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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Ragbag, do you want to go ahead and set up the band profile since you will probably be more compatible in terms of times and whatnot for people who want to play? Not sure what to call the band, if you want we can just call the band EWB right now until we figure out something later.

Also, anyone want to try and get a game going today, even if it's only three or two of us? Doesn't matter who's playing, as long as we're playing.

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Well, I decided to be insane and start on the endless setlist 2 today, and right now I just finished the 60th song in the set. Going to play for a few more minutes since I've been playing for about a good half hour or so and then work on my homework and piano/voice assignments. I'll be updating as I go along, but for the most part it's been damn near easy, I believe I've only got 4 stars on 4 or 5 songs, the rest have been 5 or golded.

UPDATE 1: Just finished my 71st song, fingers are starting to get sore, and more of the metal type songs are coming into play. Only 13 songs to go!

UPDATE 2: Also just thought I'd let you know I'm on expert guitar in case you were wondering what difficulty I was on.

UPDATE 3: Had to take a bathroom break, but the toughest song so far has been Peace Sells, still, got 4 stars on it, and haven't failed yet! Only 5 more songs to go!

UPDATE 4: Fuck Visions, that song is just there for ridiculous difficulty purposes, should have been one of the 20 bonus songs of DLC. Passed it my first try barely, but still, fuck that song. Also, beat the setlist just a few minutes ago, and although my left fingers hurt a bit, I'm sure some rest tonight will make them better. Still, pretty cool to finish that fucker and get it out of the way, and got a shitload of fans, currently my band The Ruckus has 53 million or so.

Edited by Eddie Ruckus
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Ragbag, do you want to go ahead and set up the band profile since you will probably be more compatible in terms of times and whatnot for people who want to play? Not sure what to call the band, if you want we can just call the band EWB right now until we figure out something later.

Got it done. Though no logo yet or anything and it's just called EWB as you said.

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Ragbag and Zero, you guys want to play anytime tonight for a bit? I just finished the endless setlist, and although my fingers are sore a bit, I could play a few more games with you guys if you are up to it. Just have ragbag invite us all in if that's what we decide to do.

You should've went for the bladder of steel achievement! >_>

But I'm probably going to get off after I get done with this setlist on BWT as I've gotta finish up some homework and shit.

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