. Once I got cocky and did Expert, and during one of the Metallica solos where it has the HO/PO triplets of doom we failed hard.

Yeah, they're 400 points, 160 for one song, and some songs are discounted at 80.

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3 Song packs are 400 points, yeah... but the only pack I want all the songs from is the Nine Inch Nails pack. Everything else I'll have to buy separately. By everything else, I mean, the only other pack I'm interested in at all is the Oasis one, but I only want Wonderwall and Don't Look Back in Anger.

It just seems a little steep in price. The game comes with 50+ songs for $50... for $50 I can download around 21 new songs for Rock Band. I think... I paid $7 or so for 500 points, bought 3 tracks for 480 points... so about 21 new songs.

Like I said... to get the same amount of DLC Songs as came with the game, you're paying more than twice what you paid for the game (minus instruments).

I won't complain too much though, because having more songs that I really enjoy will definately be worth it, and maybe I can get the rest of the people who play with me as a band to stop picking some of the shittier songs from the original list.

Does anyone know what's being released as DLC for next week?

EDIT: I didn't see any songs listed at 80 Points, Ekin. Are you sure that there are some there?

Edited by Gabriel
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During Christmas week they had 6 songs or so that were only 80 points, including the 30 Seconds to Mars tracks. If they're 160 now, that means they probably were 80 for a while and then they jacked them up. I know when Serj's, Paramore's, and the other band came out with tracks they were 80, and if they're 160, I'm guessing that means they bump it out once new content is released. Just keep an eye out on the new tracks when they come out and get them as soon as they come out if they're 80, as they probably jump up a week later.

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Just got done playing all seven of the available songs for Boston's debut album with ragbag. It was really fun playing it in the order of the album. Still have trouble getting that first part of "Foreplay/Long Time" down right. I missed a few on "Smokin'" but did good on the others. ragbag was doing awesome on guitar, though.

We pretty much dominated all of them even though I'm still messing up here and there on Smokin'.

And Gabriel, it's tomorrow around 2 EST when next weeks DLC will be announced.

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3 Song packs are 400 points, yeah... but the only pack I want all the songs from is the Nine Inch Nails pack. Everything else I'll have to buy separately. By everything else, I mean, the only other pack I'm interested in at all is the Oasis one, but I only want Wonderwall and Don't Look Back in Anger.

It just seems a little steep in price. The game comes with 50+ songs for $50... for $50 I can download around 21 new songs for Rock Band. I think... I paid $7 or so for 500 points, bought 3 tracks for 480 points... so about 21 new songs.

Like I said... to get the same amount of DLC Songs as came with the game, you're paying more than twice what you paid for the game (minus instruments).

I won't complain too much though, because having more songs that I really enjoy will definately be worth it, and maybe I can get the rest of the people who play with me as a band to stop picking some of the shittier songs from the original list.

Does anyone know what's being released as DLC for next week?

EDIT: I didn't see any songs listed at 80 Points, Ekin. Are you sure that there are some there?

Bro, buy the full Oasis pack. I wasn't crazy about Live Forever either, but now it's one of my favorite songs to play on the game. The guitar solo is so much fun on expert. Definitely worth it.

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Hmxsean had to post the sad, sad details over on the official Rock Band forums telling everyone that "due circumstances beyond my control", next Tuesday's DLC will not be announced until the afternoon of Monday, March 31st.

Oh well.

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Hey everybody!

This week we have a special present for you in celebration of April Fool's Day. For $0 (0 Microsoft Points) you can download-

"Still Alive" by GlaD0s and Jonathan Coulton (master)

Due to work Sony is doing on their store they won't be adding new material for a couple weeks so this won't release on PlayStation Store this week. When they go back up with new material in a few weeks, though, it will be there lovingly waiting for you. For free. I'll post something up here when it is available on that platform.

It will be available on Xbox360 on April 1st.

So, barring this being an elaborate April Fools then you guys will have some fun trying to emulate that computers singing voice.

Joystiq now says it will be on PSN on Apr 17th.

Edited by Ellis Misses Benji
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See, as a Playstation consumer, if this is an April Fool's Joke I will have every right to complain since the song WON'T be released on April 1st. When it does get released, if it isn't free I will sue.

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