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Is it that time of year again, where people in a house sit watching other people in a house doing tasks and trying to survive.

So who out of you all will be watching the start of it this week, I didn't think it would even go ahead this year after the bust up with Jade Goody and Shilpa Shetty, but it is.

Also did you hear about the Australian version of the show, one of the contestants wasn't told that her Father has passed away.

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Apparently there was talk of banning bikini tops, there's also a secret garden, and there is only one single bed with the others sleeping three or four.

Still gonna be shite though.

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Banning bikini tops?

Is it just me, or was that the only reason anyone watched BB? Apart from Jade Goody or course :shudder:

(I must be the only person in the world that thought Kinga was quite cute ¬_¬)

Yeah, as in they can wear the bikini bottoms but not the top, so...topless-ness. Just a rumour, but I wouldn't be surprised at all as C4 are desperate for someone to have sex.

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Seriously, there's very little point in anyone trying to disguise the fact that Channel 4 want nothing other than 2 people to have sex on the show. They can make the house have a 'theme', they can give them bizarre shopping tasks, they can spice up the nominations, but at the end of the day they just want a couple to have a shag, thinking that's what people want to see. So every year they chuck in the most mentally unhinged/sexually fired up people they can find, throw them a party with all the booze they want every couple of days, make the beds larger, the series longer and the 'tasks' more flirty and hope it all adds up to what they want. It's ridiculous. The funniest thing will be when it does happen and it just turns everyone off, because let's be honest, who the hell wants to see it anyway? It won't be 'true love' like Davina is eager to see unfold, it'll just be a totally embarassing drunken fumble in a dark corner.

I'll probably watch the opening night to see what misfits they come up with this year and then weep for humanity because there are actually people like that out there.

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Another rumour going around is The Big Brother Wedding.

They want 2 housemates to get married not a fake BB5 type wedding but a real legal wedding if 2 housemates agree they will get a car each as a wedding gift and big brother would prefer it to be a gay/lesbian wedding but a straight wedding would be great as well.

Edited by Frederick Jameson
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I'm also guessing:

2 gay

1 lesbian

1 openly bi

1 who realises they're bi

2 teenagers

1 in 40s

2 in 30s

2 boob jobs

1 penis job

2 black

2 indian/pakistani

1 chinese/thai

1 who had a failed page 3 career

2 who "are just mental, I mean I'm TOTALLY CRAZY AND MENTAL!!¬!¬!11!"

1 gay hater

1 person with some form of mental illness

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Today everyone is complaining because the police have had to set up a special unit to watch Big Brother in case of any racism or bullying.

GET BACK OUT ON THE BEAT! and so forth.

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Guest chatterbox

I'll watch it, complain about it, watch it again for a wekk, complain about it, call it the worst thing on TV, and never miss an episode. it is what i always do.

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Hammy nails the supposed strata of British society on the head there. Every year it gets more mental, though.

I always watch the first night, just so when anybody I know brings it up, I can nod along whilst secretly planning where to put their mass idiot grave. Somewhere in Epping, maybe.

Also, the first night is actually incredibly interesting. I read quite a lot of psychology, especially social psychology and such, and the first night is the only time in recent years when the reason the first series was so interesting comes across - it's amazing to watch people organise themselves into groups at the drop of a hat. When any group of people interact, they automatically and mostly unconsciously form a hierarchy, from A-D.

A's at the top, D's at the bottom and B's and C's in between. Also you get the occasional Z in certain groups, who operates outside of the hierarchy because they're in some way different enough to fall outside of this - the only woman in a group of men, or a gay person, are classic examples. What's amazing about Big Brother is that they pick so many Z types, and a lot of A and B types, but rarely Cs and Ds because they're often quite dull, comparatively. So it's cool to watch the A's fight for control, to see if the Z's become integrated into the hierarchy, and so on and so forth.

Of course, after the first few days, it all becomes about the fucking.

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So apparently Imogen from last years has done a topless shoot for Zoo. Getting her last payday before the next lot of trollops come in to adorn the lads mags for the next year.

I think that pretty much sets the tone for tommorow onwards. <_<

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