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EWB's Top 50 Women Part VI: The List.


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Let us begin. In my mass laziness, I have handed comment and pic duties to Ringo, so it will go at his pace. (>_>) It will probably be five at a time because that sounds like a good rate to post and comment.


50. Carmen Electra

Ringy's Words: "I was introduced to Carmen Electra by means of Baywatch. Then I saw that Raven movie where she got fucked all over the place. It got me through my early erection years. Then I found out that was a body double. Fuck that lying bitch and I hate her."

Yeah, fuck that ho.


49. Avril Lavigne

Ringy: "She's gotten hotter over the years though that's not saying much. I remember when I was 16 and she broke out, I was finishing HS back then and I was watching a video clip of hers with a friend who said "Man, I wish she took my uncomplicated in her ass". I dunno what that means but its fabulous."

If all her videos had an automatic mute button, I'd probably like them a lot better.


48. Kylie Minogue

Ringy: "She looks like the Joker. Well no, but in all her pictures she does. I bet she'd out act that piece of shit fag Heath Ledger. I hope that guy dies."

Silly Ringo.


47. Sarah Michelle Gellar

Ringy: "I never liked SMG. Then I saw Cruel Intentions when I was young and insta-boner. Then I stopped caring for her after Scream II. Then I saw Buffy and zomg season 1-3 Buffy is zomg hot. I choose to remember her from that time."

Yeah, SMG needs more Buffy, less shitty Grudge, Return, Ring-ripoff-type movies.


46. Winona Ryder

Ringy: "Has she done anything worth a quarter of a fuck since Edward Scissorhands? I'd have raped her in Heathers though."

Dracula was good. >_>

EDIT: Changed the image. >_>

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Kylie is like 4'11 and looks more like a man than most of the men I'd fuck. SMG looked shit pre-nose job and she only got uglier after. Avril is why you guys have no fucking right to hate on Kathy Bates.

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Carmen Electra, meh, generic "Hollywood beauty" that doesn't interest me in the slightest.

Avril Lavigne, ugh. Seriously, without make-up she looks like a teenage Axl Rose.

Kyle Minogue is a dwarf. With a fucking weird face. Seriously, what's up with that?

People still care about Sarah Michelle Gellar? Meh.

Winona :wub:

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50. Carmen's one of those women that's just plain and simply hot. Kudos EWB.

49. Once she dropped the whole stupid skater girl gimmick, sorted out her eye makeup, and dressed 'trendilly' she suddenly became really hot. I love it. How the munchkin from Sum 41 pulled that I will never know.

48. Kylie's a cutie. Always was, always will be. It's her smile...well mostly her arse...but her devilish, but cute smile is good too.

47. Never really got the SMG love. I'm very much agreeing on the Cruel Intentions boner though. :) She's good looking, but probably wouldn't be in my top 50.

46. Winona Ryder, I dunno. Nothing much of note. Wouldn't be in my top 50. She is pretty cute though. I'd probably rate her above Geller when she grows her hair out. Actually, scrub that, she IS hot with long hair. :shifty:

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On with the list!






45. Misa Campo

Ringy: "This one time, Ellis had a hot chick in his avatar he stole from Kulex. The avatar was hot, so I aksed who it was and then I discovered a zip file with roughly 40mb of her pics. They're hot. True story."

True story.

(Oh and the extra pics were per Kulex's request and because quite frankly, it gave us all boners.)


44. Erica Hill

Ringy: "Erica Hill is legitimately hot. Pity she has no hot pictures."

I say she is nice but only one TechTV-to-CNN convert should be on this list and that is Sumi Das...


43. Lacey

Ringy: "lol. Generally speaking, wrestling chicks are chicks who weren't open with being pornstars but weren't hot enough to be real actresses. Obviously there's the exception, but this girl is distinclty average and I don't get why she's here."

Yeah, boo. Mickie James should have been here instead. :(


42. Rachel Blanchard

Ringy: "...okay."

She looked tapable in Snakes on a Plane, though, her character was annoying as fuck

and DIDN'T die.


41. Amanda Peet

Ringy: "I never cared for Amanda Peet. Then I saw Studio 60 and I love her. Though I think I like Jordan McDeer a hell of a lot more, because she hates reality TV. Only fucking cunts whose children/mothers deserve to die watch reality TV. It's true. All these faggots are all "Oh look, Ashely said she liked Steve but then fucked Jeremy in the hot tub. OMGOMGOMG SO COMPELLING". And then they sit there, with their fucking beady little queer eyes perched on the internet looking at videos of C-rate pornstars that make fucking Beatnik look like a sex god, and they're all "OMGOMGOMGOMG SHE IS NUDE, YOU CAN TOTALLY SEE THE GUY'S ASS BOB LEFT AND RIGHT". And why do they watch this? Because they're fucking fags and they need to die."


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Oh and my "...okay" at Rachel Blanchard is because I had nothing to say, not because I'm an asshole >_>

You missed a trick with not putting "Apparently she's in this crappy English show for fags but I wouldn't know because I haven't watched further than five minutes into the first episode on account of it giving me a massive headache."

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50. I never really been sold on her, but whatever. Seems like generic hot, not something really hot.

49. Dear God why?

48. not bad

47. not bad, but probably more worthwhile than Minogue

46. no

45. Oh, so that's who the chick in Ellis' avvy was. She looks like a porn star, or one them bitches on the Vegas prostitue business cards. And chances are I've never heard of her before because she's a porn star or a Vegas whore business card chick. But hey, she's hot at least.

44. There's this girl I know at college here, I think 44 could pass off as her mother. And the girl is very much bangable, so it's like... the mother can't be that bad on the MILF charts.

43. not bad

42. pass

41. Easily the best one so far. She's got that more wholesome look to her, unlike 45.

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40. Sarah Shahi

Ringy: "She is from one of my home countries and she's actually not hairy and fairly attractive. I approve."

I also approve. I miss her being on The L Word and Teachers. :(


39. Christina Ricci

Ringy: "I remember being a kid and thinking she was a dog in the Adams Family. Actually that was also the first time I was told what a prostitute was because I was in the theater with my parents and my dad told my mom she looked like an Austrian prostitute. I was all "yo wtf's a ho?" and my mom told me she pees on men or some shit like that I don't really remember. In any case, after that I didn't pay attention to her until I saw her in the Opposite of Sex, and in there, she was really, really, really hot. Since then she's incredibly hit or miss IMO."

She made looking like a beat up Southern ho hot. I can't hate her for that.


38. Asia Argento

Ringy: "Her dad's movies are cool. She's very hit or miss with me though. Plays excellent hookers on TV though. Probably 'cause she looks like one. I can just imagine Fitzy right now going "Asia Argento is not hot *headshake smiley*"."

I completely disagree. Which might explain why I only get into crazy women for some reason.


37. Alyson Michalka

Ringy: "I dunno who this is. ROC tells me she's a Disney chick and Beatnik told me "that one creepy guy's been voting her in since she was 15". I actually felt dirty looking for pics 'cause in some of these she's got braces. In others I think she's in Toys 'R Us. Though, contemporary pictures? She's kinda hot. Looks like she has an acidy vagina though."

HAHAHAHAHA. That is great.


36. Shirley Manson

Ringy: "I love Zero."

I love him, too. :wub:

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