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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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It's good that Play are discounting it, but if you just want the drums and game, like I do, that's still £110. I'm with stokerino, I could afford that, but it would just be a giant waste and I'd feel awful every time I looked at it and thought "£110". I could buy any number of things for that, things that would better represent value for money.

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The Play.com discount is of course largely just the VAT, which doesn't apply to them operating out of the Channel Islands (admittedly that only accounts for £20 of the £130 instrument pack, so they've taken another £10 off at least).

It doesn't help with the main, unexcused bulk of the price gouging though.

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They're referring to the classic promotional strategy:

'If you wave a product in someone's face for long enough, and ask them to examine its alluring shininess enough times, they will eventually succumb regardless of how many additional mortgages they have to take out to fund it."

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I felt this way with the 170$ tag here in the US, but it really is worth the money. It's a completely new gaming experience. The only thing I'd have to say that might stop me is the shitty quality of the instruments, but they're really good about replacing those.

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I can't believe there are people who believe that charging roughly the same price for CONSOLE bundles for one game isn't completely fucking stupid/greedy as hell/going to piss people off. Which in turn gives us conclusive proof that EA are actually staffed by robots fueled by cold, hard, ill-gotten cash.

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I felt this way with the 170$ tag here in the US, but it really is worth the money. It's a completely new gaming experience. The only thing I'd have to say that might stop me is the shitty quality of the instruments, but they're really good about replacing those.

If you felt that way with a $170 price tag, how would you have felt with a $360 price tag? That is effectively what we are facing.

Plays price is definitely a step in the right direction.

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It's about 3 times the price of a game here. I assume it's about the same there?

At current exchange rates it's effectively... $256.97 for the instrument bundle and then another $98.84 for the game itself (in USD). Effectively coming to the price Marsh stated.

They're getting fucked over on pricing.

You may think it's a good deal at $170, but they're paying more than double that. In fact forcing people to buy the game separately is just a way to price gouge more.

It is not worth it. Great game and all, but when you can buy numerous other games for the same price, or even a damn system, it's not right.

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I'm going to start compiling a list on what I'm going to spend my £180 on which isn't Rock Band. :shifty:

So far I've got Lost Odyssey (which I only haven't bought already because I'm forcing myself to finish Eternal Sonata first) and I figure I'd finally get GH3, just to be extra dickish (only for the PS2 though). Just £120 to go. >_>

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I'm going to start compiling a list on what I'm going to spend my £180 on which isn't Rock Band. :shifty:

So far I've got Lost Odyssey (which I only haven't bought already because I'm forcing myself to finish Eternal Sonata first) and I figure I'd finally get GH3, just to be extra dickish (only for the PS2 though). Just £120 to go. >_>

A haircut, ya hippy.

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This might be a dumb question, but can't you guys loophole the whole region thing by just buying your region's respective Rock Band game disk and just purchasing the instruments for the much cheaper US price as I highly doubt the instruments are region locked.

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