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Sven talks to the Times


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Former national coach Sven-Goran Eriksson insists he is still capable of managing in England and believes he has the full support of the English public.

The Swede has been out of a job since leaving the England post after the unsuccessful 2006 World Cup campaign.

He told the Sunday Times magazine: "I have always been able to do this job. I have never heard a bad word during six years of travelling around the country.

"Everyone has always been polite to me, even after the defeat by Portugal."

England lost to the Portuguese on penalties in last year's World Cup quarter-finals.

However, Eriksson added: "If I land at Heathrow today people still want my autograph, which is nice, and a lot of them say 'Sven, you did a good job'."

The 59-year-old has been linked with a host of domestic and national sides since his departure from the England set-up, and concedes that the failures at the World Cup still haunt him.

"Before England, I had never been sacked in my life," he stated. "I don't sit here pining about it but I loved being a manager and I am still young enough to do the job.

"For the first few nights back in Sweden, I couldn't sleep and couldn't really stop thinking about what had happened. It wasn't like I was in a depression but it was a recurring thought.

"I couldn't talk about the World Cup and haven't spoken about it until now. We should have done better, I am absolutely convinced of that."

Edited by TheArsenal
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I never liked him either. His wins seemed to come from luck or the personal tenacity of a few players *despite* his tactics, rather than him actually benefitting the team. The fact that McClaren spent all that time working with him and is now doing even worse as a sort of 'Sven-lite' only further goes to prove that he really didn't have the right ideas as England coach.

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He gets too much shit in my opinion. The England team hasn't performed well for at least 15 years. He isn't the only manager that has failed with England, which kinda says something.

Edited by Lost Soul
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Isn't Sven, statistically speaking, something like the 2nd best England manager of all time or something? I remember reading that somewhere...

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The team's the problem, they're not as good as we'd like to think they are. In my opinion the only stupid decision he made in charge of England was to select 4 strikers (2 who weren't fully fit and 1 who he had no intention of playing because he was 16/17 and had never played a Premiership match) for the World Cup squad.

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Yeah that was in one the tabloids this morning. Hes second only to Ramsay i believe

The guy was a good manager for England and i dont care what anybody says. He got us to 2 quarter finals which is a lot more than the other lumps of shit did

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Some of his selections and substitutions, though I can't remember specific examples, were diabolical.

Same here. I remember regularly going "What? WHAT?!" in response to some of his selections/substitutions, but I think my mind has blocked out the specifics. :shifty:

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The problem is that the players always seemed to prevail DESPITE the tactics, rather than BECAUSE of them, and that's an example of how the statistics don't show the whole story. Some of his selections and substitutions, though I can't remember specific examples, were diabolical.
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The problem is that the players always seemed to prevail DESPITE the tactics, rather than BECAUSE of them, and that's an example of how the statistics don't show the whole story. Some of his selections and substitutions, though I can't remember specific examples, were diabolical.

This is what I was going to say. The England team did what they did IN SPITE of Erriksson, not BECAUSE of Eriksson. It was said he had the most talented England team since 1966 when we went into the World Cup - and if he could still get it that wrong then it's Sven that is the problem. How many years was it that people were calling for Becks to be dropped? How many years has it been that people have been saying drop one of Lampard or Gerrard? Sven never made the rght decisions and that has to tell you he was a bad manager.

And how many are now asking for him to be brought back or at least reconsidered?

Honestly, I don't think these players are all they're cracked up to be, outside of Terry and Gerrard (with Lampard when he can be fucked) we're a pretty mediocre team no matter how much our media tries to pretend we're not. Owen's not been the same since his hamstrings started going 3-4 years ago, Rooney's really on and off and doesn't really suit the English style of play anyway, meaning we have far more off days than on days for the national team. Ferdinand has always been nothing but hype and good in the air, Robinson's good, but there are better keepers on the international circuit, and I really can't be arsed with the rest.

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He wasn't good, but he wasn't bad. For a team like England, you want good and nothing less.

On a 'did I like him or not' note, no I didn't. He's as exciting as an empty box in terms of personality, was constantly caught up in some media crap that I didn't give a shit about (seriously, does it really matter who he's banging? it's his own fucking business) and seems to be rather up himself. Even more so now that he's blowing his own trumpet over his performance.

I know this sounds typically Scottish, but I really don't think England will win another major trophy unless they get a Scottish manager. I mean, you saw what Walter Smith could do for Scotland, imagine that amplified by the quality and such of the England team? I'd like to think if Alex Ferguson does retire from club management he'd try his hand at managing Scotland or England. Gordon Strachan could do well as England manager as well I'd think.

But there are English managers who deserve the opportunity. Steve McLaren is one of those, so let's see how well he does over his tenure, not just his first handful of matches.

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