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FIFA '08

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The demo is now available in the UK, I downloaded it earlier this evening. You get to play a 4 minute half and there's five or six teams you can be. As Biggz said it's not too different from last year's game (which is good really because I thought last year's gameplay was excellent) but I'm disappointed they didn't include the power through ball that was on Champions League. Graphics as always look great. There's also some nifty tricks you can pull off but they'll take a bit of getting used to I feel, I couldn't get straight into them. Not bad, though.
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That's not a Be the Pro demo, that's been in all of EA's next gen football ventures during the loading screen

I was under the impression that it was a taster of the engine for "Be a pro." Controlling one player from the 3rd person...Sounded about right. Guess not.

Although it's not really anything to do with the be a pro mode, essentially that's what be a pro is going to be like. The camera works in the same way i believe (zooming on the player as he has the ball/move towards goal or giving a wider view the further away from the ball you are etc.) and obviously the way the player is controlled will be exactly the same. So even though it's not an official demo of the mode you could class it as a taster of what to expect.

So by adding this to the demo I assumed it was to try-out the "Be a Pro" gameplay which in turn could of course be classed as a demo.

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I get tired of people saying EA's games are the same year after year. They actively try to make adjustments every year, and the gameplay is pretty much the same as last year but you can see the slight adjustments they've made from year to year, not to mention this year was spent mainly on the Be a Pro mode and extending their online play taking the first step to 11 on 11.

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Well, I would wait until a true next gen PES is released until we judge which is better. Sure FIFA 08 might be better then PES 06, but that was pretty much 5 lite shipped to the 360.

The next PES will be the real litmus test for the series, and will show whether they have managed to rise to FIFA's challenge.

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Tried the FIFA 08 demo, didn't like it. I'm getting PES2008 instead. I don't think there has been enough of a change in the gameplay since 07 to warrant a purchase, and the cosmetic alterations that have been made I don't like (is it just me or has all the text shrunk?).

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To me, the gameplay isn't the problem with Fifa...it's the general easy-ness of it. Even on the hardest level in 07 I found it easy (For PS2) so I only played it for a week until PES came out.

And to be honest, PES wasn't the hardest one to play of the series either. I'd say PES5 is harder than what 6 is. I'd like both games alot more if they made them alot harder. The harder the game, the better I think.

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To me, the gameplay isn't the problem with Fifa...it's the general easy-ness of it. Even on the hardest level in 07 I found it easy (For PS2) so I only played it for a week until PES came out.

Have you played the FIFA 08 demo? I can't even score let alone win. And that's with Barcelona against New York.

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