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I like Battles. They're good for listening to when you're not overly paying attention.

And Skummy, for Guillemots, just pick up Through The Windowpane, the entire album, if you can. It's infinitely better as a whole piece, rather than separate pieces. I highly recommend them, and think you'll like them.

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I take back every bad word I said about Maximo Park. I saw them last night at some free 'festival' up here. I believe Larrikin Love were playing it, but they've split up, so I'm not sure if they actually did (If they did, I missed them). I only saw 'The Park', a bit of Echo & The Bunnymen and some random electro/indie band or something that had a song going "I like black girls. I like white girls. I like Asian girls. I like mixed raced girls." Was a great laugh. If not purely for the fact we were absolutely fucking lashed (I still am, kind of...sobered up after a quick kip and a toastie. I love toasties. :D) and smuggled cans in, in our socks - WAS A FUCKING PLAN AND A HALF THOUGH!!!

But yeah, Maximo Park were great. And some random alright looking girl said I was gorgeous. It was a good day. :shifty:

And "B(h)OLA" LEAKED!!!!! IAceI better get on MSN early today, it's killing me not listening to it. The album version of "Calling" is especially badass...FLAMENCO/OLD WEST ACOUSTIC GUITAR!!! Not how I envisaged the intro to be honest.

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I haven't listened to it yet. :( I'm waiting for IAceI to get online, I promised him a conjoint listen, I'm fucking dying here. It's supposadely a very 'happy' record. A much more 'mainstream' and slower sound than the older Strung Out albums. And everything I've heard, buzz-wise thus far has been good, there's supposadely a bit of an 80's vibe to hit apparently, which I seriously cannot wait to hear. I've heard the first track on the album, and lets say I was surprised, to have a 'punk-rock' album start with a 20/30 second flamenco/old western, acoustic guitar/whistling shindig is just weird to me. Just download it. I never miss the opportunity to shill SO. In short..."YES"....but that goes for everyone. Everyone will like it. I will MAKE them like it. Unless it's shite. :shifty:

One problem I have with the album (Even though I haven't heard it) is how un-Strung Out the song names seem to be, "Orchid" is a badass name, I really like "Party In The Hills" as a name as well, but still like "The King Has Left The Building", "Dirty Little Secret", "Diver" (Just because it's an AWS song :shifty:) and "Letter Home", just don't seem like SO song names. :( But then again, EIO had the fucking ridiculous "Skeletondanse", which is the shittest name for a good song ever.

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Hahaha, it had to be fucking today didn't it?

I'm posting this now, but I have to be away soon and I won't get back till 9:30-10ish probably. If you want to listen YI go ahead and listen, I don't mind, if you want to wait I'll be as quickly as I can :D

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Hahaha, it had to be fucking today didn't it?

I'm posting this now, but I have to be away soon and I won't get back till 9:30-10ish probably. If you want to listen YI go ahead and listen, I don't mind, if you want to wait I'll be as quickly as I can :D

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This is officially the most beautiful thing ever. :shifty: "The King Has Left The Building" is fucking brilliance. Musically, lyrically. It's just fucking awesome. Could definately break into the list of my favourit SO songs after a few listens. "I drank the wine, I parted seas and walked the mile/I betrayed you all with the promise I'd come back/Empire dont talk to me anymore"... :wub: And I think they may have surpassed the solo from "Everday" with "Mission Statement". For the most part lyrically it as a lot more straight forward than EIO and even AAP. But we've gotten to the stage where everyone's metaphor crazy, and Jason can still turn a phrase with the best of them when he needs to. But they've managed to craft another DIFFERENT release. 7 albums, 15 years and still they've surprising people. I fucking love it. Though parts of "Letter Home" and "All The Nations" sounds suspiciously like Lost Prophets. :shifty:

It's a fucking immense sing-a-long album. It's been 2 and a half years since EIO came out, and I've still not really got the words down pat, but after like 3/4 listens lots of this is already engraved in my head. This is partly due to the good production job. Hyde did a fucking AWFUL job on EIO, but he's certainly righted his wrongs here. In fact, everything about this is basically righting the wrongs of EIO, it's awesome. EIO had awful flow, this flows excellently, even though it sounds so different. It all tags together so well. On EIO the metal aspect seemed a little forced, but here it just literally sounds like they've truly found a comfortable sound, and one that sounds legitimate. You've got the pop-punk aspect which suits Jason and Rob, you've got Jake and Chris bringing the metal (Fuck, Chris actually does some really cool shit on here...most notably around 2:30 in "The King Has Left The Building", it's borderline orgasmic)...and then you've got Jordan bringing his best drum performance since EOSD, hell, it may even be better than EOSD. His drum beats MAKE "Dirty Little Secret"...which is suspiciously poppy and nice for SO, but the drumming is great.

I was really concerned at first, as I wasn't really digging the title track and "Party In The Hills", however they're growing on me. PITH still reminds me a little too much of "Angeldust" for my liking, but the riffs/intro in the title track is great. I'm not sure how the solos are split out between Jake and Rob, but I think this album will continue the path of Jake having more solos, as he's the 'metal' guy. Oh, and props to "Diver" for continuing the tradition of AWESOME ending tracks. Though, I kind of think, "Mission Statement" would have been a better ender.

Yeah, best songs on the first 3/4 listens - "The King Has Left The Building", "Mission Statement", "War Called Home", "Downtown", "Diver", "All The Nations", "Calling"....fuck, it's just good.

Definate top 10 for the year, I'm predicting it already. Only time will tell if it will compete with EOSD and STWB (The latter is VERY UNLIKELY...but it may relegated EOSD to 2nd best SO album, I don't know. :shifty:)

They've come on so much technically over the years, it's amazing.

I agree with IAceI, anyone who doesn't have this doesn't deserve oxygen. Hell, you don't have to be a punk-rock fan, it's basically bordering mainstream alt-rock most of the time. The melodies are great.

I'm off to bed, so I will leave you all with the moshable...screamable....






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Jordan's drumming in this album is absolutely fucking immense. It's awesome to hear, because a lot of bands use drums just to provide that repetitive beat often using on beat with the occassional fill, something I could probably do, but Jordan makes it an absolute art form. Really, it's absolutely amazing. Plus the guitar work fits so well, and then Jason's voice just really rounds it all off.

I'd love to list my favourite songs, but I love them all. Calling is such a great intro, really gets you into the album straight away, the intros to the self-titled track and Party in the Hills are just immense, the whole song of Party in the Hills is amazing. Really, the whole album is just beautiful, and absolute masterpiece.

Everyone, go get it.

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My only major gripe is they double track Jason's vocals, which is something only Hyde has done, and Greene never did, as far as I remember. I admit that he's not as good as a vocalist as he used to be, their live videos show this, but still, seems a little weird to me, or it might just be the vocals are a little high in the mix. When you listened through headphones, they just seem a little overpowering. "The King Has Left The Building" and "Mission Statement" are borderline orgasmic.

In other news. I think I'm in love with Mandy Moore. :shifty:

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So Dizzee Rascal finally leaked!

And it's good, but I think it has too much of a Volta effect where there are good songs (somehow I really really like "Wanna Be" w/ Lily Allen as well as the one with Alex Turner of Arctic Monkeys on it) but it's mostly weak. Also, it feels way too damn long, even at only around 50 minutes.

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Dizzee Rascal. :o Everyone HAS to love Dizzee Rascal. Hell, even my dad likes Dizzee Rascal.

And i'm really pissed off, as my plan was to go down to London and see Strung Out towards the end of this month, and crash at my brothers for a couple of days. However he's 'home' that week, meaning that plan is out. Grrrrrrrrr!!! I might look into going to the Manchester show then. Not sure. I just want to fuckings see them. :(

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Help needed.

"Influence of Geography" by The Southland.



And in news, the new Minus The Bear has leaked. Haven't given it a proper listen yet.

And I guess it's pretentious enough to go here. The new Alkaline Trio song is fucking badass. They're one of those bands I still really like despite the 'dramatic' shift in sound. They're never going to replicate "Maybe I'll Catch Fire" or "Goddamnit" (They're remixing/rereleasing it or something, SACRILEGE!!!!), so it's possibly wise that this song sounds like some kind of hybrid between the past two albums. It's got the "Crimson" 'sound' to it, but the drive and structure that the songs of "Good Mourning" had. And a general comment on Alk3. It is really sad when a bands 2 best songs are on their 'B-side' collection CD. Those songs being "Jaked On Green Beers" and "Warbrain".

You can hear it on their myspace: www.myspace.com/alkalinetrio

The new Alk3 album would be great. But I've rather have another Falcon album and a UK tour. :shifty:

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