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My fave part so far was the twins playing rock, paper, scissors


"These hats have made us psycopaths!"

Is it wrong the more dumb they seem, the more I want to bang them?

And if you think Charley is bad now, wait till she's plastered over every celeb magazine from OK! to Zoo and her ego finally implodes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The amount of crap that can come out of the mouth of Charley fuck me she is full of shit, but she is right about what she said about Chanelle, Charley and Ziggy seem to be getting on ok now but he so paranoid. Liam the AJ Styles wanna be could win Big Brother but I don't think he will, the twins are super hot after watching there water fight last night live if you missed it hard luck to ya.

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If Brian doesn't win this, there is something wrong with people.

As a side note, I think this is probably the most entertaining BB since #5, though not as good as #5 and probably not as good as #3 either. I'd rank it 3rd out of those I've seen, bearing in mind I didn't watch last year's because it was shite and I never saw the first one.

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It's the second best after BB5 because it has some likeable people in it and isn't loaded with the most annoying people possible (last year had Aisleyne, who's worse than Charley, and ugly and also had people like Shahbaz and Spiral, BB6 had an unspeakable amount of pricks, Makosi, Kemal, Kinga, Derek, Science, ugh). BB5 will always be best, because no housemate can match the awesomeness of Victor. BB1-4 are all so boring compared to 5-8, but BB3 would still rank higher than BB6 at least.

Edited by Anothername
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It's the second best after BB5 because it has some likeable people in it and isn't loaded with the most annoying people possible (last year had Aisleyne, who's worse than Charley, and ugly and also had people like Shahbaz and Spiral, BB6 had an unspeakable amount of pricks, Makosi, Kemal, Kinga, Derek, Science, ugh). BB5 will always be best, because no housemate can match the awesomeness of Victor. BB1-4 are all so boring compared to 5-8, but BB3 would still rank higher than BB6 at least.
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It's the second best after BB5 because it has some likeable people in it and isn't loaded with the most annoying people possible (last year had Aisleyne, who's worse than Charley, and ugly and also had people like Shahbaz and Spiral, BB6 had an unspeakable amount of pricks, Makosi, Kemal, Kinga, Derek, Science, ugh). BB5 will always be best, because no housemate can match the awesomeness of Victor. BB1-4 are all so boring compared to 5-8, but BB3 would still rank higher than BB6 at least.

The TV ratings and most people would disagree. Matter of opinion I guess. :blink:

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Could someone please jump over that cunt Davina's head? I watched Charley's eviction last night and she said to Charley "You will go back into the house when Davina says"....ugh..DIE!

At the start of the interview, Davina stated it would not be a normal interview and that she was reading pre-prepared statements and questions from Big Brother, and even started every question with "Big Brother would like to know...". So it was Big Brother referring to Davina, rather than Davina referring to herself in the 3rd person.

And Charley is actually just entirely full of shit, or she really is that delusional that she thought the crowd liked her. Is she fucking deaf? I doubt her ego will fit through the door when she gets evicted for real.

EDIT: And Brian to win?! The guy's a moron! And the last time the public made a total thicko from BB a star was Jade Goody, and Lord knows we don't want to make the same mistake twice.

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BB3 was the best BB by a surprisingly large distance although ironically it had the worst winner pretty much.

Brian mustn't win cos his stupidity annoys me. I wish Charley would just go. I find her in no way entertaining. Strangely I'm starting to like Gerry a bit more these days.

1) Ziggy

2) Liam

3) Gerry

I never like the females on BB cos the thought of living with them makes me feel ill - women always come over annoying, too emotional and too mood-changey-hyper for me on this. However when the guys are having a laugh I can understand where they're coming from.

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