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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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I personally prefer using the back button to activate it, but like Dragsy said, it's far too sensitive. I'm not too bothered though since you can still collect energy while it's activated, so who needs to be strategic? Outside of that song, GG&HT, and maybe bits like the break in Hysteria, there's generally no point in saving unless you're trying to go for a ridiculously high score.

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I do save the energy for that part, but it still is a bitch since the only way I can do that as of now is on the solo buttons down at the bottom. I get into a really nice groove and actually got a 4X streak a few times, but then my fingers say "fuck you" and just go retarded. I've tried with the GH3 Gibson but it doesn't work as well since the metal stripping or whatever it is that connects it is going out and the green button usually switches off randomly.

I'll start giving it a more serious go, rather than play a bunch of songs that I'm great at and do better at them, only to try that song and get frustrated. Confidence is key I'm guessing.

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Pretty much. I still can't get through that section the majority of the time I play it but did inexplicably well the first time I made it through. I just refused to allow myself to use the star power on the first section so I'd get through the second section miles away from getting booed off - that was important because I'm still more than capable of failing on the easier OBYOBYOBY bit you get afterwards.

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This week's DLC.

Scars on Broadway - They Say $1.99 (160 MS points)

Staind - This is It $1.99 (160 MS Points)

Testament - Electric Crown $1.99 (160 MS Points)

The New No 2 - Yomp 99¢ (80 MS Points)

All tracks are masters.

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After reading the announcement threads on the Rock Band forums, chock full of bitching and complaining about the songs (I don't think they realise they don't have to buy them all), I had an idea.

If Harmonix gave you the keys to the DLC machine, which 5 tracks would you pick for an exclusive pack in your honour? Don't be a dick and just pick your favourite songs, try and come up with stuff that'd actually be fun to play on more than one instrument. Not putting any other constraints on it, but feel free to restrict yourselves. A short explanation might be nice rather than just a list, also. I've tried to keep to bands that haven't appeared in a music game thus far just for the sake of fresh discussion, but you're free to pick whatever.

In no particular order:

This was the soudntrack to Channel 4's wrap-up of Superbowl XX, which I've been subjected to since a very early age. Awesome bassline and drums, guitars not bad, it changes up a fair few times, I reckon it'd be ace to play.

Possibly my favourite band ever (certainly favourite non-Reuben band at least >_>), and I think they could easily have their own Rock Band track pack, but still. This one's a bit out of left field, rather than going for Quiet Things or Sic Transit Gloria, and Rock Band-wise, who could say no to a near 4 minute snare-roll? :P

If I had my way, Reuben would get a frigging tribute pack by default. Or a Post-200 Britrock pack with Inme and Hell Is For Heroes, or...something. And DLNA wouldn't be my first choice, but it's probably the most singable. I'd also use the album version with the scream in the middle and the Trent Reznor reference, which were both cut from the single/video for some reason.

Innerpartysystem - Don't Stop

Just to get some electronica in there that isn't too industrial (NIN), but not too bubblegum (Freezepop).

Billy Talent - Devil in a Midnight Mass

Yeah, the nasally voice pisses off some people, but that guitar and bassline are awesome. I guess Red Flag would be the better choice drum-wise, but I really, really, really like the riff on DIAMM.

If I could, I'd say fuck the vocals and chuck some Explosions in the Sky, 65daysofstatic or This Will Destroy You, but they kinda go against the party ethos of Rock Band. Some rap might be interesting, I know there's Sabotage, but that's really not a lot. I think a kind of novlety song like Soulja Boy (The Travis Barker remix) would be quite fun, too.

I couldn't be arsed with metal, that shit just fucks my hand over >_>

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I personally prefer using the back button to activate it, but like Dragsy said, it's far too sensitive. I'm not too bothered though since you can still collect energy while it's activated, so who needs to be strategic? Outside of that song, GG&HT, and maybe bits like the break in Hysteria, there's generally no point in saving unless you're trying to go for a ridiculously high score.

I can't be fucked to look for it myself, but which bit is the break?

As for my five:

1) Coheed and Cambria - Gravemakers and Gunslingers

Go listen to that shit and tell me you wouldn't enjoy it. It'd be hard as a bastard, particularly since it starts off with some brief guitar wankery and because it's fucking Claudio singing, but goddamn I would fail with a smile on my face.

2) Guyz Nite - Die Hard

It's the story of the four Die Hard movies set to music, I don't think I need to say any more.

3) Megadeth - Trust

Because it's got that bitching intro.

4) Monster Magnet - Live For The Moment

Come on, it's Matt Hardy's theme, gimme a break here

5) Weird Al Yankovic - Angry White Boy Polka

No, it wouldn't make any sense, but goddamn it'd be hilarious like Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld

Edited by Tea
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I've beaten it, but it took using the Les Paul to do so.

Well then I'm really screwed because I only use the Les Paul when I play and I'm still nowhere near beating the song. I've tried all the tricks, but I just can't get through the zig-zags. Can't even get to them with Overdrive.

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1. Deathstars - Cyanide

-Pounding drums, heavy guitar and low vocals that are beautiful, haunting and even better, not found anywhere else on Rock Band. They're a fairly big industrial band in Europe, but have found some overseas success. Wouldn't be hard to get them to hand over the master.

2. HIM - Wicked Game

-How HIM hasn't found their way to Rock Band yet is beyond me. They seem tailor made for DLC, as the Hot Topic teenyboppers love the band, and a lot of them also love Rock Band. Wicked Game is a song that a lot of people unfamiliar with HIM will know because of Chris Isaak and the fact that it was a huge radio hit for him. Not overly complicated on the instruments, it should be a fun song to play, and again, something new for the vocalists.

3. Johnny Cash - It Ain't Me Babe

-A fairly big hit, and enough people will know it already... Cash not being in Rock Band surprises me, if only due to the resurgance in his fanbase since Walk the Line came out. I know a lot of those people don't really listen to much of his music, but they'd still buy it as DLC to look edgy and cool, and then there are the people who are genuinely fans of his. Cash's music transcends genres, as he has fans from all walks of life. An option to have either male or female backing vocals would be cool, so that a female singer could have male backup, while a male singer would get the usual female.

4. Underoath - It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door

-The Christian community will be happy to see more bands of faith, but personally, it's got just the right amount of screaming and clean vocals, the chorus is catchy as shit, and it's probably their most popular song. Right the wrong of the recent Underoath DLC by putting in one of their more kickass tracks.

5. Cradle of Filth - Dirge Inferno

-Their new album is due out on Halloween, so anything from Thornography is probably unlikely, but the Black Metal, extreme metal, goth metal, whatever you want to call it, fans, have been left in the cold for the most part. Cradle is a good gateway from the world of mainstream music into the world of the extreme metals, and they sell millions of records worldwide. The instruments would all be fucking kickass, especially the drums... and again, there's no vocals like it in the game yet.

I put Winamp on shuffle and just grabbed the first five I could make a case for being in Rock Band.

Personally, I'm waiting to see some Horrorpunk put in. Misfits first... Blitzkid, Calabrese, Mister Monster, Son of Sam, Zombeast and the likes.

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I can't be fucked to look for it myself, but which bit is the break?

The bit where theres no fucking notes on guitar, right after it gives you enough star power to activate it >_>

I'd probably have stuff like Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd, New Born by Muse, Jesus Christ Pose by Soundgarden, Kashmir by Led Zeppelin and something like Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd just for kicks.

Edited by Kaney
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Good question, dragsy, here are a few:

Incubus - Summer Romance (Anti-Gravity Love Song):

This is a song that satisfies my desire for every part to be difficult enough to be interesting, but still being something that I could play with randoms and they wouldn't hate listening to it. Too many of the difficult songs are metal-orientated and it's just a total turn-off to some girl/adult types. Probably can't be made the most of until RB5 and its sax accessory.

Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child (Slight Return)

Now, this is primarily for the guitar as much as I respect everyone else involved. This is the greatest guitar solo of all time and possibly my favourite guitar track and song of all time too. There's no rock star I want to pretend to be more than Jimi. Note: the youtube video I have isn't of Slight Return so much, but there we go.

Michael Jackson - Black & White

I'm not even particularly a fan of Jackson, but the Slash-provided riff in this song is one of my favourites of all time (though wouldn't be hard in Rock Band) and any of his vocals would be challenging for the game. Another that plays into my desire that songs be tough for pros and accessible to other who want to sing them; as well as generally well-liked tunes.

Elvis Costello - (I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea

This is pretty much just for the drum intro and fantastic riff, but Costello singing will always be interesting even if I prefer his less obviously punk songs. Fantastic song all-round even if the bass, when I'm listening to it with cynical gamer ears, doesn't sound like great fun.

Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc

Pretty much everyone loves this song and it's got interesting an memorable parts for all the RB instruments. I think some GH3-style fudging might have to be done on the guitar part, but that's acceptable. The rap interlude might not be ideal either, but a great opportunity to embarrass your mates so that's fine with me.

EDIT: I just spent an hour on that post :D There are some all-time classics that I'd like to see in the game like Kashmir, Stairway and All Along the Watchtower, but I'd already included Slight Return and wanted some niche ones.

Edited by -A-
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Here's your weekly fixing of DLC for August 1st, 2008. We've got a second wave CrüeFest pack and 2 tracks from System of a Down. Get into it!

Tracks will be out on Tuesday on Xbox Marketplace and Thursday on the Playstation Store.


Crüe Fest 3 Pack 02 - 240 MSP - $2.99

Buckcherry – Rescue Me - 80 MSP - $0.99

Mötley Crüe – Face Down In The Dirt - 80 MSP - $0.99

Sixx AM – Life Is Beautiful - 80 MSP - $0.99


System Of A Down – B.Y.O.B. - 160 MSP - $1.99

System Of A Down – Toxicity - 160 MSP - $1.99

All tracks are masters.

Sigh, Motley Crue, again. And reduced? That sucks, reduce the good tracks >_>

SOAD's good, I'd have preferred more tracks from Toxicity, but still, I'll probably get them, as long as they're not ridiculously easy like Scars on Broadway. One fucking star? What's the point?

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I will be picking up SOAD. I doubt they will be one star songs like They Say was. That song looks insanely boring to play. I like listening to it, but don't want to buy it for something so easy. I'll also be picking up Life Is Beautiful. I would like to see them release some more Trapt if they continue these Crüe Fest packs.

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