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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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It was actually around in the original, when I was able to not look at the screen and play "You've Got Another Thing Comin" on Expert. :shifty:

So I went out and got Rock Band 2 at midnight, and so far it's been a blast. There's a lot of modes that you can play, quite a lot of options for a single player experience and a few more for band. A lot of "HELL YEAH" moments or where I got shivers because of how awesome it was to play along to a song. Will post a lengthy "review" later, but for now more rocking!

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If I had any money, I'd buy Rock Band 2... but I just spent $60 on NHL 09. I might try to push for it to end up in my hands sooner than later, but it's looking like I won't have it until at least Xmas.

At least there's still lots of DLC for me to pick up for RB1 if I find little bits of money here or there.

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I love this game. The fact that everything just seems so much better is awesome. I've only really gone through challenges so far and I really like the fact that they've incorporated the DLC in with the challenges very well. I will say though, that the song "Visions" is ridiculous.

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I love this game. The fact that everything just seems so much better is awesome. I've only really gone through challenges so far and I really like the fact that they've incorporated the DLC in with the challenges very well. I will say though, that the song "Visions" is ridiculous.

I just saw the drums on X, lolol.

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I think they're like £70 new. I want the drums myself but I dare not get the first set with all the horror stories of 'OMG I LOOKED AT MY DRUM SET AND IT FELL APART!'. I fully intend to wait and get the package for RB2 or maybe even GH:WT if the reviews are all "zOMG AMAZING!".

Speaking of drums, I just loved this picture from Joystiq's look at the ION set.


$300 drumset, you're doing it wrong.

Edited by King eLLis
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I thought they were supposed to be adding loads of stuff to the character creator? :/

They added a whole new category of clothing, the problem is that most of it is terrible, and about 1/3rd of it is dumb looking T-shirts. The existing categories only have 2-3 new items in them, if that. I don't recall seeing any new hairstyles, either. There are more faces, makeup, and glasses options, though. It's not enough, though. I was hoping they'd do something like nearly double the amount of items available.

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